Lin Yan is still shocked. Feng Huanhuan has made a quick decision and said: "Lin Yitang has just opened today, and the surgical instruments are not complete. This kind of severe patients can not stay here. It's better to send them to the first people's Hospital as soon as possible."

Several police are staring at Lin Yan, Lin Yan also said: "yes, go quickly, don't delay the rescue time."

However, Wan Feixue on the stretcher struggled to raise her head. Her pale face was covered with sweat. Her eyes were red. She reached out to catch Lin Yan and said: "secretary Lin, help me! Help me! If I don't go to the hospital, I will die. Some people want me to die! Only you Help me

Lin Yan looked at Wan Feixue's eyes, full of despair, hatred, regret, and a strong desire to survive, immediately understood that her situation must not be accidental, she knew something in her heart, so she only trusted him.

Knowing that this is a conspiracy against Lin Yitang, but as a doctor, he has a strong sense of responsibility in the face of critically ill patients, so Lin Yan completely put aside the external factors, resolutely grasped Wan Feixue's wrist, and immediately realized that it was abnormal!

Lin Yu also quickly came over, grabbed the patient's other wrist, took the pulse, and said decisively: "miscarriage of blood, blood clotting, the patient is critical, hurry to rescue, do not mention all other reasons! The pharmacist in the Chinese pharmacy, hurry up and get the medicine with me! Xiaoyan, I use hemostatic prescription. You should treat it with western medicine quickly! "

"It's grandfather."

Grandparents and grandchildren chose to save people.

Lin Yan didn't look at Feng Huanhuan's anxious obstruction at all. He decisively ordered: "take the patient to the operating room on the second floor, the nursing department, emergency fluid infusion, ECG monitoring, oxygen delivery! Laboratory, blood test, go to the blood station to match blood, the first stage, match three units first

All the employees Feng Huanhuan recruited have been trained and studied in the first people's hospital. They have seen all kinds of big scenes. Lin Yan's orders are very clear, and their executive ability is very fast.

A few minutes later, Wan Feixue was properly placed on the operating bed. At the same time, three tubes were rehydrated. Lin Yan quickly disinfected, put on the operating clothes, and went into the operating room for examination. After the examination, the test results came out. The platelet value of Wan Feixue was almost zero!

In other words, her coagulation mechanism completely collapsed, and the uterine bleeding caused by Tiger wolf medicine could not be stopped. Sooner or later, she would survive, bleeding too much and die.

This kind of situation is common in term labor. Amniotic fluid enters into the blood tissue, causing amniotic fluid embolism, and then inducing the collapse of coagulation mechanism, causing disseminated intravascular hemorrhage. It is a disease with high mortality, but it rarely occurs in patients with early pregnancy abortion. Wan Feixue's situation is very strange.

Lin Lin took a bowl of Chinese medicine, which was crushed into foam. He had no time to boil it. He directly flushed the water and quickly fed Wan Feixue to drink it. Lin Yan filled it with gauze and pressed it to stop bleeding. On the other hand, his face was ugly and said, "I'm afraid it can't be done. Platelets are falling rapidly. It's not good to stop bleeding."

Grandfather Lin flatly said: "Xiaoyan, since it's sent to us, don't consider the consequences of treatment failure, just try to save people. You just treat according to your plan. I'll give her an injection to slow down her blood flow! "

Lin Yan always had a strong sense of indignation in his heart. The little girl reminded him that Wan Feixue had been sent, and his body was still in such an abnormal state. It must be a carefully arranged plot. But after listening to his grandfather's words, all the complex emotions in his heart were abandoned, and saving people was the first priority.

The old man concentrated his mind and calmed his breath and began to perform the acupuncture, which reduced the blood flow rate of Wan Feixue. After the Qing Dynasty, Lin Yan tightly packed Wan Feixue's uterus with sterilized cotton gauze, squeezed all the bleeding points, and finally temporarily controlled the bleeding.

However, then the problem came again. Wan Feixue's uterus was paralyzed after the early tonic uterine contraction. Although she had used drugs to promote uterine contraction, it didn't work at all. That is to say, as long as the cotton yarn was pulled out, there would still be massive bleeding. In addition, her coagulation function was completely destroyed. At present, the turning point is only to treat the symptoms, not the root cause.

Outside the door, suddenly came a sharp noise, Wan Feiyu crazy beating the door of the operating room, crying: "Feixue, Feixue, my sister, how are you?"

Then, it sounds that there is a noisy old voice crying together, crying is actually: "snow, you die a good injustice ah, this is not clear death here, how do you let your parents live!"

Lin Yan's mind "boom" thunder, he finally understand the purpose of today's Conspiracy - opponents want, is to let Wan Feixue die in Lin Yitang!

Even Wan Feiyu and WAN Feixue's parents are part of the plot. Those people, knowing that Wan Feixue will surely die, can't wait to make trouble now!

In fact, because the blood was quickly taken and transfused, and the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine of the Lin family stopped the bleeding, Wan Feixue's mind was sober, and her pallor came back a little.

Hearing the noise outside, Wan Feixue said with a sad smile: "Dr. Lin, you ask someone to draw up a list. I will sign to prove that if I die, it has nothing to do with you."

Lin Yan's grandson didn't seem to hear her suggestion. After an urgent discussion, Lin Yan looked at Wan Feixue seriously and said, "now your uterus has lost its contractile function. In this case, the massive bleeding can't be controlled. After physical hemostasis for a long time, the uterine wall will be necrotic due to ischemia. Once it causes blood infection, it will cause fatal complications instantly.Now the only rescue method is to remove your uterus, but your platelet value is very low, and it is very likely that you can't control the bleeding during the operation and die. Now you decide to do it or not? "

"Do it!" said Wan Feixue

Lin Yan nodded: "do you choose your family members to sign, or do the police sign for you?"

Wan Feixue said with a sad smile: "Cao Yu can't get out. My mother's family would like to see me die and mistake you for millions. I choose the police to sign."

So the policeman who supervised Wan Feixue came in and signed.

Wan Feiyu and the old couple of Wan family are controlled by the police and are not allowed to shout, but there are many strange looking men and women around the half moon tower. Some people are still holding long banners made of white cotton cloth with big black characters painted on them and waiting there.

The guests all looked at each other. They never thought that when Lin Yitang just opened, there was such a patient who was still in surgery. The family members were crying in the corridor that their daughter died and wanted the clinic to pay for her life.

A petite figure dodged into the linyitang, accompanied by the doctor to quickly meet up, called: "Xue beauty, you come to visit? Dr. Lin is in operation. Do you want to go to the audio-visual room

Xue Jinyan nervously grasped the accompanying doctor and asked, "did the patient come from the police? Is it Wan Feixue? "

Accompany the doctor to nod, the facial expression anxiously says: "very serious, also don't know can rescue come over, alas."

Xue Jinyan stamped her foot: "well, why did you take her? Didn't the uncle tell Dr. Lin? "

Accompanied by the doctor asked: "Xue beauty, what do you say?"

Xue Jinyan shook her head quickly: "no, no, you go to work. I'll go and come back another day."

In the operating room, the operation was carried out in an orderly way. Mr. Lin's ancestral medical skills were not covered. Unexpectedly, in the case of ultra-low platelet, he used traditional Chinese medicine to control the intraoperative bleeding.

Lin Yan skillfully removed Wan Feixue's uterus, which had lost its contractile function, and quickly dealt with all the surgical wounds. Before closing the abdomen, he asked his grandfather to slowly release the severed meridians. After observation, he found that it was perfect, there was no bleeding, and this time he began to close the abdomen.

The operation is epidural anesthesia, that is to say, Wan Feixue is always awake. Last night, after eating the tablets in the "Yuting" box, she had two abortions. She is very familiar with the reaction after taking the drugs, but she never thought that there would be uterine contraction bleeding tomorrow. It started at nine o'clock this morning, and it started with a lot of bleeding until nine thirty She realized that something was wrong, and her vitality was gradually exhausted with the unstoppable blood, so she began to cry for help.

In the severe pain, Wan Feixue seems to hear someone talking in a very low voice, saying that she really took the medicine prepared by the boss, and later sent her to the hospital. The doctor has arranged for her to die seamlessly.

She told Yilin that she would not go to the hospital, so she didn't want to go to the hospital.

Sure enough, she was delivered. When the wailing of her sister and her parents came from outside the operating room, Wan Feixue suddenly realized that even Lin Yitang, who she thought was the only savior, was carefully arranged by some people who wanted to kill her. Those people didn't want to kill her enough. They also wanted to use her death to pit secretary Lin!

In contrast, secretary Lin and the old gentleman clearly know that this may be a conspiracy. Even if it's not a conspiracy, it's very unlucky for them to accept such a critically ill patient as her when they just started business today. However, without hesitation, they decided to rescue her. In contrast, the flesh and blood relationship seemed so pale, but the great love of the doctor saved her life.

After the operation, Wan Feixue watched the old man and Lin Yan with white hair. They were all tired. Even without taking off their surgical clothes, they sat on the chair to have a rest, and their hearts were full of moving torrents.

She secretly made up her mind that this life was picked up by secretary Lin for her anyway. Then, what he wanted to know, there was no need to keep secret for those who wanted to die for her.

Wan Feiyu anxiously walked up and down the corridor. The red light on the door of the operating room was still on. The sentence she wanted to hear was "I'm sorry, the patient died of excessive blood loss!" I haven't heard that until now.

Is there an accident, the pair of grandparents to save the snow?

Just at this time, the lamp finally went out. Wan Feiyu winked at his mother. The white haired old lady ran against the door and said, "you have killed my daughter, and I'm dead!"

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