Lin Yan sincerely said: "thank you for mayor Qian's recognition and encouragement. Let me just say a few points. If I can't, please criticize."

The first time Lin Yan reported to such a high-level leader, he didn't seem nervous. It wasn't that he was really gifted and skillful in officialdom, but that he was in line with the saying that "the ignorant are fearless".

It's not that Lin Yan is really ignorant and stupid, but that Lin Yan, a lucky man who stumbles into officialdom, starts from too high a starting point.

Because Zhao Weiyang recognized Qin Shaowei as his brother-in-law, is the level of secretary of the municipal Party committee high?


Then, he made friends with Li Guanlin, Tian Qiushuang, Zhao shensan, Li Lixin and Wu Yutao, who are all powerful tycoons, and everyone spared no effort to help him.

This directly led to Lin Yan's extremely vague concept of the gap between the upper and lower levels. He did not understand that there were at least 17 or 8 levels between the mayor and him.

Lin Yan's ignorance is extremely arrogant.

So, everyone looked at Lin Yan with strange eyes. At the suggestion of mayor Qian, Lin Yan really began the so-called "supplement" solemnly.

"The social contradictions caused by the credit collapse are the most likely to lead to uncontrollable stability problems, so we must do a good job in easing and appeasing them.

Although depositors are pathetically greedy for high interest rates, resulting in heavy losses of assets, they are also poor victims. The only solution is to help them reduce their property losses to an acceptable level. "

Tian Daxing's heart is full of disdain. Xiaomaotou wants to be in the limelight. Minister Wu's report has been praised. Mayor Qian asked him to add that it's just a polite routine. He really takes it seriously. If he says something dry, it's not obvious. Everyone can say the truth, but where the hell can he get the money to reduce the loss of depositors!

"I don't know much about the other two working groups. Just talking about Xintong, capital is nothing. Cao Yu's personal assets are just a drop in the bucket. At present, the only thing that can be realized is his idea of two commercial projects."

Hearing this, mayor Qian interjected: "these two projects mentioned in Comrade Wu Jun's report just now, is that ten mile Taolin the half section of the community beside the viaduct in Huimin village? I often pass by and see more than ten buildings, and there are still two unfinished buildings. The accommodation rate is not low. It should be worth a lot of money. "

Lin Yan said with a bitter smile: "all these houses have been sold by Cao Yu, which is not the most hateful. But in order to make money, he sold more than one house, which led to 36 owners buying empty houses."

Mayor Qian said angrily, "these illegal vendors are so hateful!"

Lin Yan went on to say: "in addition to the ten mile Taolin, there is also a harmony building in Luhe County, which has been pledged with a loan of 130 million yuan. Basically, there is no profit margin.

But even so, I still found entrepreneurs who have the strength to win the two projects, initially discussed the cooperation intention, and the other party also intends to take over. As long as the government gives enough encouragement and recognition, and appropriate care, I believe this can be achieved.

If the two projects are realized, at least 250 million yuan of cash can be generated in the first stage, which can repay one third of the original principal of the depositors, make them trust the working group, and eliminate the hidden danger of stability completely. "

Mayor Qian was very excited and said: "good, good! Xiao Lin, you are good at this method! It's rare that you just came into contact with the grass-roots work of the government and solved the problem in such a down-to-earth way. As the chief monitor of the government, I can give you a promise that as long as it is taken care of within the scope of the policy, it can be done for the cooperative businesses!

Seeing that these two projects are in a mess, according to your report, they have been drained of oil and water. People are willing to take over, obviously with the attitude of supporting the government. Of course, we should support and encourage them and show sincerity!

Xiaolin, when you go back, you can draw up a detailed feasibility plan for the two projects, as well as the existing difficulties and the requirements of the partners, and give it to me directly. "

Lin Yan jumped up with great excitement. Seeing all the people's faces, he could not help laughing. He realized that he had lost his manners and sat down again. His voice trembled and he said, "thank you, mayor Qian. With your promise, I'm confident enough!"

Mayor Qian's face was tolerant of the elderly, his index finger lit Lin Yan and said with a smile: "look at this happy little Lin, your happiness is generated for the work task, and this heart is precious!"

Lin Yangang's agitation and gaffe were made consciously. When mayor Qian agreed to his plan, the leaders of other working groups looked strange. They knew that they were too much in the limelight. If they were too conspicuous, they would be potential rivals and would be naive on purpose.

If so, Tian Daxing and Wang Huiliang were not happy just now. They thought that Lin Yanming was a gilded boy from the lower class of the city. Why did he make such a show and set off the local leaders of Meilin district so incompetent? They were relieved when they saw his gaffe. They thought that he was just lucky.

They didn't know much about Lin Yan's origin. After the meeting, they inquired about each other. Only then did they know that this guy was possessed by the God of wealth. He got the green eye of Li San Ye of peninsula group and became a candidate for his son-in-law. No wonder he was able to give him several hundred million yuan. This is to make money for his son-in-law.Ma Dan's local fortune!

After the meeting, Lin Yan and Wu Jun kept returning to the working group.

After entering the headquarters office and closing the door, Lin Yan calmly said to Wu Jun, "Wu Jun, tell me the truth. Last night, Bai Qin secretly went to see Luo Juting. Do you know?"

Wu Jun never expected that Lin Yan would tell the story openly. She was so frightened that she said, "Er, Bai Qin, did she see Luo Juting? So I was trying to figure out the data last night. She... "

Lin Yan takes a step closer, and Wu Jun stumbles down on the chair. Lin Yan puts his hands on the armrest of the chair and traps her between his arms. He says in a low voice: "you guessed right. I was hijacked last night. The man who hijacked me is Bai Qin."

Wu Jun's frightened face suddenly turned into fear, and then she was disgusted: "Damn, this dead girl dares to hijack you, I can't kill her!"

Lin Yan said contemptuously: "don't be cruel. If you really care about me, tell me what's wrong with you and Bai Qin and Luo Juting. It's very important!"

Wu Jun panics again, her eyes Dodge, but she doesn't answer.

Lin Yan raised his hand to hold Wu Jun's chin and said fiercely, "Wu Jun, I might as well give you a clear idea. Last night, Luo Juting told Bai Qin that we should keep the money on Xintong's account and send those leading cadres away.

If this news is spread, how much confusion will be caused among depositors, and what bad derivative effect will be produced. You should be clear. At that time, don't blame me for not blocking thunder for you! "

Looking at Wu Jun's pale face, Lin Yan had a cruel smile on her lips and said in a low voice, "don't tell me. Before yesterday's meeting, I suddenly received so many calls from big people. It's none of your business.

Old classmate, no one can do it! If you want to fall in love with others, but you put all the risks on me, I can give up my job at any time and become a passing immortal, and ask director Guo to change another deputy group leader. I hope you can coax the new deputy group leader to be as tolerant as I am. "

Wu Jun exclaimed in dismay, "no, no, Lin Yan, it's not like this. I never thought about it like this, really!"

Lin Yan looks bleak, releases Wu Jun's chin, goes back to his seat, turns on the computer and begins to write a feasibility report. He no longer asks or looks at Wu Jun.

After staying for a while, Wu Jun suddenly ran over to Lin Yan's desk, held his arm, and said in a low voice with shame: "Lin Yan, Bai Qin, she's not authentic. Once minister Sha was hospitalized in a sanatorium. She didn't know what was wrong at night, so she had to let me go with him.

Who knows that Bai Qin pretended to be a night patrol, opened the door with the dean's spare key and felt in I panicked and ran away. I don't know what happened to Sandi next. Anyhow, Sandi told me later that it was OK.

But But Bai Qin has contaminated me with sand land I feel my bed sheet away, and the things on it have tested my ingredients. It's my handle. "

At this point, Wu Jun's tears are already streaming down. Lin Yan is disgusted to hear that. Unexpectedly, that son of a bitch in Shati is still in hospital. He summons Wu Jun to hang out in the ward in the middle of the night.

The paralyzed Bai Qin is shameless. Her real intention is to sleep with Minister Sha, but she has grasped Wu Jun's weakness. Needless to say, it must be that Wu Jun and Sha Zhu have done something good after she ran away. Otherwise, she can't get the dirty sheets.

Wu Jun said, "I don't want to tell you the dirty things last night

Pitifully, Wu Jun wiped her tears with a tissue paper and said in a low voice: "Bai Qin called me yesterday and coerced me to solve the 1.1 million deposit for her. I told her that I could do nothing. Anyway, sandy land has become a prisoner now. As long as she dares to tear her face, I will let her.

The woman couldn't scare me any more. She said that as long as I let her meet Luo Juting, she would return the evidence to me. She swore that she would never talk about this again. I thought that it was not dangerous for them to meet one side, so I agreed.

At 8:30, I went upstairs to ask the monitoring staff to go down for a snack. I told them that I would watch for them for a while, and then Bai Qin went in. She stayed in it for about 20 minutes. Before she left, she really gave it back to me. I thought it was a good deal, but I never thought that this vicious woman would dare to hijack you, you... "

At this point, Wu Jun's eyes twinkled with genuine worry: "are you not at a loss? How did you get out of danger? Why didn't you call the police and arrest Bai Qin? "

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