Ling Wei sent Lin Yan away. After closing the door, he asked director Fang Ziming for high-level video communication. This video line is a higher level outside the public security system. After connecting, Ling Wei reported the latest situation and asked Liu Yuanzhi for instructions.

Fang Ziming is a weak scholar, white faced, thin, with eyes, a scholarly look, looking at the appearance alone, who can guess that this is an iron hand police God standing for more than 20 years in the Public Security Department of H Province!

After listening to Ling Wei's report, Fang Ziming showed a trace of ridicule and said: "no wonder Zhao shensan's evaluation of Lin Yan is the same as he was then, and he is really another deviant who doesn't play cards according to common sense. His suggestion is good, and I think it's worth taking risks."

Looking at the father like elder boasting his sweetheart, Ling Wei couldn't help showing a happy expression. Fang Ziming was acutely aware of it and asked, "Xiaowei, isn't it? Do you have a wooden pimple

Ling Wei blushed even more, but followed her usual speech style and said, "well, we are together."

This is more unexpected than Fang Ziming expected!

This Ling Wei Fang Ziming is too familiar. In those years, he found a folk orphanage because he once investigated the criminal gang who abducted and sold children and forced them to beg. The black hearted criminals came here to buy children.

After the six-year-old Ling Wei's dirty little face was washed, the criminal leader was shocked and said that this is a little beauty embryo. Now there is a mother sang who specializes in managing women's children. She specially buys this kind of beautiful children. When they grow up, they are worth the money.

Just when Ling Wei was caught on the bus and was about to fall into the nightmare of losing his dignity, Fang Ziming led the police to break in and save the poor orphan.

Fang Ziming saw that Ling Wei's dark eyes were full of aura, so he sent her to martial arts school. He helped her to study all these years. Later, Ling Wei did as expected and got outstanding results in the police school. After graduation, he went directly to the provincial police department to work as a policeman. He didn't know how many major cases had been solved. This time, he came to Luping to investigate.

Fang Ziming always treats this poor child as his own daughter. The only thing he worries about is that the girl seems to be uninterested in her feelings. Her beauty is actually a burden in her eyes. As long as a man is interested in her appearance, she will try to beat others violently and scare away many pursuers.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yan, who even took a high look at Zhao shensan, had the ability to restore Ling Wei's little girl mentality, which made Fang Ziming even more curious about him.

"Xiaowei, I am your elder at least. Since you have decided to marry Lin Yan, should you bring him to see my parents?"

Ling Wei said shyly, "well, I'll take him to see you at the weekend."

Ling Wei has the same respect and admiration for Fang Ziming as his father. The reason why he didn't tell Lin Yan about this relationship before is that Fang Ziming is upright and doesn't like his subordinates or relatives to flaunt his banner everywhere. Now that the teacher has offered to see Lin Yan, he must take him.

Later, Fang Ziming talked with Ling Wei about how to deal with Liu Yuanzhi for a long time and worked out a plan to make sure that he was ready to make some noise.

As soon as the video was turned off, Ling Wei's mobile phone rang. She saw that it was Feng Luxian, Secretary of the municipal politics and Law Commission, and answered: "Secretary Feng, I'm ling Wei."

Secretary Feng said seriously: "Comrade Ling Wei, I just received a message that Wan Feixue, the general manager of Xintong, was pregnant during the monitoring period. Do you understand this?"

Ling Wei secretly lamented that the spread of grapevine news in recent years is really fast enough. How long ago, even Secretary Feng knew it, and said, "yes, I just knew it."

Secretary Feng said angrily: "just when Secretary Deze told me about this, I didn't believe it. I wanted to ask you first, so as not to wronged some comrades. It seems true that you said so. I'll feed back the opinions of our public security system with Secretary Deze, and let them deal with the lawless Deputy Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission of Meilin district as soon as possible!"

Ling Wei exclaimed in shock: "Secretary Feng, wait for you first. I just said that I know Wan Feixue is pregnant, but what you said is to deal with Deputy Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission of Meilin district. Wan Feixue is pregnant. Why do you deal with Lin Yan?"

Feng Luxian said angrily: "if it wasn't for secretary Ma, I can't believe that there are such lawless staff in our grassroots!

From the very beginning, Lin Yan, who was in charge of the ICT working group, was arrogant, domineering and boastful. He said that he could absorb the capital of peninsula group into ICT to make up for the losses. He also made promises to help people get back their savings. He swaggered and cheated. He made a big mess and was cleared out by the Joint Organization Department of the government office. He didn't know who was behind him, but he was restored to his original position by trickery, Now, during the period of monitoring the suspect, the suspect is coerced to sleep with him, leading to pregnancy. Shouldn't such scum be dealt with? "

Ling Wei is completely disordered, but as a mature police officer, she will never lose her sense and judgment because of her personal emotions. She responded at the first time that Secretary Feng was definitely instigated by someone with premeditated intention. The instigator deliberately distorted the facts and hoodwinked the truth with ulterior motives, which makes Secretary Feng so angry.Ling Wei explained clearly: "Secretary Feng, listen to me, the situation of Xintong is very complicated, and WAN Feixue's pregnancy also involves a lot. The truth has been found out by our public security staff, and the evidence shows that it has nothing to do with Lin Yan."

Secretary Feng was shocked: "ah?"

Ling Wei confidently said: "Secretary Feng, as the deputy director of our public security system, I can responsibly tell you that there is another person who made Wan Feixue pregnant during the monitoring period, but it is definitely not Lin Yan!"

Feng Luxian said confusedly: "how can this happen? Secretary Deze is not a person who draws conclusions easily. He just came to my office to communicate with me. How can it be false? In addition, Secretary Deze said that what he got was a recording of Wan Feixue accusing Lin Yan of causing her pregnancy. In the recording, Lin Yan did not deny it. "

Secretary Feng's "Secretary Deze" is Ma Deze, the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Luping city. He found Feng Luxian to talk about this problem, which shows that the authenticity of the recording is enough for secretary Ma to believe. The mystery behind this is intriguing.

Ling Wei said straightforwardly: "Secretary Feng, I still insist on my opinion. This matter has nothing to do with Lin Yan. In addition, Lin Yan has been conscientiously performing his duties in the working group of Xintong. This is also the reason why some people are eager to damage his reputation and force him to leave Xintong. It is not convenient for me to report the real situation to you on the phone. I hope you understand. "

Feng Luxian understood immediately and said simply: "well, I will feed back your opinion to Secretary Deze now. Since Lin Yan is innocent, we can't affect his work because of the unwarranted doubt."

Ling Wei hung up and immediately went to Zhao Nanyue's office to report Secretary Fang Ziming's arrangement and Feng Luxian's phone call.

Zhao Nanyue immediately patted the table: "the action is fast enough, we just want to do it here, and their excrement basin has been buckled on Lin Yan's head. This is a demonstration with us!

Ling Bureau, you go to sort out the relevant evidence immediately. I'll call Secretary Feng right now. Ten minutes later, we will report to the city together. "

After Ling Wei went out, Zhao Nanyue said with self mockery: "this Lin Yan was shot while lying down. It's a real trouble, ha!"

At the moment, Secretary Ma Deze is already sitting in Minister Wu Xiangzhi's office. The Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, who was transferred from Nanzhou to Luping city with Qin Shaowei, has been performing his duties for less than a year. He has decisively won three top leaders at the county level, and his wrist is quite stiff. Today, he seems to be really angry.

Secretary Ma can't believe that Lin Yan, a grass-roots cadre of discipline inspection and a small Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Meilin District, has become so lawless!

---After tricking Li fei'er into associating with him, he coerced Li Lixin, a famous businessman, as a "son-in-law", tricked Peninsula Group into taking money to fill the hole of Xintong, and achieved his despicable purpose of inviting Lin Yan to buy his reputation and achievements;

--- during the working group of Xintong, taking advantage of the depositors' eagerness to get back their hard-earned money, he used "priority cash" as bait to trick beautiful female depositors for their pleasure, More unscrupulous fishing social relations, its behavior is shameless!

---During the period when Wan Feixue, an important person responsible for the monitoring of ICT, was responsible, he used the ridiculous reason of "can help Wan Feixue clear the charge", half deceived and half forced to have an improper relationship with Wan Feixue, which led to Wan Feixue's pregnancy, but he was unwilling to bear the responsibility, and even wanted to take Wan Feixue to have an abortion in private to cover up the crime;

-- even the organization department and the government office jointly took action against this case Lin Yan's punishment was blinded by Lin Yan's clever words. The Organization Department came forward again and restored the official to his original position.

Secretary Ma Deze can't bear that such a small person, whose crimes are clearly exposed, still mingles with the sacred and solemn discipline inspection team!

As a result, after receiving the relevant information about Lin Yan's "crime", Ma Deze immediately communicated with Secretary Feng Luxian and asked him to confirm the evidence from the public security system. He then directly went to the office of the organization Minister Wu Xiangzhi and questioned how Lin Yan could be reinstated by an inexplicable official.

"Minister Wu, what I said above is about Lin Yan. The evidence is all here. I don't understand. Such a thing who uses his power to commit crimes has been cleared out of the civil service. Why did the organization department take pains to produce an appointment document and send him back to our discipline inspection team?

No matter what the origin of Lin Yan is, I don't want this kind of black sheep in the discipline inspection team in charge of someone. Either you transfer him out of the discipline inspection system as soon as possible, or I will thoroughly investigate Lin Yan from the perspective of discipline inspection! "

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