Lin Yan is really evil. Gao zongfeng's neck is thick.

Bao Cheng almost laughed and coughed a few times before he said, "Lin Yan, no matter what the truth is, there is negative public opinion in your work. You should allow other comrades to supervise it."

Gao zongfeng caught the imperial edict and repeatedly said: "yes, I actually believe that secretary Lin is innocent, but there is no wind without fire. Now that there is public opinion, we should accept the investigation of the district Party committee calmly. Those who are clear are clear and those who are turbid are turbid."

Lin Yan stares at Gao zongfeng with a smile and says, "it seems that director Gao is the one who decides that I am Lin yanzhuo? I really don't understand. What's wrong with me? Tell me, can I change my profession? "

Gaozong Fengqi's three corpse gods jumped: "Lin Yan, what do you mean by that? Did I report your question to Secretary Bao out of personal resentment? "

Lin Yan was so angry that he said, "isn't it?"

Gao zongfeng cried: "I am a party member. I will never be selfish. Don't slander me!"

Lin Yan grinned: "I seem to understand. Director Gao thinks that we are both at the rank of section, but I lead you. I'm not convinced, right? That's a pity. I can't correct this mistake, and I don't want to change it. I can only aggrieve director Gao! "

"You..." After Lin Yan broke his mind, Gao zongfeng decided to tear his face and cried out, "well, since you think so, I will be the villain today. Secretary Bao, do you want to check? If you don't check, I'll go to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to report it now! "

Lin Yan said with a ruffian face: "please, director Gao, if you don't go, I think Lin Yan despises you. You are a man who dares to do something. If you go, I admire you. Even if you are a villain, you are a real villain."

Gao zongfeng was so ruthlessly humiliated that he almost burst into tears. He worked hard from the most basic Township Office to the section level. He was the head of the overall situation Committee. He always took his head seriously.

After the health and Family Planning Commission is in charge of information and communication affairs, it's just Wu Jun who is in charge. At least he is the organization director of the Standing Committee of the district Party committee, the Deputy county-level leader, and the section level cadre. Although he has all kinds of prestige in the district, he is the middle-level cadre after all, but the Deputy county-level leader is the district leader. I don't know how many middle-level leaders can't climb up in his whole life, and Gao zongfeng is very clear.

I didn't expect that a Lin Yan came down from the city and ran Wu Jun away as the person in charge. He didn't take his director Gao seriously at all, especially the 30 million yuan. The high-level relationship was entrusted to Bao Cheng, Wu Jun or Lin Yan, but there were also middle-level people who were entrusted to Gao zongfeng. However, Gao zongfeng didn't even know how to control the book funds, It's strange to feel comfortable.

It's a pity that everyone can see the fact that Lin Yan's roots are rough. He was swept out of the house a few days ago. Director Gao was so happy that he wanted to set off firecrackers. He never thought that a few days later, Lin Yan's cockroaches would appear in Xintong again.

Cao Mian Yan's heart can't be hurt by the fact that he can't bear it.

However, the development of the matter is obviously out of Gao zongfeng's expectation. Lin Yan suddenly appears, hears his accusations behind his back, and shows his unbridled contempt. He repeatedly provokes his self-esteem. He can't do without tearing his face.

Gao zongfeng trembled all over and said to Bao Cheng, "Secretary Bao, can you hear that Lin Yan did not care about the face of his colleagues and openly called me a snob or a villain? That's no wonder. I'd rather be a real snob than a snob!"

Bao Cheng said angrily: "enough! Stop it, stop it

However, Gao zongfeng thinks that he has been greatly humiliated, so he is not willing to give up. He thinks that he will not die but suffer from it. Now that he has offended Lin Yan, he can only offend him to the end. Anyway, with the recording brought back by Cao Gaosheng in his hand, he can't get rid of this arrogant boy.

So Gao zongfeng said decidedly: "Secretary Bao, I can't listen to you today. The right and wrong of this matter have been confused. We must let the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection participate in the investigation to distinguish clearly. Sorry, I have to report some evil people!"

At this time, Chu Ke, the Secretary of Bao Cheng, came in with a strange look and said, "Secretary Bao, Vice Mayor Liu Yuanzhi has been arrested."

Gao zongfeng, who had just returned to his impassioned face, suddenly turned pale. Before Secretary Bao spoke, he said, "Chu Ke, how can you spread such irresponsible rumors? Mayor Liu is so good that he can't be caught!"

Chu Ke is not only the Secretary of Bao Cheng, but also the director of the Political Research Office of the district Party committee office. He is also a section level cadre. He was reprimanded by Gao zongfeng in front of his boss. His face is very ugly and he said: "even if I am not high-quality, I also know that reporting the situation to Secretary Bao needs to be grounded. How can director Gao conclude that I am spreading rumors?"

Gao zongfeng realized that he had done something stupid. His first reaction was to take a subconscious look at Lin Yan. Sure enough, there was a very obvious schadenfreude expression on Lin Yan's face.

This made Gao zongfeng recover some rational mood and explode again. He even said once again: "what an important event is the rise and fall of a city leader. How can he be won without any omen, and you still don't admit that you spread rumors?"Lin Yan pretended to nod his head and said: "yes, director Chu, director Gao's meaning is very clear. He can tell Secretary Bao of my evil state when he hears rumors. He also calls it selfless. Then you must be spreading rumors when you report your work, because your heart is not regular, your eyes are not clear, and Mr Gao's heart is not right."

Chu Ke chuckled: "secretary Lin is right. The reference object must be different from different angles. If we act as reference object according to director Gao's point of view, the fact that I am really based on is indeed a rumor."

Bao Cheng headache stop: "get, Chu Ke, in the end what's going on?"

Chu Ke quickly stopped joking and said: "Secretary Bao, Liu Yuanzhi was taken. It's just the news publicly announced by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. It's absolutely true."

Bao Cheng was also very surprised and asked, "why didn't you say that?"

Chu Ke glanced at Gao zongfeng, who was numb, and then looked at Lin Yan with a smile. Then he said to Bao Cheng, "Hey, it's still related to Secretary Lin. this afternoon, there was a lot of noise in the District, saying that he was keeping watch of himself and sleeping with Cao Yu's wife. In fact, it was mayor Liu who slept with Wan Feixue. Ha! In addition to this, it was said that Mayor Liu was involved in the money sucking activities of Xintong, and there were other criminal evidences of using power for personal gain, so he was taken down. "

Gao zongfeng's face became more and more gloomy. Lin Yan would not let him go and said, "tut Tut, director Gao, what's the taste of talking and slapping? Now, do you still feel that you are standing on the commanding height of moral discipline and have the right to accuse me of Lin Yan? "

Chu Ke suddenly said with a smile: "secretary Lin, do you know that you have been nicknamed the city leader killer, ha ha, prestige?"

Lin Yan asked strangely, "why do you call me that?"

Bao Cheng said: "you beat minister Sha with a brick. Now another child has brought Mayor Liu down. It's not a loss to call you that."

Lin Yan's face was muddled and black. He said, "er It's just a coincidence that I don't have that ability. "

Gao zongfeng's heart is blue. After all, he really wanted to steal Lin Yan. Even if Secretary Bao didn't investigate and deal with it, he would at least have a bad impression on Lin Yan. To get rid of Lin Yan is a victory.

However, it's only a long time since the news of this world came so fast. It not only proved that Lin Yan was innocent, but also that he sued evil. Even Liu Yuanzhi, the backstage, fell down!

What a slap in the face!

Gao zongfeng was really arrogant and patient. Seeing things turn around, he said with an apologetic face: "Secretary Bao, I made a review. I didn't carry out the investigation, so I made a hasty judgment and wronged Secretary Lin. please criticize me."

Bao Cheng said: "it's good to know that you are wrong. You are also an old comrade. You really shouldn't do such rash things. However, Lin Yan, don't take it to heart. Just think that today is a democratic life meeting. Only when you can withstand criticism and self-criticism can you better adhere to the line. "

Lin Yan said sincerely: "Secretary Bao is right. I have the right to accept criticism. Although this criticism is a false proposition, I also thank director Gao for his love for me."

This kind of piliyangqiu's reply made Chu Ke laugh secretly again, and he was killed by Bao Cheng's eye knife, so he quickly left.

Gao zongfeng didn't succeed in the evil situation, and he thoroughly aroused Lin Yan's resentment. He had no face to stay any longer, so he quickly followed Chu Ke.

Lin Yan went to close the door and came back with a smile on his face.

Bao Cheng said: "you are too immature. Even if you see through Gao zongfeng's intention, why do you have to tear your face? After all, you have to cooperate in the future. It's not creating conflicts. "

Lin Yan put aside his banter and said seriously: "Secretary Bao, it's not that I don't have the city government and don't know how to endure and unite, but after so many things, I find that it's better to show patience than to demonstrate to those enemies who are destined to be impossible to turn enemies into friends.

Let them understand that I'm not easy to bully Lin Yan, and I don't care about my face and feathers. I'm a lengtouqing who doesn't play cards according to common sense. On the contrary, I'll make them fear when they plot against me. "

Bao Cheng thought for a while and then said, "for you, this method is also suitable. Well, now that you've cleaned up, what are you doing here? "

Lin Yan said with a complacent smile: "Secretary Bao, last time I didn't do things properly, so you can't say after eating Huanglian. Today, I'll send you a big bowl of honey to compensate your bitter heart."

Bao Cheng laughed: "you little boy, who gives you the courage to be familiar with yourself in front of me? No section level cadre in the whole district dares to make fun of me so easily. "

Lin yannao scratched his head and said, "I'm not stupid. Although you don't have much contact with me, you show care and protection in handling everything about me. I understand that."

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