Lin Yan didn't know anything about what happened after that. After all, he was only involved in the information and communication he was responsible for, but only in the transfer of funds. The rest of the cases belonged to top secret investigation, and he had no right to know.

I also have to admire Zuo Tianming's quick decision. He realized that Duan Tingting's industry was targeted by the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. That night, he expelled Duan Tingting. The next day, he personally took Qin Xiu into the villa and did the aftercare work carefully. Many documents that even Duan Tingting didn't know were found by Zuo Tianming and handed over to Qin Xiu for destruction.

At this time, Lin Yan finally played a thrifty style. The monitor on the top of the closet in the cloakroom played a key role!

It turns out that the whole wall of the shoe cabinet is movable, and there is a closed safe hidden in the back wall. When Zuo Tianming and Qin Xiu open the safe and take out some things, they talk about many top secret topics in this room, which are perfectly eavesdropped and recorded.

This kind of monitoring device is real-time recording, but the ad hoc group considers that if the device that can be used for real-time monitoring is used, it is afraid that the signal will be detected by the crafty Zuo Tianming with the anti monitoring device, so Zhao Nanyue is asked to give Lin Yan a device that can only record, but cannot directly spread the recorded content.

In other words, you have to find another chance to come in and take it.

Fortunately, Zuo Tianming was eager to break up the relationship with this industry. After thoroughly eliminating the hidden danger with Qin Xiu, he quickly entered the process of selling.

Because of the low price, the buyers soon appeared. At present, the school with a minimum value of more than one billion yuan, together with the manor, sold out with only 500 million yuan.

Zuo Tianming used every means to give the green light for this transaction. In just one day, the money and goods were paid, and even the house property certificate was changed.

The buyer is Mr. Li.

No, to be exact, it was Mr. Li who bought the property for his daughter Li fei'er.

What Chinese people are willing to invest in is education. This school is a foreign language school founded by Zuo Tianming, who takes advantage of his control of culture, and cooperates with an American University.

There are more than a dozen foreign teachers. They have also hired etiquette teachers from Britain, covering six grades of junior high school and senior high school. They can directly choose to apply for the university entrance examination in the United States.

This especially attracts parents with good family conditions in the whole province. Although the tuition fees are high, they are still low-end and can't stop the enthusiasm of looking forward to their sons and daughters. Many top-notch children are sent here to prepare for studying abroad in the future, and they also spend a lot of money to cultivate their beloved babies into real gentlemen and ladies.

Therefore, this is a steady investment, and the price is so favorable. In the last game, Mr. Li lost Zhang Daiping. Qin Xiu was the first to contact him to buy the school, which is a disguised compensation and compromise.

Li San Yeh took the opportunity to reduce Qin Xiu's 600 million yuan to 100 million yuan, bought the industry for his daughter, and made a long-term and stable investment in Li fei'er's shares withdrawn from Peninsula Group.

Although Lin Yan didn't know all this, after he returned to Luping, his communication work also quickly entered the stage of solving problems.

Because the stability work of Xintong is the best among many collapsed credit institutions in Luping city. From the initial stage when someone committed suicide on the track to become the worst model shaking the whole province, to now the first one in the stability work, this has aroused the high praise of Luping municipal Party committee and government.

At the half year summing up meeting of the city's stability work, Secretary Qin Shaowei and mayor Qian Yunting gave Lin Yan high praise and encouragement with the example of Xintong.

Mayor Qian also pointed out that "for young cadres with excellent working ability like Lin Yan, Meilin district should appropriately press the burden, so as to better play the positive leading role of young comrades."

After the meeting, Bao Cheng returned to Meilin district and held a leading group meeting. After conveying the spirit of the meeting, he also conveyed the city leaders' high evaluation of Lin Yan to the members of Meilin district.

Soon, the burden of Lin Yan was heavy again. He became the first deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Meilin district and concurrently served as the director of supervision. Zheng Chonghai, the former first deputy secretary, was transferred to the organization department as the first deputy minister.

Later, Bao Cheng's evaluation of Lin Yan's "Hummer" spread throughout the region somehow. Now who dares to underestimate this legendary secretary Lin.

Cao Yu and WAN Feixue were sentenced, and there was hope for the recovery of funds. Later, his work was to wait for the return of funds step by step, and then exchange money in batches. Lin Yan had no need to stay in the working group all the time. His focus of work was completely back to the Deputy Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The death of Zhang Daiping was settled. The deputy director of Wutong Public Security Bureau and the criminal investigation team leader were sentenced. Wutong County Public Security Bureau compensated Zhang Daiping's family for an undisclosed amount of pension. After Li Lixin approved the result, it was completely proved that Ling Wei had nothing to do with it.

But during this time, Ling Wei still didn't return to Luping. He once called Lin Yan and said that she was participating in an important task. When she saw Fang Ziming and got the marriage certificate, she had to wait for her task to be completed.

Ling Wei's voice on the phone is very happy. She smiles and says that she regards marriage as a gift for celebration. It is estimated that she will be the only one in the world. Let Lin Yan wash the fragrance and lie down, waiting for her to return triumphantly.Listening to his wife's rascal words, Lin Yan felt as sweet as honey in his heart. He said: "well, please rest assured, your majesty. My concubine will wash white and wipe incense. I will lie flat, and you will be lucky!"

In the crazy laughter that Ling Wei deliberately makes, the greasy crook of the couple ends.

Put away the phone, Lin Yan face Happy busy to go.

Put away the phone, Ling Wei turns around and sees his elder martial brother Li Guanlin.

She was misled by the elder martial brothers and tired of being caught with her husband. The protester, Li Guanlin, was about to leave.

Li Guanlin stopped Ling Wei and said, "younger martial sister, I have decided with my teacher. I'll go for you this time. Go back and get married. It's easy for someone who doesn't have eyes to take a fancy to you. Don't be scared back."

Ling Wei blew his beard and glared: "big brother of crow's mouth, what do you mean you don't have eyes to take a fancy to me? I married your brother like a flower, but did you lose him? Don't bother. I have to take part in this operation! "

Li Guanlin changed his attitude and said with a smile, "OK, OK, can I tell the truth? A few days ago, my brother went to Nanping to carry out a mission and complained to me. He said that his family was waiting for their new daughter-in-law to pass by, but you lost contact. He was worried to death.

Xiaowei, listen to elder martial brother, go back and get married quickly. This operation is going abroad, and I don't know how long it will take to get the team back. Don't delay your lifelong happiness, let elder martial brother go for you! "

Ling Wei's eyes were full of tears, biting her strawberry like lips, and she could see her mental struggle at this moment. But she quickly said firmly, "elder martial brother, I understand your care. It's just that the foreign investigation team of Tianyuan Ruitong, who resells military funds, is a person selected by the Ministry of public security. I'm a national expert in micro expression investigation, and I need my participation in dealing with crafty criminals It is absolutely impossible to shrink back this time. "

Li Guanlin is speechless.

indeed, although Ling Wei is young, she is the most hardworking in the police school. She was sent abroad by Fang Ziming, specializing in learning micro expression checks. After learning to return, she helped the Ministry of public security to break a huge serial murder case with a lot of people's grievances. It relied on the suspect's face and body's tiny expression to get the confession of the suspect who had been able to break away from the crime and made great efforts.

This time, because of the investigation of the case in H Province, under the investigation, unexpectedly involved in a big case!

A certain "Prince" was so bold that he secretly dismantled the retired fighter planes of the national air force and transported them out of the country as infrastructure equipment in the name of undertaking foreign road and bridge projects. They are all the most important weapon components. Once they are lost abroad, they will have a very bad international impact, and even reveal the armed strength of our air force.

To this end, the state has set up a multi department investigation team to go abroad to carry out the criminal evidence, recover the fighter parts that have been transported away, and name Ling Wei to participate.

The density of this activity is very high, so it must not be leaked to relatives. Therefore, Ling Wei only vaguely said that he would carry out the task, but did not say that he would go abroad to participate in such a big action.

Li Guanlin is also one of the members of tiezhongli's ad hoc group. Of course, he knows the danger of Lingwei's action. He asks Fang Ziming to replace Lingwei. After getting permission, he comes to Lingwei to discuss with her. However, this stubborn younger martial sister flatly refuses. Seeing her grow up, he understands her indomitable nature and can only give up.

Lin Yan formally sat in the office of the Deputy Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, especially in the position of the director of supervision, and his work became concrete all of a sudden.

In July and a half, it was the hottest time in the early fall. Because of a job, Lin Yan worked overtime for a meeting until 9 p.m. before leaving Meilin district and driving home.

It's more than ten o'clock when Lin Yan goes to bed after a wash. He wants to browse the news with his mobile phone at will. A message pops up on wechat: "brother Yan, I miss you so much, Feier."

Lin Yan's hands trembled and his heart trembled. He quickly opened the dialog box and looked at Li fei'er's familiar head picture. There was a string of crying expression behind the sentence. It was boiling in five minutes, and the mist in his eyes could not be suppressed quickly. His hands quickly hit out a sentence: "fei'er is good, brother Yan also wants you!"

When the finger points at the send key, Ling Wei's arrogant and elated voice suddenly rings out: "waiting for my triumphant return, I'm glad you!"

All of a sudden, two beautiful but different faces, one after another in Lin Yan's heart, he depressed press the delete key, word by word to delete that sentence, ruthless did not reply to Li fei'er.

Li fei'er sent a message again. It was a self portrait. In the photo, Li fei'er's small face, big eyes and big eyes were all full of tears.

So much weight!

Lin Yan was deeply distressed. He was staring at this picture for a long time. He suddenly laughed miserably. Then he slowly stretched out his finger and pulled this person into the blacklist.

Since I can't give you a lifetime, I don't care.

Author: yesterday, the system was updated, but I couldn't get into the backstage. This meeting has just been able to log in. Please update the chapter!

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