Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief. If the woman really lost her mind and jumped on her like a mad dog, I'm afraid that the shame would not be washed away for the rest of her life. Thanks to her fear, she just took a mouthful of it and was paralyzed.

"All right, all right, you take that ghost thing quickly, delete the recorded one and turn it off! Well, you'd better put on your clothes first. Damn it

Bai Qin stood up shivering, pulled a skirt and put it on quickly. He looked like he had finished the task. Lin Yan had a black thread. What the hell is it?

But Lin Yan himself is still naked, and he can't take care of this woman's shamelessness. He nods to signal her to take the next step.

Bai Qin quickly climbed over and took down the video recorder. He didn't dare to play any tricks to delete it all. He also used it to Lin Yan to verify it. After getting permission, he timidly said, "can you really let me go?"

When Huizi Baiqin turned on the headlights in the room and stood so close, Lin Yan could not bear to see the woman's loose lower eyelids and lipstick stained on her teeth. He said irritably, "put on my clothes first!"

Bai Qin quickly and politely grabs a towel to wipe Lin Yan clean, and then helps him dress one by one. Finally, he doesn't have to keep taking advantage of her anytime and anywhere. In this way, Lin Yan is relieved.

When the anesthesia was about to pass, his muscles were sore. In addition, he was annoyed to see Baiqin Pug around him. Lin Yan said impolitely: "pinch my leg."

Bai Qin was really able to kneel down and knead Lin Yan's aching thighs, not to mention that the dead woman was really good at serving men. She massaged him properly from top to bottom and from one to another with moderate strength.

While enjoying the massage, Lin Yan closed his eyes and fell asleep. But Bai Qin didn't stop. After pressing his legs, he stood up to help him massage his shoulders and arms. Ma Shaji's service was very good.

Finally, Lin Yan woke up, raised his hands and stretched his waist. Then he suddenly found that he had recovered his ability of self action. Looking at Bai Qin's flattering smile, he still pressed his shoulder and sweat on his forehead, he felt a trace of pity and said, "don't press, sit down."

"I'm not tired."

Lin Yan wakes up after a nap. Looking at Bai Qin's flattering face, he suddenly realizes that it is impossible for this woman to keep track of his whereabouts so accurately that no one informs him.

Bai Qin just wanted to take the opportunity to beg for mercy. He listened to Lin Yan coldly and said, "Song Qinghua didn't know that I would walk by the river. How did you ambush so accurately?"

"Song Qinghua said that you didn't let the car take you away, alone Well, it's none of his business. I happened to see you and started. " Bai Qin was cheated by Lin Yan and revealed song Qinghua. It's no use changing his words.

Lin Yan sneered: "it's really him! Bai Qin, song Ke is infatuated with you. You might as well marry him. As far as I know, he is the only man who dares to hold injustice for you after your accident. "

"I won't marry him."

Lin Yan gas smile: "ha, I thought you white Dean good three inch Ding this son, originally not ah."

Bai Qin said with disdain, "it's just that you're short. The guy is no different from a toothpick. When you see my mother's hand and mouth and work hard for half a day, you'll give up at most three times. If it wasn't for this infatuation, I wouldn't bother to perfunctory him."

Lin Yan was once again refreshed by this woman. She is so shameless, realistic, utilitarian and bullying that she should not take revenge because of the previous events. Does she have another purpose to hijack herself tonight?

"Bai Qin, do you know director Zhao Nanyue?"

Bai Qin is annoyed to expose song Qinghua. He doesn't know if Lin Yan will even pinch this line. When he hears Zhao Nanyue's name, he turns pale: "chief Lin, you just said you'd let me go. Why do you mention director Zhao?"

Lin Yan sneered: "hijacking me, a government worker, is more serious than your stupid leakage of work secrets last time. If I inform director Zhao to come and arrest someone, it won't be a problem for three months."

"You said clearly He said, "let me go."

"With your intelligence, you can't run such a big risk and lose money business. Besides revenge, do you want to coerce me to finish it for you?"

Bai Qin nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "I have 1.1 million yuan in Xintong. I want to catch your weakness and let you help me get this money out."

"Quite a lot!" Lin Yan suddenly realized that it was only this kind of real interests that would make Bai Qin take risks.

Bai Qin cried. This time he really cried: "no, I'm from a widow's family. It's not easy to save this money. Now that the public office is gone, there's only this pension fund left. If the chicken flies, I'll be a poor woman."

Lin Yan stares at Bai Qin. She cries so ugly. On the contrary, she is more pitiful than the coquettish appearance just now. There must be something hateful about the poor man! Such a woman can be shameless, but why not live a better life?She is a widow who has no husband. She relies on her body to seek benefits, does not harm the officials or the people. She is willing to fight and suffer with the men who covet her body. She can despise her and dislike her. How can she have the heart to see that she is in trouble and has done something wrong and still hold on to her and send her in again?

Before, he wanted to coax Bai Qin to let him go, and then he called the police and arrested her. At this moment, Lin Yan gave up his previous idea.

"Since your money is in Xintong, why don't you go through the normal procedures to report and then wait for the unified processing of the working group, but take the risk to hijack me?"

"I..." Bai Qin's tears rolled down: "I don't believe the working group can solve this problem. Someone told me that even if we can get money from Xintong, it's not enough for those big people to share. Where can we get money from retail investors like us? Only you can get money. I really can't have nothing. I just want to..."

Lin Yan's heart sank: "who told you that Xintong got the money to the big man first?"

Bai Qin's eyes flickered, and he didn't say anything.

Lin Yan's face sank: "Baiqin, to tell you the truth, just now, I have pity on you. If you don't want to investigate your criminal act of hijacking me, forget it. If you hide and tuck me in, don't blame me for being cruel."

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, I say, I say! It's Luo Juting who told me. "

Lin Yan stands up in surprise, grabs Bai Qin's shoulders with both arms, and asks with cold light in her eyes: "you are lying. Luo Juting has been controlled by the working group and her mobile phone has been confiscated. How can she inform you?"

Bai Qin was so frightened that he trembled all over. His teeth trembled and he said, "I I dare not lie, really It's really Luo Juting who told me.

During the day, I actually went to the communication working group and participated in the meeting presided over by you. After the meeting, I went to see Luo Juting. She told me that you can make money for me. "

Lin Yan could see that Bai Qin didn't lie, which made him furious. He forced him to ask, "why didn't I see you when you attended the meeting? Tell me in detail about the process of meeting Luo Juting. "

Bai Qin said, "I went to dress up on purpose today. You can't see that I'm not surprised. Luo Juting and I are very good friends. She took the money from me in the form of a personal IOU. I'm sure I'll find her when something goes wrong.

Luo Juting has a private contact number. I sent her a text message, and she sent me a text message to go to her room at 9 pm to find her. She lives in room 611. I went on time, but I didn't see anyone guarding her. I knocked on the door and forced her to pay me back.

Luo Juting cried and said that she still had four million yuan to take out. Now she wanted money but not life. I pinched her neck to die with her. She struggled away and told me that there was still money on the book, but it was all reserved by the working group to curry favor with the leaders. My money would never come out, unless I can get you to agree, then I can have some hope. "

Lin Yan's heart is sinking. It turns out that the working group's control over important witnesses is so loose. In addition, Luo Juting's holiness is revealed to Bai Qin even though he knows such a clear inside story.

"That is to say, Luo Juting gave you the idea that you coerced me?"

Lin Yan just casually asked, did not expect to be confirmed.

However, Bai Qin nodded: "yes, Luo Juting said that although you are a young Deputy group leader with a low level, you have a terrible root. Now no one but you can use the 30 million on the book. But just because you have thick roots, the general relationship can't beat you at all, unless I seize your weakness and threaten you.

Luo Juting also said, "the hero is sad about the beauty pass. Sister Bai's best skill is the beauty trick. The government will hold a celebration banquet for group leader Lin tonight, and he will definitely be drunk. I believe sister Bai can cook him into a bowl of rice for you. At that time, I'm afraid he won't solve the problem for you."

I'm afraid I won't get the money back. I'm flustered. When I get out of the hotel, I call song Qinghua. Unexpectedly, he says that you are really attending the banquet, so I completely believe Luo Juting's words. Originally, I wanted to do it at the gate of your community. Unexpectedly, song Qinghua said that you didn't take a car to walk, so I followed you to the woods and started. "

Lin Yan is cold all over. Luo Juting knows him and the situation of the working group like the palm of her hand. Even Bai Qin can reveal the situation. He can't tell how many people have heard about it. Then, the commitment to solve the fund problem for the leaders must be revealed!

Lin Yanji asked: "when you go to Luo Juting's room, is there really no guard to stop you?"

Bai Qin must have shaken his head: "no, the corridor on the sixth floor is empty. But I didn't dare to take the elevator. When I slipped up the stairs, I found that all your staff were on the third floor. I could hear voices in the stairwell. It was very lively. "

At this moment, Lin Yan is a little lucky that Bai Qin's stupidity has hijacked him. Otherwise, the serious problems in the monitoring of the working group and the leakage of funds are kept in the dark, which is a great hidden danger that may lead to a devastating blow!

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