Lin Yan thought of Zhang Daiping's great wisdom as if he were a fool. He thought of the elder's earnest teachings and the implied reminders. Every bit of them showed his support and tolerance. Such a good person disappeared overnight?

Heart bursts of grief and indignation, where Lin Yan is willing to quit like this, he urgently called to Ling Wei: "no, Ling Bureau, I also feel that the cause of Zhang Daiping's death is unknown, as the representative authorized by general manager Li of peninsula group, I must go to the scene to participate in forensic verification!"

Ling Wei simply agreed.

Lin Yanfei quickly went out and drove to the door of the Public Security Bureau. Unexpectedly, Ling Wei didn't drive. His pretty figure was so soft and moving in the twilight. When he saw the car stop, he opened it neatly and the co driver sat in and said, "let's go."

"Where's the forensic?"

"There's something wrong. We don't need a forensic for the time being."

Lin Yan said indignantly, "what's the situation? Is it the immortal who forced the inspection to stop, trying to suppress this matter? "

Ling sighed for a long time and said: "your future father-in-law strongly demands that the examination of Zhang Daiping's body must wait for him to come back from the capital, be present and sign. Otherwise, he doesn't rule out suing the public security department to cover up the facts, so he doesn't need forensic medicine for the time being."

Lin Yan remembers that Li Lixin, in a tone of hatred, told him to go away. Since then, he has nothing to do with the peninsula group. The word "future father-in-law" is like four needles sticking into his heart. He can't breathe and is not in the mood to speak. He stepped on the accelerator and roared all the way to Wutong.

There is a very large reservoir in Wutong city. The elegant mayor Qian Yunting himself renamed it "Xiaoxihu". There is a beautiful mountain named Erlang mountain beside the lake, which has a wonderful scenery.

Peninsula Group's xihu'an district is located in the landscape and the edge of the city. Because of its excellent quality, complete supporting facilities, and in place property management, it is the top residential district in Wutong city. The first choice for the rich people in Wutong city is here.

When Lin Yan drove through the community, his mood was extremely complicated.

Li Lixin is able to start from scratch and turn Peninsula Group into a global listed company. It is needless to say that the means are rigid. However, in order to recover the debts, he will imprison an old Lai for two or three years. Lin Yan firmly believes that neither Li Lixin nor Zhang Daiping will do it.

It's not that these two people are honest and virtuous, and will not violate the law and discipline. It's just that people with a little brain will think that if Lai Hao has money to pay back, he won't have to be imprisoned. If he doesn't, he will still have no money after ten or eight years of imprisonment.

With Li Lixin's energy, if Lai Hao conceals his property, Third Master Li has a hundred ways to thoroughly check it out and hand it over to the court for inspection. Is this a stupid way!

Lin Yan understood the analysis, and then firmly believed that Li Lixin's scolding to him was true, that is, Zhang Daiping's life was implicated by him and Lin Yan died!

If he doesn't pretend to be smart and step by step get into the mud pit of Xintong, secretly dig up the criminal evidence of the big man's illegal enrichment, Zuo Tianming and Qin Xiu also detect that he has cheated their little son, but bite the fangs of revenge on the peninsula group. Obviously, first remove Li Lixin's big stone head, then he can be killed recklessly.

Lin Yan didn't dare to think deeply. If he thought deeply, Li Lixin was not in Luping last night. Otherwise, the person taken away by Wutong County Public Security Bureau might not be Zhang Daiping, but Li Lixin. A generation of heroes were killed overnight, and the huge industry of peninsula group would be devoured mercilessly by those big men. If Fei Er was lucky, she would lose everything and save her life. If the other party was more vicious, she would be more cruel Even she can't be spared

Ling Wei looked at Lin Yan's face and said nothing. He suddenly made a cold war. He couldn't help grabbing his wrist and asked, "what's the matter with you? Shall I drive it? "

Lin Yan suddenly parked his car on the side of the road, staring at Ling Wei with red eyes, and asked: "director Ling, I just don't understand. Since it's the case you handed over to the lower level Public Security Bureau, without your permission and no conclusive evidence, how can they get the right to arrest people?

Even if you have the right to interrogate, why should you go out late at night and kill a good man overnight? "

Ling Wei put his hand on Lin Yan's shoulder, looked at him and said: "this matter is beyond my control, but you can rest assured that I will investigate it clearly and give you an account."

Lin Yan has been choking all the way, and now he has some signs of collapse. He yells: "explain, explain, how do you explain? Can Uncle Zhang survive? Can I? "

Ling Wei patiently said: "Lin Yan, please calm down. Now that things have happened, what we can do is to do our best to investigate the truth. If the dead really died abnormally, we will give him justice."

Those possibilities are too terrible, where can Lin Yan calm down and continue to roar madly: "all this is because of me, do you understand? I don't know the heaven and the earth. Privately investigating the details of the fund blackout between Xintong and the provincial capital bigwigs has touched the nerves of those bigwigs. Instead of coming to me, they retaliated against the peninsula group. Uncle Zhang died for me, for me! "

Ling Wei's expression became more cautious. She looked at Lin Yan's wheezing and panting, and suddenly said, "well, since you've opened your talk, I'll give you a diarrhea. Lin Yan, in fact, the reason why I parachuted from the provincial department to Luping for gilding is that those old men you call are suspected of violating party discipline and state law and carrying out the orders of the special task force of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. "Lin Yan's eyes still flickered with crazy light, but no longer roared.

Ling Wei then said: "it's a strange number that you took part in this case. At the beginning, you beat Shabo because of your sister's affairs, and rescued Li Guanlin, a member of our ad hoc group by mistake. The public opinion was in an uproar, which led to the ad hoc group taking the sand land ahead of time, and the whole plan was cut into two sections."

Lin Yan began to listen attentively.

"Of course, your appearance in the sky, though it may lead to the change of the overall plan, has also opened the gap that the project team has been searching for, but has never been able to open!"

Lin Yan's bitter self mockery: "born in the sky? This word is well used. I'm sun monkey who claims that I can make a havoc in heaven, but I can't find out the palm of Buddha's hand. It will only affect my old nest, which will be cut to ashes by thunder! As for your case, what does it have to do with me? Lingju doesn't have to tell me. "

Ling Weiwei frowned and said: "Lin Yan, although you and I have only met twice, I have studied you carefully since you rescued Li Guanlin. Everything you do is a man to the letter. How can you die and wilt? It's not like you in the hell

Lin Yan was about to cry: "why did I wither my mother? That's a life! I've been implicated to death in this way. If I continue to be a man, maybe more people will be implicated by me. Am I still a man? "

Ling Wei was also angry and roared: "why don't you understand? The passivity of peninsula group is definitely not just because of you. I don't believe you didn't notice that Li Lixin secretly transferred funds for some big people. Through the listed companies of peninsula group, he transferred the funds of those people's designated units out of the country.

Those people are not stupid. It's time to wash the insiders and cover up the evidence when they feel the pressure of the sword on their heads. Even if it has something to do with you, it doesn't matter much! "

Lin Yan was stunned. He suddenly remembered the transfer receipt that fell out of Li Lixin's book. The meaning of this matter was different. He asked Ling Wei, "what do you want to tell me about your confidential information?"

Ling Wei breathed a sigh and said, "of course, I don't want you to shrink back. At present, Xintong is the only gap to open up the iron wall of their gang. I guess that their attack on the peninsula group should be a trial, or a promotion, to urge us to turn from the secret to the open, so that they can detect our investigation process at any time and make appropriate response. "

Before Lin Yan had digested the information, Ling Wei threw another bomb: "you know, last night it was not only Zhang Daiping who had an accident, but Cao Yu almost died."

Lin Yan was shocked: "isn't Cao Yu taken away by Zhao Bureau for supervision? Will he be hacked off in your territory?"

Ling Wei said coldly: "what's so strange about this? I just instructed Wutong Public Security Bureau to secretly investigate whether Lai Hao's illegal imprisonment is true. They can take him away without telling me. Zhang Daiping also caused death. Is it not more normal for a regulatory suspect to be accidentally killed?

"What's the matter with Cao Yu?"

"We have long guessed that Cao Yu will be pushed out as a scapegoat sooner or later. Therefore, the Zhao Bureau has arranged for one of our comrades to replace Cao Yu and stay in the supervision room.

Last night, the building in charge of Cao Yu had no water supply. Then a man who called himself a water company went to the building and said that the water pipe was cracked and needed to be repaired in Cao Yu's room.

Our comrades think the matter is strange. After the man left, he checked carefully and found that he connected a high load current to the water pipe. If it was Cao Yu, he would be electrocuted as soon as he opened the water pipe. "

Lin Yan quickly speculated, and immediately gasped: "these bastards are really cruel. If Cao Yu was electrocuted and died in the monitoring office, with the ferocity of ten thousand flying snow, it would definitely turn the world upside down. The public security bureau is responsible. In order to avoid the negative impact, the government can't do without taking over the big hole of Xintong. Once Xintong's debt becomes a burden of the government, their tricks will be destroyed You've done it

Ling Wei continued darkly: "yes, in addition to the death of Zhang Daiping, two homicide cases occurred overnight in the public security system. In addition, the public generally like to sympathize with the dead. With a little guidance, the pressure of public opinion must be earth shaking. In a certain situation, the government does not rule out temporary compromise. The plan of those people is to calm the whole thing down in Xintong and Luping, and they may succeed It's over. "

Lin Yan took the air-conditioning, and this chain of plans was linked up one by one, and all the links were in line with the government's urgent need to maintain stability, so he had to admire the poison of the planners.

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