Ouyang Ruiqing looks at Lin Yan's traditional Chinese medicine. He doesn't expect the terrible man to hand it to him. Before he comes, he has made a plan. If he really can't, he reveals some secrets of the bosses to Lin Yan in exchange for a life-saving prescription.

Who knows, out of the outpatient building, Lin Yan threw the hand of Chinese medicine to him, indifferently said: "this is the amount of ten days, a pair of water decoction every day, come back to me after drinking."

Ouyang Ruiqing was grateful. He watched Lin Yan get on the bus and leave. He took the traditional Chinese medicine and drove out of the sanatorium with bitterness. Instead of driving towards the entrance of the expressway, he drove around the Huanhu road to the bank at the end of the south 2nd Ring Road. He stopped the car and walked along the bank to the water. A speedboat was picking him up. He got on the boat and galloped on the water for ten minutes to reach the island in the middle of the lake.

Compared with the new town and old urban area of Luping City, this island presents a point of isosceles triangle. It is surrounded by water on all sides. No matter which side it is, there is more than 2000 meters of water. The water and grass in the lake are dense, so it is not suitable for swimming. If there is no boat, no one can touch it quietly. The island is lush with green plants, and there are almost no houses in the middle.

Here is the sanatorium of Shenying group, the largest state-owned enterprise in Luping city.

What Shenying group produces is a kind of special fiber, which can weave nylon with super tenacity. The biggest function of this product is to use it for the inner layer of high-end metals such as aircraft, ships and submarines, and increase the pressure resistance of metals. Because it is a unique business, the benefits are amazing, and the annual profit and tax output value is also the leader of lupin.

Shenying group is an enterprise directly managed by the state. It is a department level unit at the level of Luping city. In addition to the local management and the need to hand over the state tax and local tax to Luping City, the personnel and finance of Shenying group are all independent. Therefore, it has a very strong waist. Even the sanatorium occupies this island in the middle of the lake.

In the middle of the island, several old banyan trees, which are rare in the north, hang down many roots and wrap several buildings. A steel support is stretched out from the lake. On the support, there is a two-story building with a sharp top. On the second floor, there is a broad terrace, which is quite western style.

At the moment, in the living room on the second floor of the small building, a cold looking man with gray hair but not deliberately dyed is holding a cup of tea while drinking slowly and listening carefully.

"Dong Dong Dong."

The man pulled off the earphone and let out a sound from his nose: "mmm."

A middle-aged woman said respectfully at the door, "Chairman, Ouyang is here."

"Let him in."

Ouyang Ruiqing came in, as if he was afraid. He said timidly, "tie Dong, excuse me."

This man is tie Zhan, the chairman of Shenying group. He lightly raised his hand and said, "sit down, Anhua black tea, have a taste."

Ouyang Ruiqing took a sip of tea and said in a hurry: "the boss asked me to tell you that he always thought that the case of Shati was settled too quickly and it was strange. I'm afraid that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection left a trap. We should not use any communication equipment to communicate the most important information at present, but send the most reliable person to dictate it.

The boss asked you to keep an eye on Xintong. You must never go wrong with Cao Yu. In case Cao Yu can't hold on and bite, you can deal with it directly. "

Tiezhan didn't respond to Ouyang Ruiqing's instructions at all. He looked at him with a smile and said, "Ouyang, how can you have kidney deficiency when you are young? I have been in Luping for so many years. Why don't I know that there is a doctor more famous than Xiangjiang International Hospital in this small place. Before you come to me, you still sneak to see him."

After being cleaned up by Lin Yan, Ouyang Ruiqing's face turned yellow. With tie Zhan's words, the more yellow his face was, the more frightening he said in a panic: "Er, I just think Chinese medicine is beneficial and harmless. I'll take some medicine by the way."

"That's all?" Tie Zhan's smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes, and he said leisurely, "didn't you take on the task of searching for young master Yao's female companion, but you didn't make a good start. You were blacked by others in Nanping, and now you have to obey them?"

Ouyang Ruiqing was as scared as a thunder on his head, and cried: "tie Dong, I'm not a good teacher, and I've just been fined by the police. The boss has sent someone to investigate and confirm this matter. What do you mean by that?"

Tiezhan stood up, 175, thin but not firewood, and noble temperament. Although he was about 60 years old, he looked full of air. He didn't look at Ouyang Ruiqing. He walked slowly to the window, looked at the sparkling lake, and said to himself, "Lin Yan, Lin Yan, you're a upright man. Do you really have such great ability to stir up clouds in all directions?"

Ouyang Ruiqing stayed there, looking at tie Zhan '?

Tiezhan suddenly turned around, looked at Ouyang Ruiqing and said, "Ouyang, since you have justified yourself in front of the big boss, I don't want to expose you. It's not good for me.

But next, you will turn up your ears and remember every word I say clearly. When you go back, you will report to the big boss without changing any punctuation marks. Can you do that? "Ouyang Ruiqing was relieved and nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "yes! You say it

Tiezhan turned around again and said in an ethereal voice: "first, the most important person in Xintong's chess game is Lin yannai, who is better at winning women's hearts than Ouyang Ruiqing. In a short time, with Lu Ping's several outstanding women, he has caught up with Qin Shaowei, Li Lixin, Qian yunting and other leading figures to break the game In this moment of thinking. "

Ouyang Ruiqing doesn't care to shock tiezhan. He thinks so highly of Lin Yan. He is eager to memorize it for fear of missing a word.

"Second, according to your instructions, I have been secretly pushing to muddle up the problem of communication. I have also successfully used Qian Yunting to spoil his sister-in-law, let Chen Junli pass the word skillfully in the middle, and let Qian Yunting act according to our intention in the dark.

On the one hand, Qian Yunting was afraid of taking responsibility for security and was eager for success. On the other hand, he also wanted to protect his sister-in-law, who had taken advantage of Xintong by taking advantage of his loan right. He really came forward to instruct Lin Yan to do a good job in Xintong, and he did not hesitate to go beyond his authority to make a vow.

So far, our initial goal is to make Lin Yan mistake Qian Yunting for the big man behind the collapse of Xintong. This has been a success. "

At this point, tiezhan said coldly, "retell."

Ouyang Ruiqing is not completely careless, at least memory is extraordinary, really a word repeat.

Tie Zhan gave a "Er" and then said: "third, since the sand land case, I know the suspicious personnel transfer in Luping city. The most suspicious one is Ling Wei, the deputy director of the provincial public security department. She is very beautiful and persevering. I used to send people secretly to show all kinds of temptations, but she scoffed at her. She had to give up and woo her It's the opposite.

After Qian Yunting promoted Meilin district to hand over the working group of Xintong to Lin Yan, Ling Wei replaced Zhao Nanyue in charge of the asset inventory team of the city's credit problems. This is our biggest threat at present.

I just listened to the information recorded in the communication headquarters. Ling Wei had already met Lin Yan secretly at 1 a.m. to test Lin Yan by using her pillow. This woman is extremely smart, and she also carries advanced instruments to interfere with the monitoring signal. Therefore, the information she overhears is very vague and not enough to be believed.

But according to the fact that Ling Wei and Lin Yan are alone for 41 minutes, it is very likely that Ling Wei has already made some friends with Lin Yan, and then Lin Yan will make some moves.

However, please rest assured that I have always known all the forces, and this game of chess is under control. Once I find that Lin Yan's behavior deviates from our goal, I will immediately adjust it.

If there is any important information, I can't go in person. I will send my son to report it. Please pay attention to your health and don't worry too much. "

At this point, it should be finished.

Ouyang Ruiqing takes the initiative to repeat it. Just as he wants to leave, he hears tie Zhan say again: "I'm trying my best to investigate Zuo Shao's affair with the young master of Qin Xiu's family. Once it is confirmed that Lin Yan did it, I'm bound to let him betray his relatives, destroy his family, and avenge you."

Ouyang Ruiqing looked at tie Zhan and said the last sentence. His eyes were cold and fierce. He was so scared that he shivered all over. He spilled all the tea on the table and put it down in a hurry.

Tiezhan said indifferently: "if you remember, you can go. Remember, the little smart should not exceed the bottom line. If what you say and do harms the overall situation, you know the consequences."

"Yes, I just I'll tell you the truth, tie Dong. I was really blacked by Lin Yan in Nanping. He forced me to take the poison that hurt my kidney. I had to treat it according to the prescription he gave me for one year to detoxify it. I really didn't reveal any secrets of the boss. I just pretended to cooperate with Lin Yan and cheat him into treating me. "

Tiezhan said contemptuously: "you want to divulge the real secret, you know a fart, let's go."

After Ouyang Ruiqing left, tiezhan sat back in his chair and listened to the recording of Lingwei's night meeting with Lin Yan again. With a strange expression on her face, she murmured, "is this Lin Yan really so charming? First Feng Huanhuan, then Wu Jun, and then the cunning fox bitaohua. Now even Ling Wei, the rose flower, is allowed to be touched by him. It's a good fortune!

As the saying goes, since ancient times, the trouble is beauty. In my game of chess, Qian Yunting and Liu Yuanzhi have been trapped by beauty. When I have to, I can push them out and give them to tie Zhongli. As the boss's scapegoat, why can Lin Yan break this curse?

This boy has enjoyed so many beauties. It's time to do something. It seems that he has to move Li Lixin to make this boy's anger more intense, so that he can work harder! "

Tiezhan dials a phone: "you can do that last time, and send all the evidence directly to director Ling Wei of the Public Security Bureau."

"Yes, tie Dong, I'm going now."

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