The temporary detention center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau is located in the northern suburb of Luping City, close to the cement plant. It is a lead gray round house, covering an extremely large area and with an open layout. However, it is full of depression and imprisonment, which makes people feel gloomy. It is used to imprison short-term prisoners and suspects who need to be imprisoned temporarily.

At the moment, in the reception room, Zhao Nanyue, who apparently withdrew from the Xintong case, is sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed. On the opposite side of the tea table is a low bench. On the bench, there is Cao Yu, a once invincible billionaire.

Zhao Nanyue said sarcastically: "Cao Yu, are you still waiting for your patrons to wipe your excrement, let you become a citizen of Xiangjiang freely, and continue your life as a billionaire? Come on, look what this is. " Then he pressed the remote control in his hand.

On the side wall of the entrance to the reception room, there is a wall mounted TV set and a huge video file player. At the moment, a clear picture is displayed on it:

--- it is a simple room with a hand washing basin. On the bed which is not big against the wall, there is a person lying face in.

The door opened and a plumber in blue frock came in. The plumber went to the pool and repaired it for a long time. Then he left. The door was locked again.

The man on the bed jumped out of bed and looked like Cao Yu. He went to the pool and examined it carefully. Then he rang the bell on the wall. Soon, the door opened and Zhao Nanyue went in. After a few words with the man, he made a phone call.

Then, another policeman came in with a tool box, took out a current measuring instrument, turned on the tap with insulating gloves, and put the port into the water flow. In an instant, the blue current was visible to the naked eye, and the pointer on the instrument jumped to the top quickly.


Cao Yu's small stool fell to the ground, and his whole body also fell to the ground. He struggled to raise his head and stare at Zhao Nanyue for an answer.

Zhao Nanyue picked his chin and said, "yes, that's the monitoring room you should stay in. Last night, the water supply of the building that monitored you was cut off. We called to ask for repair, and the worker came. After some inspection, he said that the water pipe in your room was cracked and needed to be repaired, so we asked him to repair it.

After the repair, it's what you see. Your water pipe is connected with high load current. If it was you last night, turn on the tap and you will die. You can see the pointer of the current intensity to ensure that it can electrocoach you all at once. Even the crematorium is saved, and you can directly install the urn by rubbing it. "

Cao Yu struggled powerlessly for a long time, but he didn't get up from the ground. Later, he simply lay on the ground, with muscles twitching on his bearded face and turbid tears rolling down.

Zhao Nanyue did not go to pull him, tiptoe in Cao Yu's face, little by little said: "miss your daughter?"

Cao Yu suddenly got up nervously and cried madly, "which daughter? Did they even attack my daughter? "

Zhao Nanyue ignored him and fiddled with his video equipment. Then he pressed the remote control a few times, and the picture on the TV changed:

--- this is a smoky luxury hall, in which people are watching, the loud music is deafening, and the men and women in strange clothes are rocking wildly.

The camera slowly shakes to the corner of the hall, where a wall lamp is on very clearly. On a three person leather sofa, there is a girl between two men. The girl is basically naked. A man's big hand is clasped on one side of the surging high place, and she rubs it unscrupulously.

I don't know the identity of the person who shot the video and how it was shot so close. Anyway, the camera slides onto the girl's face. It's a girl's face with baby fat that hasn't been opened yet. She will never be more than 15 years old. Her eyes are very big, but she is confused, as if she is not conscious. Let the two men do everything they can.

Cao Yu's teeth cackled, a wisp of blood came from his lips, his eyes were red, he was staring at the screen, and his throat made a sound like a beast.

Soon, the camera slides to one of the men's faces. If Lin yanzai, he will recognize Zuo Lianshan. Then, he slides to another man's face, which is not strange. Qin Maoyu, with an obscene smile on both faces, has some abnormal excitement in his eyes.

Obviously, Cao Yu also knew him. He opened his mouth tremblingly and shed more blood. He said word by word: "good, good, boss Zuo, boss Qin, you are so good, you really deserve me, Cao Yu!"

It may be that the photographer is very familiar with the two second generation ancestors and is very close to the strange combination of the three. Even the conversation can be heard through music.

Qin Maoyu said: "boss Zuo, how many pieces of ice did you give her? This reaction is not quite right. How can she be like a dead fish? Normally speaking, shouldn't she be crazy? "

Zuo Lianshan suddenly fell on his stomach and took a bite on the little girl's chest. When he raised his head, there was a bloody tooth mark on the round white and soft red bean, which was enough to show how hard the bite was. However, the little girl only had a slight twitch, and did not shout. She really looked delirious.

"The first time I have to give her enough, or I won't be addicted. Next time I want to play with her, I'm afraid she won't cooperate. I just gave her ten."Listening to Zuo Lianshan's casual reply, Qin Maoyu was stunned: "my God, brother, you are too cruel. This batch of ice is very pure. One of us is enough for a whole night. If you give her so much, what should we do if she dies?"

Zuo Lianshan with abnormal ruthlessness said: "die, if not for her father Cao Yu useless, from Xintong draw a money to make a collapse of the chaos, the old man will not be so anxious, punish me for a year not allowed to leave Nanzhou, closed door thinking, I think he was paralyzed!

I have to be compensated for my punishment. Anyway, Cao Yu will die tonight. This girl can't be regarded as Bai Fumei. It's her good fortune to be a horse rider for our brothers. If she's really dead, just throw it at the door of a bar. "

With that, Zuo Lianshan seemed to be aroused full of resentment. He stood up, took off his pants with the camera on his back, jumped on him recklessly, and thrust his purr into the girl's mouth.

The picture is always behind Zuo Lianshan. Looking at his undulating hips, Cao Yu finally falls to his knees and knocks his head on the ground.

When Zhao Nanyue couldn't look down and picked him up, his forehead was dripping with blood.

Zhao Nanyue closed the video and said, "Cao Yu, I really pity you now. I can't bear to play you a third video."

Cao Yu raised his head, his face was covered with blood, his eyes were crazy, and he gave a strange laugh: "ha ha, ha ha, there is a third one? Who is it this time? "Ten thousand flying snow?"

Zhao Nanyue shook his head and said with compassion, "no, it's Luo Meiting."

This time, as if to poke Cao Yu's heart, he grabbed the edge of the tea table and roared like the wolf whose cub had been taken away: "Xiangjiang, they've reached for it, too? What happened to Mei Ting? "

Zhao Nanyue said: "it's not so good, but they have a crush on the villa where Luo Meiting's mother and son live. Your son has been lured to the underground. If we hadn't communicated with Xiangjiang police for protection, it's estimated that the villa would have changed its owner. Luo Meiting and your son Cao Fang have been living on the street."

Cao Yu knelt down again and kowtowed violently, showing a state that if he didn't abuse himself, he would suffocate. This time, Zhao Nanyue didn't stop him, but said indifferently: "do you know who induced Cao Fang? Ouyang Ruiqing is your brother.

Ouyang Ruiqing privately admits that this house is Qin Xiu's wife. After Luo Meiting's gracious invitation to be a guest, she takes a fancy to it directly. When she comes back, she asks director Qin to make one as it is. Director Qin is most afraid of it. It happens that everyone pushes it because the house is cheaper than anyone else, so he takes the lead. "

Cao Yu stopped abusing himself and lay powerlessly on the floor. If he didn't sob from time to time in his throat, he would almost be dead.

Zhao Nanyue's mobile phone rang, and he was not afraid of Cao Yu's suicide. He stood up, walked out of the reception room, went to one end of the corridor and connected: "Lin Yan, what's the situation?"

Lin Yan's voice was very dignified: "director Zhao, I know Cao Yu is not dead. Can you bring him to the working group as soon as possible and let him appear in public, otherwise something big will happen."

Zhao Nanyue asked: "you have begun to exchange money. What else can you do?"

"I found that Li Dabao spread rumors among depositors that Cao Yu was dead and Xintong was forced to go bankrupt by the government. My exchange was just to coax them out of making trouble. That's all. After exchange, it's over!

Fortunately, they got the money in private, so they only got five percent of the money.

Lingju should have analyzed the current situation with you. Now I can't make any more trouble here, so Cao Yu must show up in public!

In this way, their petition plan will be smashed. In the second place, if Li Dabao incites again next time, the depositors will not believe him. It is convenient for me to control the overall situation. Please do agree to my request. "

Zhao Nanyue said simply: "you are a lucky boy. I tried my best to break Cao Yu's hard shell today. You put forward such a request. Well, we'll be there in a minute

Back in the reception room, Cao Yu had already got up and sat on the bench. He wiped the blood off his forehead with a napkin on the tea table. He obviously accepted the reality and asked with red eyes, "where's my daughter?"

Zhao Nanyue said: "the video is also a gangster of the prince's regiment. He mischievously sent the image to one of his groups. It happened that there was an informant we placed in the group. The provincial department got the information first and directly went out to sweep the nest.

However, Zuo Lianshan and his family apparently got the news in advance and fled. Your daughter has been rescued. She is innocent, but she was forced to take a lot of poison. Now she is still in the provincial hospital for treatment. "

Cao Yu's eyes were full of hatred and said, "I'll cooperate with what I need to do."

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