Lin Yan didn't retaliate for Ling Wei's teasing consciously. What he just whispered to her was also true. His favorite woman is tough and resolute in her bones, with pure and flawless quality at the same time. Of course, it would be more perfect if it matched with her beautiful appearance.

What Li fei'er first moved Lin Yan was her resolution that she would rather be broken than broken. But the love between them was not Lin Yan's affectation. In fact, to a large extent, it was because he had a sense of responsibility to be responsible to fei'er that he gradually sprouted.

Ling Wei's appearance is like a person who is not awake. He is doused with a bucket of cold water, which makes Lin Yan realize that his love for Fei Er is not so pure. This woman is the one who has been waiting for three generations.

It doesn't take long to fall in love with someone, just a glance is enough.

From Ling Wei's entrance to now, Lin Yan has seen her many, many eyes, and it's only at this moment that she burst out. She has a lot of self-control.

This woman seems to be a poppy that God has made for him. He can't extricate himself from it if he gets it. The thread is so close that he can see the fine hair behind her ears. It's so soft and lovely that he can't stop kissing.

Ling Wei suddenly bite Lin Yan's shoulder, bite is not heavy, because she is trembling, big big tears drop on his neck.

Lin Yan instantly distressed her, quickly stopped kissing, patted her on the back and whispered: "don't cry, don't cry, darling."

Ling Wei let go of his mouthful of meat, choked and whispered: "you hemp egg My first kiss, my first kiss is It's also the first time that a man eats you. Are you a pervert, even kissing your ears and neck? You're a fuckin 'bully

Lin Yan listens to the woman who has become a cat in her arms. She scolds her so fiercely in a soft voice. When she is distressed, she can't help but enjoy herself secretly. Thanks to her bravery, she keeps her beauty so completely.

She is so beautiful, but she doesn't know how to flirt with men and women. No wonder when she first kissed her, she forgot to breathe and almost suffocated. Kissing her neck and ears was considered abnormal by her, which was so cute, but made him the first lucky one.

Lin Yan's heart of stone towards Huang Ruihan and Wu Jun turns into a pool of water towards Ling Wei. He gently caresses her smooth back and says, "OK, OK, I won't bully you. Good girl, don't cry. When I go back to find a place without monitoring, I'll let you handle it, OK?"

Ling Wei sniffed: "you mean what you say?"

Lin Yan said gently, "well, I'm willing to be killed by you at your disposal."

Ling Wei is a simple woman. If she doesn't cry, she won't cry. But she obviously doesn't adapt to this way of getting along tonight. A feeling of being out of control makes her very uncomfortable. She wants to finish the task quickly and leave this dangerous man.

Ling Wei pressed Lin Yan's ear and said hastily, "listen, like Li Guanlin, I am a member of the 6.11 ad hoc group set up by director tie Zhongli in June last year.

The reason why Lu Ping was transferred here is to continue the investigation of that case secretly. The collapse of Xintong is a derivative of the 6.11 case, which I have been paying close attention to all the time. "

Lin Yan heart a sink, dignified listen to, but, he actually at the same time realized a what is called "blowing like orchid"!

When the beauty speaks quickly, the fragrant breath blows into his ears one by one, just like someone who sweeps the top of his heart with soft bird hair. Although the content of listening is so shocking, it still does not prevent him from having an inevitable reaction all over his body.

Although he has just promised not to bully others any more, Lin Yan's big hand still can't help but tightly clasp her two buttocks and press her body to the maximum extent. He feels two groups of softness in his chest and tries to make an effort to listen, but he sticks his lips to her snow-white neck again.

Ling Wei is a workaholic. He is very serious. He didn't find Lin Yan's little action. He continued to tell us attentively: "you are just the staff assigned to Xintong by chance. Originally, our special team didn't want to communicate with you.

However, you beat several second generation officials and were forcibly pulled in by them. Then, you can only cooperate with us to investigate the inside story of the case as soon as possible, so as to ensure the personal safety of you and your family. "

Lin Yan issued a dull voice: "well."

Ling Wei struggled awkwardly and tried to stay away from him, but the dead man held him so tightly that he couldn't get away from him. He could only go on depressed and said: "you and I have a one-line relationship. Unless I communicate with you about the case, you just think that you and I are the normal relationship between the two working groups. You don't have to deliberately treat yourself as a case handler. After all, you are the only one It's just a non staff member who works with me. "

Lin Yan finally reluctantly took his lips away from her flesh and looked at her beautiful eyes. His heart was filled with fanatical love. For the first time in his life, it was so hard to control.

His Danfeng's eyes were full of darkness. Finally, he said hoarsely and low: "everything is up to you, but there's something I have to tell you."

Ling Wei angry, beauty angry also so good-looking, she low voice scold a way: "you ya egg of still want to do?"Lin Yan suddenly let out a depressed sigh. He knew that even if what he said was true, his original intention was really mean. That was to create all opportunities to kiss her, but he said without regret: "you should know that I was a gynecologist before."

Ling Wei said angrily, "of course, I know that you cured Zhao Weiyang's infertility and Wu Xiangzhi's daughter's HAEMORRHEA. But why do you tell me that? Am I also sick?"

Lin Yan nodded solemnly: "just now I grabbed your wrist, and I've already felt the pulse for you. You are suffering from lobular hyperplasia of mammary gland, which is very serious. If you don't believe it, just think about it. Does it hurt from time to time, especially the days when the holiday is coming, and you can't sleep at night?"

Ling Wei's pretty lips open slightly in surprise. She does. Her chest always aches from time to time, especially on the eve of the physiological period. Sometimes it hurts so much that she can't cut it away. Went to the hospital to see, given the diagnosis is also breast lobular hyperplasia, took a lot of drugs but no effect, did not expect this hateful man grasp the wrist to see.

Lin Yan continued: "when you practiced martial arts in your early years, were you afraid that this place would become a weak point of attack and forced you to wrap it with cloth?"

Ling Wei a face chagrin: "Ma Dan's strange, I early here grow so big, running and fighting when good trouble, I use white cotton cloth every day wrapped flat, how?"

Lin Yan painfully looked at her richness and said: "Alas, other women want to grow well here, so you dislike them. If you entangle them for a long time, you twist and jam the mammary tubules, and gradually form hyperplasia.

If you ask me to examine it carefully, you will find that there may be nodules and masses. If you don't regulate it quickly, it is very likely to develop into malignant tumor. At that time, even if you want to keep it, you can't keep it. You have to cut it off to keep your life

No woman doesn't care about her chest, let alone cancer resection. Ling Wei feels that the conversation on this issue is not afraid of being monitored. She jumps down from Lin Yan, grabs Lin Yan's chest and says, "are you deliberately alarmist and retaliates for scaring you when I first came here? Say

Lin Yan Yanbo with doting and pity said: "silly girl, the doctor will not cheat."

Ling Wei imagined that he had no two Nai, and cried in fear: "Weiyang has been sentenced by experts to be infertile for life, and you have cured him. It can be seen that your medical skills are really good. Then you should check me quickly. I don't want to be a incomplete woman. I have to feed my baby in the future."

Lin Yan stooped to pick up Ling Wei's skirt from the sofa, took her by the wrist and led her into the inner room. Xiao Nizi was as shriveled as a tiger with her paws chopped.

He lifted his hand to remove the pendant from her chest, grabbed it in his hand and turned around the room. The pendant didn't shine, which was enough to show that there was no monitoring equipment in the bedroom.

Ling Wei looked at Lin Yan with appreciation, but the appreciation lasted only one second. When he put a big hand over her chest, he became angry. A hand knife wanted to chop it. He raised his hand to block it and said softly, "didn't you ask me to check it? How can I know if there is a tumor if I don't touch it?"


"Don't you understand that you can't be a doctor when you are sick?"

"I understand..."

"Then stand and let me touch it."


Lin Yanwei closed his eyes so as not to irritate a shy and angry rabbit. His slender hands shrouded a jade rabbit. He felt the touch between his fingers, and soon bit his lips with a dignified look.

Poor Ling Wei didn't know that Lin Yan's expression was a groan that he couldn't bear to enjoy. He thought that his illness was not light, so his expression was so dignified.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yancai changed one and bit his lip to "check" for ten minutes. Finally, he released his hand with awe inspiring righteousness. The upright man stepped back and sat on the bed. He looked down at his hand and said, "put on your clothes first."

Ling Wei quickly put on the skirt, rushed to him, grabbed his chin, pulled his face up and asked: "am I cancer? Do you want to cut it off? "

Lin Yan looked at Ling Wei with pity and said nothing, which made her feel more and more hairy. When she was on the verge of madness, he said: "it's very serious, but it's not necessary to cut it off. I can cure it, but I'm afraid you don't want to cooperate with me."

Ling Wei a listen don't need to cut, immediately relieved, eager to grasp Lin Yan's hand shaking: "can, can, can!"

"What can I do?"

"You can give me treatment, I swear I will cooperate absolutely!"

Lin Yan said in embarrassment: "your mammary gland lobules are proliferating in many places, and the mammary gland ducts are congested in many places. My therapy is traditional Chinese medicine combined with true Qi dredging.

That is to say, I have to massage you regularly. After all, this part is a private part. You have to let me touch it once a week. I'm a doctor. I don't think it's different from the arm and leg, but do you feel embarrassed? "

Author: if you want to know the wonderful content of the related characters in this story, please watch another work of Hua'er, intimate male secret, which will never let you down!Link: * *: / / *

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