Lin Yan didn't know that after director Guo and Section Chief Sun left, he was in trouble at his door. He went back to his room, turned on the computer, and carefully made a feasibility plan for opening a clinic. From the location, scale, cost accounting, to the business model, he made a list of the expected results. The more he thought about it, the more confident he felt.

When grandfather and his parents came home, the old man asked his grandson to talk.

Lin Yan didn't hide from his grandfather. He said that because he wanted to save some hard-earned money for the depositors, he inadvertently touched the private interests of big people. Then he suffered retaliation and was swept to the end. Maybe Shaowei came forward, and today there will be a leader who comes to apologize.

Grandfather is also very simple, after listening to said: "Xiaoyan, we quit! I didn't agree with you at the beginning to give up your old profession and go into politics. Since ancient times, people who play politics need strategy. As a descendant of Xinglin, you are not a fool. You're right to refuse them. Good horses don't turn back.

Child, in politics, it's a great kindness to seek happiness for the people. In Xinglin, it's a small kindness to cure diseases and save people. If we can't do a great kindness, we've done a lot of small kindness. It's the same. "

Lin Yanmei held his grandfather with a smile and said, "ha ha, I knew you would understand me!"

The old man turned away from his grandson and scolded, "what a man! I think I'm Su Su. I'll do this. Go away!"

Lin Yan talked to his grandfather about his idea of opening a clinic. His grandfather was very supportive, but he didn't approve of his idea of only serving high-end people. The old man practiced medicine all his life regardless of his status. He watched his grandson make a clubhouse system, and frowned and warned him not to only recognize money.

There is indeed a generation gap between the grandparents and grandchildren. Lin Yan thinks that most of the patients with low and middle income will choose to go to public hospitals for treatment. Even if they are accepted by clinics, they will not come to the door at all. The service audience must be different groups, and they can not be all inclusive.

The two argued and finally reached a neutral agreement, that is, Lin Yan's clinic is divided into two parts, a clinic on the first floor, aimed at the middle and low-level people, with grandfather as the main patient. As for those rich VIP members, they can go upstairs directly to receive Lin Yan's high-end private services.

Lin Yan also considered the location. He kind-hearted "pit" his grandfather. He chose the location in the west lakeside community on the east side of the lake. There is a half moon building near the lake in this community. I don't know if the designer has a hole in his head. He designed a 5.1-meter-high building. The marketing idea is that the owner can separate one floor into two floors, which is equivalent to taking out one square meter The price is two square meters.

It's just that 5.1 is divided into two parts. With the height of the isolation layer and the floor, the ceiling occupies at least more than 40 cm. The two layers are less than 2.3 meters high.

The owners who can buy houses in the new urban area want to live in chicken cages for such a small price. If they don't separate them, the 5.1-meter-high chicken cages are too vast and empty, so they can't sell them for several years.

Recently, when Lin Yan was walking on the street, a small advertisement was put in every now and then, saying that the house was going to be rented out, but if he was doing business by the lake, it would be too remote to do anything.

But Lin Yan's high-end women's club needs a lot with good scenery and quiet environment. Anyway, all the members who come to see a doctor are introduced by acquaintances. The energy of the noble women's circle is great. It's not a problem for members. This location is too suitable.

The rent is not expensive either. Lin Yan has already calculated the annual rent of 580000 yuan for a six story building. With the decoration and the purchase of equipment, 2 million yuan can be stopped. Precision equipment can be purchased one after another after receiving the annuity of the first batch of members.

Well, if the clinic is in this position, the "civilian" service that my grandfather thought of, and the patients who come to my door can be imagined. This is also Lin Yan's consideration that his grandfather is old and doesn't want to be surrounded by the patients who come in droves.

After the negotiation, Lin Yan went out all the time. He went to xihu'an community to talk about renting, but he was very happy with the manager of the sales department. The building has been completed for five or six years, and all the houses have been sold out. This wonderful half moon building near the lake can't be sold, and no one will rent it. It's a big expense just to employ and maintain people. It's really good to have someone to rent it now.

Looking around upstairs and downstairs, Lin Yan is in full bloom. The sales department has decorated the whole building. Even the curtains are complete. In this way, the decoration cost is saved a lot.

Lin Yan saw the urgency of the manager, haggled over the rent, and finally decided that it would be 550000 years. He was very confident in himself. He signed a five-year contract directly, paid a deposit with 50000 yuan of savings on the card, and said that he would pay the rent three days later, even if it was OK.

Lin Yan is very excited to rent a good house. After all, it's a start-up. No matter how well he does for others, he is also a part-time worker. This is his own boss. Although he is still a "underdog" at the start-up stage, it's always his own career!

After thinking about it, Lin Yan still called Huang Ruihan. After all, the real estate mortgage loan procedures are complicated. He has to get the money in three days. It's the most reliable way to find the vice president in charge of credit.

After hearing Lin Yan's request, Huang Ruihan didn't say anything for a long time. Later, he said with a choking voice: "Lin Yan, have we been born to such a situation? I don't have to give you a mortgage? "In order to coax Huang Ruihan, Lin Yan said deliberately with ridicule: "Ruihan, you should understand my character. Since I start my own business, it must depend on my own ability to start my own business. Using your money is against my personality. Secondly, after I get rich, it's not clear who this company belongs to. Hahaha, if I don't treat you as a friend, I will go to any bank for mortgage Yes, why do you want to see you, right? "

Huang Ruihan broke his tears into a smile and said, "virtue, I'm afraid I'll take your share. OK, I know about your house. A 170 square meter senior apartment should be able to be mortgaged to 3 million yuan. If you send me a card number, I will go through the formalities for you first. Then you come and fill in the form with your house property certificate. "

Lin Yan didn't understand the loan procedure, so he quickly sent his card number to Huang Ruihan. Who knows, within three minutes, he received a text message to remind him that his card was more than three million.

He quickly called Huang Ruihan, and she said with a smile: "don't worry, this is the amount of your loan. I am the vice president, and I have the authority to pay you first. The relevant procedures must be completed."

Lin Yan was very moved. He knew that his family's house sold well and could sell for two or three million yuan. However, the bank's mortgage loan often didn't lend in full according to the real price of the house, and it always kept down one third. Huang Ruihan not only didn't keep down the price, but also gave money first and then made up for it. This friendship is really heavy enough.

Lin Yan is a very kind person. He thinks that he must cure Qian Yunting's illness, so as to repay Huang Ruihan.

After making the decision, Lin Yan didn't refuse. He directly told Huang Ruihan that he had a lot of things to do today. When the house was rented and the money was in place, he had to go to Nanzhou to purchase medical equipment and apply for the relevant business license of the clinic. He asked his father, Lin Fengshou, to go to Huang Ruihan with his real estate certificate to go through the formalities.

Huang Ruihan readily agreed: "OK, please help yourself first, just let uncle send the house property certificate. I'll help you with all the communication procedures with the house property bureau."

Lin Yan rushed home and asked his father to send the house property certificate to Luping bank.

He himself dials Feng Huanhuan, and when he talks to this woman, he can be very intimate. He says his idea and asks Feng Huanhuan to help him apply for a medical license.

Because Lin Yan has the formal qualification of attending doctors, it is reasonable and legal to open a clinic, but the certificate of the clinic is not easy to approve, so it needs to be comprehensively evaluated according to many conditions such as the region and the service population.

But all these difficulties are not difficulties for Feng Huanhuan. She readily agrees that Lin Yan's qualification certificate and practice certificate are all kept in the archives of the people's Hospital, and she doesn't need him to go. She pays for him.

Feng Huanhuan provided the telephone number of the partner who supplied medical equipment to the people's hospital. He also called the partner in person, saying that the clinic had half of Feng Huanhuan's shares.

The people's hospital is a very large equipment user. The partners usually flatter Feng Huanhuan, but they can't find a chance. As soon as they hear that the president runs the enterprise himself, they immediately understand.

So when Lin Yan rented a van to Nanzhou, all the large equipment was 50% off, and all the small equipment, such as gynecological surgery kits, were given to him for free. He said that President Feng would only come if he wanted the equipment.

Lin Yan was overjoyed. He saved a million yuan on this item. He simply bought the equipment he had planned to equip one after another. The supplier also gave him more than three million yuan of equipment on credit. One box was not enough. The supplier enthusiastically sent two delivery trucks to help deliver the whole three trucks of equipment to Luping.

The manager of the West Lake Bank watched with astonishment as Lin Yan led the team to enter the equipment. He had never seen such a vigorous person. He didn't hand in the rental contract until three days after noon, and even pulled the equipment back when it wasn't dark.

Lin Yan saw that the manager was there, so he paid the rent for one year directly and signed the contract.

The manager keeps turning his eyes and regards Lin Yan as a fledgling young man. He wants to start a business with money, but his brain is not enough. Considering this position and the high house price, he may not be able to rent it out in five years. Lin Yan, the black sheep of his family, is not poor in money anyway. It's better to fool him to sign for several more years.

So, after some deception, Lin Yan laughed in his stomach, but cooperated with the manager to make the appearance of being fooled dizzy, and signed a ten-year contract.

After unloading the equipment, Lin Yan was wiping his sweat. He was hit heavily on his back. He turned back and exclaimed in surprise: "second brother, why are you here?"

Tian Qiushuang gritted his teeth and scolded: "you're so busy. You don't even say hello to me. I'm passive now!"

Lin yanmeng asked: "what's the matter?"

Outside the door came a bright voice: "it's really passive!"

Looking at the people striding in, Lin Yan was even more confused and surprised, and said: "eh? Mayor Zhao, are you here? "

Zhao shensan said with a bitter face: "it seems that he is still late!"

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