If this is a beautiful woman, it's just that Lin Yan saw the dead demon Zuo Lianshan who wanted to beat him once. This charming expression made him want to vomit.

Zuo Lianshan took off his sunglasses, and his eyelashes were coated with eyelash lotion. He raised his paws, shook them, and suddenly flashed his eyes and said, "Hey, brother Lin Yan, are you surprised to see me

What a damn surprise!

Lin Yan said with a speechless face: "Zuo Shao, it seems that we are not friends. Do you think I should be surprised?"

Zuo Lianshan said in a soft voice: "Oh, brother Lin Yan, don't worry. People are not the people they used to be. If you are like this, you can get on the bus first. Let's find a place to talk well. It's a good thing!"

Lin Yan got goose bumps all over the place because of the coquettishness of the goods. He couldn't understand the abnormal goods. It's reasonable to say that the last time he forced the goods into a pig's head, both sides were tearing their faces. Now what's going on?

Zuo Lianshan jumped out of the car with a pair of neat hands and dragged Lin Yan into the car. He said in a voice: "Oh, you've beaten me. I know I can't get you. Can I eat you? I really have something good to tell you. If you don't mind standing in front of your house, just say it here. "

Lin Yan, who was very fond of the perfume of the body, looked at the brightly coloured appearance of the parrot and the hands that hung on his arms. He looked up again, and looked around with the strange eyes. This is his own door, which is not pleasant to hear. It is really not easy to eliminate the influence. I really want to kick a fly, and this place is not. Easy to do.

Hesitating, Lin Yan was dragged into the car. Zuo Lianshan snapped his fingers and said: "bingo! Good brother, where do you want to go? Lu Ping is barely able to live, or go there? "

Lin Yan a black line, not angry said: "in the daytime to what hotel, go to the front of the lake."

Zuo Lianshan is also a wonderful flower. After bending, he turns into a Xiaoshou. The more he is scolded, the more happy he is. He has to say that he is a cheap man. He nods his head obediently and drives to the lake. Lin Yan asks him to stop on a deserted Avenue.

The door of the Sao Bao was high and spread its wings. Lin Yan jumped out of the car and reclined on a blooming Albizia tree. On the canopy like an umbrella, there were pink and fluffy Albizia flowers, which set off Lin Yan's snow-white shirt. It was a beautiful picture.

After watching this scene, Zuo Lianshan, who jumped out of the car, was full of stars in his eyes. He wanted to jump over and ask for a hug. Lin Yan raised his leg and kicked him. He rubbed his thigh and said: "good brother, people are really not here for revenge today. It's good intention!"

Lin Yan didn't want to face the dead demon for a minute. He said impatiently: "there are words and farts."

Zuo Lianshan pouted, stamped his feet and said, "hum, people know that your position is gone, and so are your horses. Today, I'm here to give you a chance and warmth. You're so cruel. You don't know how to kick people. No matter how painful it is, I want you to rub it!"

Lin Yan is really annoyed by the teaser's brain. How abnormal and narcissistic NIMA must be to feel that he will be moved and stick to it. Isn't it to be sent to the door for beating.

Zuo Lianshan saw that Lin Yan's face was not right, and said, "well, well, I won't let you rub it. I know you still have doubts about my intention, so I'll tell you all about it!

Since I last met you in Jinshawan, Nanzhou, I have been thinking about you day and night. Although you really beat me that day, I know that your anger is on Shabo. I play with that bastard, and you even annoy me.

That sun Zai dares to provoke you. I've already told him that he will never be released on bail for medical treatment again. I'll take advantage of your will and let him put on prison. Do you see the sincerity of my younger brother? "

Lin Yan's face was muddled. What the hell are you talking about!

Zuo Lianshan, however, regarded Lin Yan's stupidity as moving, and said with more and more dancing: "look, are you moved? Are you moved? Ha, I haven't finished. You must be more moved after that!

First of all, your job is gone. I came here today with a letter of appointment, inviting you to be the assistant to the general manager of my left bank group. Although he is an assistant, the general manager is either someone else or me! Has the final say that I love you, but I don't like to worry about it. After that, the company is the boss, the assistant is just trying to make the old men pick no thorn.

Secondly, Li fei'er, that little bitch, has no eyes for you. She's not worth being with my little brother tie Xiaoyi. You're sad. Without her, you still have me. I'm more loyal to my brother than Jin Jian. If you don't believe me, I can pledge my alliance with you.

That's all I came for! Hee hee, you see, sending love and career basically gives you all my money and people. Do you believe it now? "

Lin Yan a brain door son black line, to self feeling good left Lianshan asked: "you Ya is not sick?"


"What makes you think that if you give me money, I'll take it?"


"Do you think you are the most beautiful woman, or do you think I'm so poor that when you lose a bone, I jump on my knees and lick it?""No, don't worry, brother. I really like you. I don't mean to look down on you! Really, really, you don't have to be afraid to accept me. You really don't have to feel inferior. "

Lin Yan is so angry. Can you understand people's words? How can he be so distorted? Is this self abasement? It's obviously disgusting, OK!

"Enough!" Lin Yan finally got impatient. He was very busy, but he wasted his time here with this clunky thing. It's a dog's day. He couldn't help roaring: "are you out of your mind? I'm a straight man. Do you understand me? Even if you hold the golden mountain and the silver mountain, I will not be your rotten chrysanthemum! So you understand? Get out of here, wise man. Don't annoy me. I'll beat you again! "

Zuo Lianshan stood there stupidly, as if he could not understand that he was so infatuated, why Lin Yan would be cruel to refuse him, he was so sincere!

Lin Yan scolded, turned around and strode away. Zuo Lianshan wanted to chase him. Lin Yan pointed at him fiercely and cried: "if you dare to chase me again, I will beat you!"

Thinking of the beating he got in Jinshawan last time, Zuo Lianshan didn't dare to chase him, but he was pitiful and cried out: "brother, brother, don't decide so soon. I'll give you time to think about it. You can come to me whenever you change your mind..."

"Dead heart, I will not like the dead demon all my life!"

Lin Yan roared and strode away, his head full of chagrin. He also remembered that he had just promised Bao Cheng that he would go back to work, and then destroyed Zuo Lianshan. In an instant, there was another storm, and he could not beat this wonderful flower.

Zuo Lianshan kicked the Albizzia tree and muttered angrily: "I can't see you! I don't even look at me! Why don't you look at me

Can not be reconciled, like incurable pruritus, left Lianshan scratched the manic restlessness, the expression on the face slowly changed from grief to resentment, insidious soliloquy: "it seems, or down enough, when you don't even have to eat, you know my importance, hum hum!"

left Lianshan got on the road and flew to the iron Zhan stronghold, and arrived at the sanatorium by boat. He ran furiously into the water of the tower and went to the door and called, "old fellow, old fellow, you have to do me a favor!"

Zuo Lianshan is so arrogant. Even his father, governor Zuo, is very polite when he sees tie Zhan. However, he always thinks that tie Zhan is a slave to his father and son, so as long as his father is not in front of him, he doesn't shout big or small.

Tiezhan is a deep-seated man. He never quarrels with Zuo Lianshan, and he always tries to coax him with humility. Hearing this, he comes out and says with a smile: "Oh, who's provoking Zuo Zong? Angry face is red, quickly come in to eat some ice watermelon to cool down

Zuo Lianshan angrily went in and grabbed the watermelon. He only chewed one piece in the middle of the melon and then changed it. Soon a plate of melon was gnawed into a mess by him. Then he said: "I repay good for bad. I came here with good intentions to attract Lin Yan who beat me and Xiao Qin. He didn't know each other! I don't care. I'm going to make up my mind about this man. You must think of a way to make him unable to live in lupin! "

After hearing Zuo Lianshan's words, tie Zhan's eyes jumped a few times, but he didn't rush to answer. After thinking about it, he said, "I've solicited Lin Yan once, but he refused. If you come to Luping today, if you ask me first, I won't let you go, so as not to be rejected."

Zuo Lianshan asked in surprise: "have you solicited? Why didn't Xiaotie tell me? "

Tie Zhan says helplessly: "Xiao Yi doesn't know, I didn't tell him."

Zuo Lianshan's face changed and he suddenly laughed: "this Lin Yan has a good personality. I like it more! Oh, no matter, old fellow, you have to think of ways to make him unlucky. It's better to be unlucky enough to owe someone a debt. Then I can act as his Savior, pay his debts, take him to fly him, and he will know my importance, ha!

Iron Zhan heart disdain and sigh, the boss is a hero, how to raise such a straw bag thing? My son is still sensible.

However, for Zuo Lianshan's requirements, tie Zhan felt that he could meet them.

Lin Yan dares to refuse his tiezhan's olive branch. Originally, he didn't plan to let it go. He just wants to take his time, but now with Zuo Lianshan's request, he can just open the whole thing.

Tiezhan made a good decision, nodded and said: "OK, I'll do it for you. It happens that Lin Yan has opened a clinic to start a business. When he opens, I'll arrange a major medical accident as a gift for him. At that time, I won't force him to lose his fortune, even if I don't have the ability to do it."

Zuo Lianshan said excitedly: "this idea is good, this idea is good! You'd better arrange for him to cure the dead, and then hire a group of professional doctors to make trouble, so that he will not only lose money, but also lose his reputation. From then on, he can no longer make a living by practicing medicine, and then he will fall into my hands! "

Tie Zhan gave a sinister smile: "that's it!"

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