Medical Master

Vol 6 Chapter 329: Where is the nameless?

The little saint is gone.

The scene was immediately empty.

The area that seemed to be extremely lively, instantly became quiet.

Next to Yuanyang fruit.

The Australian official who was forced into a desperate situation by all major forces immediately saw a sigh of relief. The incomparably dignified and nervous look was completely relaxed at this time.

After all, people are already running, and they don't have to really detonate.

Three hundred meters away.

Seeing this scene, Fang Qiu also gave a big breath.

Fortunately, the bomb was not really detonated, or the trouble would be big.

Mindful movements, Fangqiu secretly sneaked into the sand, ready to withdraw and temporarily concealed.


"People are gone."

The official Australian spokesperson went to Mason and Zhang said: "Although people are scared away, these people will certainly not stop. When the time comes, they will definitely come again."


Mason nodded, and Zhang said: "We have escaped for a while now, but in the end it will definitely be difficult."

"What should we do?"

The official Australian spokesperson smiled.

"no way."

Mason shook his head and said: "You also saw that there are too many people coming from all over the world, and these people are very strong. I can deal with a few of them, but I can’t deal with them all, even if we are all When people are together, they will definitely not be their opponents."

"Not to mention, there is still a namelessness in the dark."


The official Australian spokesperson’s face sank.

The nameless strength he has seen with his own eyes, even Mason has lost to the unknown, and from the fighting power of the nameless, even if they all add together, they will not necessarily be unnamed opponents, let alone It is another power.

"Don't we give up?"

An official Australian spokesperson, could not help but smile and said: "This is the territory of our country. This is something that belongs to us. Is it so blind to see if this is taken away by them?"

"You can only take a step and take a step."

Mason shook his head and said: "It's not good. Let's really burn them with them. Whenever possible, evacuate the crowd and try to reduce the loss. I stay here, at least to save my life!"


far away.

Moving under the sand layer, Fangqiu is like a sand worm, and it is very fast to come a kilometer away.

The place to take the lead.

It is just the top of a sand dune.

The head has not yet emerged, and the eyes have seen the outside situation.

When I saw the situation outside, Fang Qiu immediately dive again and did not dare to come out again.

Because, he actually saw people from all walks of life around the world.

Fangqiu thought.

These people should return to the city to replenish and find ways to cope, find a way to come back.


When I left, I didn't use God's knowledge to probe.

Unexpectedly, even one kilometer away, they ran into these people.

Mindful thoughts.

Fangqiu immediately concentrated on the sensation of the gods, and all the circumstances around the 100-meter range all came to me in an instant.

Fangqiu found.

The people gathered here are all the people of the world, even the little lord is here, and those who are local in Australia are not in this place.

Looks like.

These forces are not prepared to go far and want to discuss the results here.

Under the exploration of the gods.

Fang Qiu clearly found that these forces had no intention of uniting with each other for the time being. Everyone discussed their own and did not take the initiative to propose a joint effort with others.


Among these forces, Nirvana is an exception.

Although the little lord only brought two people, other countries and people of power have their eyes on the side of the little lord.

Some people in the country and the forces have gone to the little lord with a smile, and they greet the little lord with a good face.

It seems obvious that I want to pull the relationship.

Act first.

It is the British who are in two ratios with the Nirvana organization.

The leader of the British side smiled and kept complimenting the little lord. As a result, the little lord's face was indifferent and he did not accept his flattering.

At the beginning.

When everyone around saw the British taking the initiative to shoot the little saints, everyone was very resentful and felt that the British were shameless.

Later, when I saw that the little saints did not take care of the British side, everyone was upset.

Other powers, one by one, went to visit the little lord and went to the relationship with the little lord.


The American side sneered again and again.

In his view, the little lord of the Nirvana organization will certainly not take care of these people, because only they can join forces with Nirvana, because only their strength can be recognized by Nirvana, not to mention the two times before.


The US side is not in a hurry to seize the position, but to let other forces touch the little lord. If the little lord sees which side of the power, it is not bad.

After all, this time Nirvana even sent the little saints, and the purpose is definitely to deal with the nameless. With their previous experience of dealing with the nameless, it is obviously not so easy to kill the nameless.

Therefore, if you can recruit more people and deal with the nameless, the odds will definitely be a big point.



After some investigation.

Fangqiu did not stop and quietly left.

He knows that if he continues to explore here, he will not find any useful information. If he sees all the flattering, it is better to leave, and find a place to think about it, what to do next.


Going out for another kilometer, Fangqiu once again emerged, and after confirming that no one was around, he was physically moved and flew out directly, and quickly swept away in the distance.

It was only 15 kilometers away from Momo that it was temporarily stopped.

I began to think about it while monitoring the range of eighty kilometers around with my knowledge.

"It has been three days now. It is still 12 days from the full maturity of Yuanyang. From the attitude of the official Australians, in the 12 days, Yuanyang is definitely not. What's the problem!"

Fangqiu nodded secretly and whispered: "But then those forces will definitely continue to press on the Australian official step by step. The Australian official is likely to choose jade and burn without any retreat. By the time, Yuanyangguo will be gone. This is absolutely impossible."

"You must find a way!"


Underground Power Forum.

All the things happening on the scene, all of them were sent to the underground forces forum by the locals in Australia, and some other informants and spies who were sent by other forces to inquire about the news.

"Encounter containment, the Australian official use bombs!"

This title is out.

It immediately attracted the attention of countless people on the forum.

Click on the post to see it.

In the post, it turned out that the entire process was described in an incomparably detailed way. Even the number of bombs was clearly written, and of course there were photos.

Seeing these content and photos, everyone on the forum was dumbfounded.

"The trough, isn't it?"

"Is even the bombs come up?"

"Four car bombs, my goodness, does the Australian official make things so big?"

"Terror! So many bombs, who can stand it?"

"Nirvana Little Lord? Very young?"

"I really have the courage, I dare to force the Australian official so absolutely, the Nirvana organization is not ordinary!"

"I didn't expect that the Australian official turned out to be so decisive. Even the bombs were brought in, and they were buried in public. The most important thing is that they also handed the bomb's remote detonator to a ss-class superpower. This is Make it clear to everyone, don't want to grab my bomb detonator."

"Scatch? Just kidding, to grab something from a ss-class powerhouse, it's just as difficult as a needle in a hay!"

"I think the Australian official approach is very sensible. Although they have already sent a very strong force, but with this power alone, they can't fight so many forces around the world, and those forces are not vegetarian."

"It seems that the Australian authorities have made up their minds. Once they are really threatened, I am as likely as they will immediately detonate the bomb."

"This time, it gave the Australian official a big breathing space, because the bombs have been buried, so they don't need to worry about the bombs, they can't be detonated, because their bombs will inevitably be detonated if they want If you do more, they can borrow this time to continue to transport the bombs and expand the scope of the explosion to 500 meters!"

"If this is the case, then in the end it is very likely that no one will get the Yuanyang fruit!"

"Really, this is possible."

"Right, no name?"

It’s just that everyone is madly discussing how the world’s major forces will respond to the Australian official, and how Australian officials will cope with the world’s persecution. One person suddenly said this.

See this sentence.

Everyone on the scene, everyone on the forum, suddenly glimpsed.

"Yes, where is the nameless?"

"You don't mention me, I just forgot that there is no name."

"After being rid of the name, it has not appeared. Even if such a big thing happened, he did not show up. What is the situation?"

"Where did this guy go?"

"It seems that the Australian official has not counted the namelessness. The namelessness is also a hindrance to them!"

"Is there any news of no name, where did he go?"



Within a kilometer of Yuanyangguo, surrounded by a high dune, the forces of the world are here to discuss.

Originally, these people, all of whom wanted to please the Nirvana organization very much, wanted to please the little saints, but they found that the little saints did not pay attention to them.

On the side of the United States, after watching all the forces against the little Lord, the leading talents stepped forward.

"Little Lord, nice to meet you."

Before coming to the small saint, the leader of the United States introduced himself with a smile: "My name is Tony Lang."

"Hello there."

Listening to the self-introduction of the American leader, the little lord nodded and spoke.

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