Zhao Wenna looked at the muscle spasm on Director Guo's face and asked: "director Guo, is Lin Yan really right? But why did he leave? "

Guo Quanhai was not angry and said: "OK, you go back to the office quickly. Remember, whoever asks you why Lin Yan left, you say that I asked him to go back to Meilin first. If we hear other words that are not conducive to unity, we must restore the positive image. "

Aware of director Guo's extreme anxiety, Zhao Wenna quickly agrees to leave. Guo Quanhai returns to his seat powerlessly, covers his forehead and gives a sigh.

The reason why such an Oolong happened today, from the government office to the organization department and even Guo Quanhai himself, made such a big appearance in the government building and even in Meilin District, is rooted in a transaction.

The deal starts with Guo Quanhai himself.

Guo Quanhai, male, 54 years old, is still two years away from this term. He will be very embarrassed at 56 years old.

People who are not in administrative organs may not understand why this age is embarrassing. That's because leading cadres at the department level have to retire at the age of 60. When they reach the age of 57, they generally won't be nominated for another term. However, Guo Quanhai is just 56 years old. He is an age that can be nominated but has little hope. He is very likely to retire in the second tier, and then he will stay in retirement.

Although tiezhan is the leader of an enterprise, which is parallel to the administrative sequence, Guo Quanhai knows that the influence of the chairman of tiezhan in officialdom is no less than that of the organization director of the municipal Party committee. To put it further, it was tiezhan who helped him to sit in the chair of the director of the government office.

Because of this, when Guo Quanhai received Qian Yunting's instruction to send Lin Yan to the ICT working group, he cheerfully carried it out, and directly ordered Lin Yan to reserve millions of funds for the leaders of the cooperative enterprise. The enterprise leader he spoke of was tie Zhan.

After this matter is completed, both the official boss Qian Yunting and the private boss tie Zhan are very satisfied with Guo Quanhai, which makes him feel that Lin Yan is his lucky star. But now, all his happiness has become chagrin.

Success is Lin Yan, failure is Lin Yan!

Who would have expected that this loach would turn a big prodigal into a living one in the early stage, and even master Li's money could be used to fill the hole.

But before everyone could laugh, the loach turned the other way and angered Mr. Li. He even cashed all the 30 million yuan on the book that could guarantee the private interests of all the bosses!

A pair of good cards are beaten badly by Lin Yan, the black sheep of the family!

After Guo Quanhai got the news, he passed away.

Guo Quanhai didn't Jue out because he didn't have time to. Tie Zhan asked him to have lunch.

While Lin Yan was insulted and kicked by Li fei'er, Guo Quanhai had a very happy lunch with Chairman tie and reached an agreement.

The content of this agreement is that Guo Quanhai needs to get Lin Yan out of the working group and Meilin District, and even the Sanatorium can't let him go back, so that he can become a homeless man like a bereaved dog.

Tie Zhan promised that before Guo Quanhai's term of office was over, he would strive to make him further and become a deputy prefecture level leading cadre. Even if this was not successful, at least he would be able to make another term of office when he reached the age of 56.

Tie Zhan even said with a smile: "if director Guo doesn't believe that I still have such ability in two years, at least my position as the chairman of Shenying group can't be shaken. At that time, I can appoint you as the consultant of Shenying group and enjoy the treatment of vice president. The treatment is not limited to years. How about until you live a long life?"

Guo Quanhai is excited!

As a top enterprise, the management of Shenying group is based on the annual salary system, and the annual salary of the deputy general manager is more than one million. This is not unusual. What makes him hot is "unlimited years". That is to say, he will enjoy the treatment as long as he lives after retirement.

If there is another chairman of the board of directors, Guo Quanhai will listen to it. After all, it's no use for him to retire. At most, he will work in Shenying group until he retires. Or if Shenying group changes its chairman, he will be dismissed and go home.

But tiezhan is different. The chairman of the board of directors has united the whole management of Shenying group into an iron plate with a firm hand. The second and even the third echelon leaders who succeed are all tiezhan's direct line. When he retires, the succession he promised will never count.

In order to become a rich man after his retirement, Guo Quanhai sacrificed a little Lin Yan. So he left without even finishing his meal and immediately made an appointment with sun Tianxu from the cadre section of the organization department.

The origin between sun Tianxu and Guo Quanhai comes from the blood relationship. Let's not elaborate on the details. Both of them are people who have been in the organs for half their lives. They are proficient in the rules and regulations of cadre appointment. It's not easy to find a loophole in Lin Yan's appointment process.

What's more, before looking for sun Tianxu, Guo Quanhai called Qian Yunting to ask for instructions and report that he found something wrong with Lin Yan's cadre attributes. Qian Yunting seems to be in a hurry. He simply told him to correct any mistakes and how serious it is to appoint cadres. We must never find out the problems and not deal with them.That's everything.

Therefore, Guo Quanhai and sun Tianxu made a feasibility study of Lin Yan's archives.

The appointment of cadres at the section level, especially at the grass-roots level, is generally operated by the Party committee at the grass-roots level. After the successful appointment, it is OK to report a backup file to the cadre section of the Organization Department of the municipal Party committee.

This means that the appointment of cadres at the section level at the grassroots level is insignificant in the Organization Department of the municipal Party committee and will not attract the attention of the leaders. It can be operated and digested within the cadre section.

Compared with the regulations, there is nothing wrong with all these plans.

If the target of "correction" is not Lin Yan, but other cadres at the section level, the decision made by director Guo and section chief sun is the decision made by the Organization Department of the municipal Party committee, and it is a firm decision that cannot be changed.

Unfortunately, this person is exactly Lin Yan.

Lin Yan, 29 years old, has a simple resume and humble social relationship. He has not been involved in the organization for a long time. He seems to be a clay foetus that will be broken when he pinches it. However, who knows, this clay foetus has become a spirit, and it can become a spirit because an immortal blows immortal spirit at him.

Even though Guo Quanhai and his friends guessed that Lin yanchengjing was an immortal who blew the spirit of immortality, seeing Lin Yan rise to a high building, seeing Lin Yan feast guests, and seeing Lin Yan's building collapse, the immortal did not take another breath to pull Lin Yan, which is enough to show that the immortal forgot Lin Yan.

There's nothing more to be polite about. Let's open the whole thing!

As a result, the loophole of cadre attribute was fixed at noon. When Meilin district went to work at two o'clock, an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee was held, and it was publicly announced that Lin Yan, who was successfully excited, had a fit of temper and resigned in anger.

Director Guo is so cool in his heart!

Originally, I thought it would take step by step to let Lin Yan get out of the cadre team. But this guy got out of the cadre team by himself. How interesting.

But before he left the meeting room of Meilin District, sun Tianxu was furious by Wu Xiangzhi, the organization minister, which was a sad reminder.

When he came back to the municipal government in a dilemma, sun Tianxu went to Minister Wu's office to receive training. After he came out, his face turned white and told Guo Quanhai, who was also worried, that this time secretary Qin Shaowei personally called Minister Wu and asked when a cadre section chief and a government office director could manipulate the appointment and removal of a party member cadre?

Because of this, not only Minister Wu, but also Zhou Zishan, Secretary General of the municipal Party committee, had a good dinner. Secretary Qin said in a sarcastic tone: "Secretary General Zhou, it seems that the functions of our municipal Party committee office have been concurrently assumed by the government office. The director of the government office has done the communication with the organization department. Are you competent?"

Zhou Zishan is the Secretary General of the municipal Party committee, a member of the Standing Committee of the municipal Party committee, and a deputy prefecture level leading cadre. He directly assists Secretary Qin in making decisions. In the army, he is the chief of staff, while the director of the government office is only at the Department level. This time, Guo Quanhai has been implicated in eating the front row. It's strange that he can be happy.

Listen to Secretary Qin say that Secretary Zhou and Wu Xiangzhi are even more ashamed and uneasy. Without telling him, the section chief of the cadre section privately drafted a document and went to the grassroots level to announce it. After all, the appointment and removal of section level cadres is too insignificant compared with his head, but even the vice minister in charge of the cadre section doesn't know. It's incredible to hear this. How can he not be angry.

Sun Tianxu has been suspended the work of the cadre section, waiting for the investigation to be dealt with.

The deputy director of the cadre management section of the organization department called Guo Quanhai and said the decision of the organization department. He was not hard or soft and said: "director Guo, although Lin Yan has been assigned to Meilin district by the Organization Department, all organizational relations have nothing to do with your government office, now that you have conscientiously and responsibly implemented the dismissal of Lin Yan, now, it is wrong to restore him It's up to your government to deal with the problem of false dismissal. It's up to you to tie the bell. "

This is the whole process of Guo Quanhai rushing into the corridor, yelling at the noisy song Qinghua, and trying to take Lin Yan back to the office.

If Lin Yan is an ordinary cadre who is keen on rank and power, Guo Quanhai can turn this matter into a big one and a small one. Although it is certain that he will be criticized, the consequences will not be too serious.

But now that Lin Yan is gone, it will be big or small.

Guo Quanhai was sweating all over his body. He suddenly thought of a person, just like a drowning man who had caught a straw. He quickly dialed Feng Huanhuan's phone. After connecting, he said in a very modest tone: "President Feng, I'm Guo Quanhai, who is in charge of the government. I'm afraid I have to trouble you about something."

Feng Huanhuan is with Li Lixin at the moment. To be exact, he is fighting with Li Lixin. When he heard this call, he was not in a good mood, but he said politely: "director Guo is polite. Please go ahead."

Guo Quanhai pondered and said: "there is a little mistake in Lin Yan's rank. Although it has been corrected, he is a little angry. I hope you can persuade him to go back to Meilin district to work safely."

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