When Lin Yan originally planned to meet Wan Feixue, he brought her two daughters to have a look, which could open her heart. But after thinking about it, the four-year-old child could understand things. Seeing her mother so weak, she would have a shadow in her heart, so she didn't answer.

He went to the top floor and knocked on the door. The iron door opened, revealing the face of a policeman. Seeing that it was Lin Yan, he moved away with a smile.

Wan Feixue's complexion has been much better, and she is still dribbling. The police have told her that the person who was transferred to the hospital instead of her was assassinated. When she saw Lin Yan's eyes, she became red and said gratefully, "secretary Lin, thank you for saving me twice."

Lin Yan said: "the day before yesterday, I heard from team Jiao that you want to see me, but I think you need to be calm. You came here today. What do you want to say to me?"

Wan Feixue said awkwardly: "I just want to thank you for saving my life."

Lin Yan secretly sneers. The woman stares back, but it's understandable. After all, there are too many people and things in her heart. If she wants to speak, she must first dispel her worries.

Thanks to all the preparations in advance, just at the Public Security Bureau, Zhao Nanyue has already completed the Hong Kong and Macao passes of Cao Liang and Cao can's little sisters, who have been adopted by Luo Meiting, and the immigration registration procedures, and is negotiating with Hong Kong. But the problem is not big enough to reassure Wan Feixue.

Lin Yan nodded and said, "I know how you feel, so I don't have to be grateful. After all, I'm a doctor, and it's my bounden duty to save the dying and heal the wounded. As for another position, I'm not allowed to see you killed innocently under my eyelids."

Wan Feixue's face was full of tears, her throat choked, and her eyes were all guilty. She muttered: "secretary Lin, you are a good man."

Lin Yan is more and more impatient with the Xintong incident and all the dirty things behind the scenes triggered by it, especially when he saw the goblin like woman in Duan Tingting's place last night, enjoying all the extravagant life beyond imagination, as well as the ugly appearance in Zuo Tianming's video, who lives in a high position but is abnormal and cheap.

Thinking of these chicken bastards, they are so comfortable with the people's fat and cream, so that so many people are deeply in pain because of their selfish desires. Lin Yan's chest is like a burning flame, and he is in great pain.

Lin Yan is eager to finish the Xintong incident. When he communicates with Zhao Nanyue, he expresses this idea strongly. Now when he comes to find Wan Feixue, he is not in the mood to play any more palace tricks. He is ready to say his intention directly to achieve his goal.

"Wan Feixue, I have asked the provincial public security department for help to apply for the Hong Kong and Macao passes for your two daughters. The police also have a face-to-face communication with Luo Meiting and reached a consensus on her adoption of your daughter. Now, all the procedures are in progress. There should be no accident. At the latest, after the summer vacation, your daughter will not be delayed in kindergarten in Hong Kong."

Wan Feixue suddenly heard Lin Yan say what she was most worried about, and it had been arranged so properly. She was shocked to open her eyes and mouth. For a time, she couldn't believe it.

Lin Yan takes out two passes from her briefcase, and then takes out the relevant immigration procedures and hands them to Wan Feixue. She looks at them with rapture and greed, and tears fall on her face.

"Originally, I wanted to take your daughters over to see you today, but considering your physical condition, I didn't take them for fear of bringing psychological shadow to the children. However, if you want to see them, I can also arrange for them for you."

Wan Feixue said eagerly: "no, don't let them come! As long as they are well, I will be at ease even if I die! "

Lin Yan looked at Wan Feixue with pity and didn't speak any more.

Finally, after 20 times of reading, Wan Feixue put down the documents and struggled to get up.

Lin Yan quickly stopped her and asked, "what do you want?"

Wan Feixue wailed: "I I'll kowtow to you

Lin Yan reprimanded: "what nonsense? I'm sorry that your two daughters are so young. When I meet your parents and want them to return to their normal living environment earlier, I want you to kowtow!"

Wan Feixue was ashamed of crying for a long time.

Lin Yan saw that she was almost crying, and then said: "in fact, you should understand in your heart that you and Cao Yu have a deficit of nearly 1 billion in the name of fund guarantee. The legal responsibility must be borne. I've solved your worries. Next, I'm afraid you should pay for your mistakes."

Wan Feixue said sadly, "yes, I know that. Please tell director Zhao that we should be punished. We should be punished by ourselves."

Lin yanmu said: "I went to see Liu Yuanzhi yesterday."

Wan Feixue raised her head and asked eagerly, "did you see him? Did he ask you to bring me a message? "

"Yes." Lin Yan said: "he asked me about you. I told you that you were almost killed. He said," go back and tell Feixue that I don't want to die, and I won't allow her to die. Our lives won't be a fig leaf to cover up the crime. " This is the original. I didn't delete or modify a word. "

Wan Feixue suddenly pulled up the sheet and wrapped herself up. Her body trembled violently under the sheet and gave out a burst of suppressed sobs.Lin Yan stood up and went to the door. Looking at the lush flowers in the sun, he was more and more upset.

For a while, Wan Feixue's cry came from behind: "secretary Lin, are you still there?"

Lin Yan went back to the house and saw that Wan Feixue's eyes were red and swollen, but he had wiped away his tears. With a decisive light in his eyes, he knew that the fire was coming.

He pulled a chair and sat down in front of her and said, "if you are willing to say so, I hope you will give me a detailed list of the bank accounts where all the funds collected by Xintong through the means of collecting deposits at high interest rates eventually go."

After all, Wan Feixue is a businessman. He is careful and careful. He has decided not to be the scapegoat of the murderer. However, he still haggles first: "if I explain, can I turn myself in? Is it possible to commute the sentence? "

Lin Yan said: "I'm a layman in sentencing. What I can promise for you is to truthfully explain it to the ad hoc group. You took the initiative to tell the truth. I think they will be lenient to your confession."

Wan Feixue first dispelled her daughter's worries, and then received a rumor from Liu Yuanzhi that she was ready to burn the boat. So she told Lin Yan all she knew and told her all about the capital channel of Xintong.

When Lin Yan came out with the confession, his whole face was livid, and his anger almost turned into magma. He wanted to burst out and burn all the dark and dirty things that happened suddenly in the sun.

But at the same time, Lin Yan also deeply understood Qin Shaowei's hard work for the first time, and Qin Shaowei's good intentions for him to be framed repeatedly but watch the fire from afar.

For politicians, especially those who are determined to do practical work, all aspects that need to be considered are really shocking. Sometimes, a small action is very likely to lead to the collapse of dominoes.

Lin Yan clenched his teeth and once again strengthened his determination to go down the political path, which he really hated. He thought that although there were countless greedy moths on the huge cake of the national economy and the people's livelihood, Lin Yan wanted to defend the cake. His strength was as weak as an ant, but even if it was an ant What about ants? At least, to protect a little bit is also the value of ants!

The most important thing is that Lin Yan firmly believes that he will grow rapidly, from a small ant to a big ant, and then bigger, the scope of maintenance will increase, so let's go on.

Why is it that Zuo Tianming is greedy and greedy, but because they occupy a high position, they act unscrupulously and plunder people's wealth? If he is in this position, he will be able to protect the interests of a large part of the people.

This is Lin Yan's new goal.

Lin Yan took the evidence back to Zhao Nanyue, and once again emphasized his own point of view, that is, the matter of Xintong should not be dragged on any longer. If it is dragged on like this, it will give those behind the gangsters the illusion that things can be concealed or retrieved. They will continue to do things by various means, decisively and quickly separate the judgment of the responsible person from the debt recovery, and fight back And it can achieve the effect of chopping chaos.

This request was reported to the province by Zhao Nanyue, and soon there was feedback. He agreed with the opinions of the working group on information and communication (that is, Lin Yan), and sentenced the criminal responsibility of Cao Yu and WAN Feixue, who were responsible for illegal fund-raising.

This link was very rapid. The city issued a notice on the legal channel of the TV station, stating that the judgments of Cao Yu and WAN Feixue were heard in public in Luping intermediate people's Court on July 1, allowing the public to listen in.

On the day of the public trial, the court used the conference hall of the municipal government to hear the case of illegal fund-raising by Xintong in public. The public notice was that the court would open at 9 a.m. and at 6 a.m., the people waiting for the audience began to gather at the door of the conference center, showing an increasing trend.

Finally, this scene attracted the attention of the stability maintenance staff. A large number of police entered the gate to maintain order. There were three steps at the gate, one post and five steps at the gate. Fortunately, the people were eager to guess what the verdict would be, but no one suddenly pulled out the banner to pull up anything.

The court session was very smooth. After public prosecution, appeal and defense In the end, Cao Yu and WAN Feixue were sentenced to life imprisonment for illegally absorbing social funds, which also led to the loss of funds.

So far, the investigation of criminal responsibility in the Xintong case has come to an end. As for the high-level figures involved, such as vice mayor Liu Yuanzhi, it was a separate case. It was not publicly announced that it was the same case, so as to avoid extraneous matters.

Both Cao Yu and WAN Feixue pleaded guilty in court and said they would not appeal.

This pair of billionaires, who once enjoyed great fame in Luping, had a sad ending because of a single thought. They will spend the rest of their lives in high walls.

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