Lin Yan is stupid!

He has seen women who take him down in turn, such as his daughter-in-law Ling Wei, who pours down fiercely and then cleans him up.

However, Xue Jinyan, who is less than 18 years old, is also so hot and crazy, which is a little scary!

In the middle of Lin Yan's silly eyes, Xue Jinyan's hot and crazy eyes were staring at Lin Yan, his hands quickly untied his belt, and he pulled his pants waist down with great strength, and Lin Yan's pants were pulled to the crotch.

A man is a man, and his body is always honest. Lin Yan's reason is in the process of being forced to crash, but his little brother stands at attention stimulated by little girl's tender body.

Xue Jinyan looked at the giant plant and shrunk slightly, but soon became more and more crazy. She raised her hand and took off the T-shirt again. She even pulled down the hood and threw it all the way. She threw her teeth and claws at Lin Yan without any rules.

Lin Yan finally found his reason when the tender and moist grass covered his younger brother. He harshly reprimanded him: "Xiao Xue, be reasonable, don't make a fool of yourself!"

At the same time, Lin Yan subconsciously reaches out his hands, grabs Xue Jinyan's body and pushes it back. Who knows that his hands are very good. He grabs a peach in one hand and pushes it down successfully. Xue Jinyan falls back. At the same time, she entangles her pink arm around his neck.

Then she fell back and pulled Lin Yan up by the neck. Then she fell on the sofa and he fell on her delicate body.

This time, Lin Yan suddenly couldn't get up. The girl's fresh and tender body had a unique fragrance. The fragrance and the touch ignited a small flame on his body and spread little by little. The heat was not on the surface of the skin, but on the surface of the skin. It was soul destroying and bone eroding. It crossed the tendons, blood and flesh and went directly into the heart. After entering, it began to itch, crisp itching, such as He licked every inch of his body with lilac's tongue, and there grew waving grass where he passed. The grass grew longer and longer, and stirred his body with the wind. He could almost hear the cheers of blood, the joints of bones, the running of nerves, and the emptiness of his heart!

Xue Jinyan seems to have made up her mind. Today, she is bound to lead Lin Yan to sink together. Seeing that he opens his mouth wide and lies motionless on her body, little Lori reaches out her hand, grabs Lin Yan's thing and sends it to her tender place.

This, on the contrary, made Lin Yan wake up from his obsession. He lifted his buttock, pulled his younger brother out of Xiaobai's hand, and roared: "Xiao Xue, although you want to insult me so actively, I still can't destroy you!"

After roaring, Lin Yan lowered his head, put on his hands, and suddenly left the sofa. He also left the pink and delicate body that almost made him out of control. He turned around, gasped for breath, put on his pants, and scolded angrily: "little girl is so damn tender. Play with me and dress up quickly, or I will open the door directly and let the nurse come in to help you wear it!"

Xue Jinyan was very obedient this time. After Lin Yan, there was a rustling voice. Then she said in a small voice, "I'm dressed."

Lin Yan turned around and looked at the timid little girl. She was dressed up and said calmly, "Xiao Xue, I know you are worried about your father, but you, a little girl, are too proud to tempt me to help you in this way!

However, as you kindly reminded me last time, I will go to the public security bureau to speak for your father. At the same time, I also hope you can persuade your father to voluntarily turn himself in, tell all the truth and strive for leniency.

That's all. You leave my clinic immediately, go downstairs and return your membership card. I won't give you any treatment in the future! "

Xue Jinyan was frightened by Lin Yan's cold attitude. She went to the door with a slight tremble, took off her backpack and left without saying a word.

Looking at the girl locking the door before she left, Lin Yan was alone in the room. He took a long breath and quickly walked into the innermost rest room. He leaned on the comfortable rest bed, untied his trousers and revealed his younger brother who was still standing at attention. Five girls went to battle and closed their eyes. They could not forget the pink and white, and finally released the feeling that was killing him Fire.

After taking out the toilet paper to clean up the scene, Lin Yan said in a low voice: "ah, bah, it's so tender, it's a test of my will!"

After cleaning up, Lin Yan was still depressed and missed his daughter-in-law more and more. He thought that if his daughter-in-law had not mysteriously lost her whereabouts, he would not have been wronged. How could his willpower be so bad? He was so upset by a little loli that he had not been satisfied for a long time. Today he was forced to give up his hair.

Anyway, that girl's body is so damn

Pooh, Pooh, Pooh! Lin Yan, you can't degenerate. You are a doctor. In five or six years of clinical work, you have never had any bad feelings for patients. You can't live too late!

Today's accident is just a silly thing that a little girl loves her father's doing. She is too young to make such a childish move. It's rotten in her stomach. She can't let it out and ruin her reputation.

After the psychological construction, Lin Yan forces himself to squeeze out the tender meat that is played back from time to time from his mind, and completely forgets it. Then he goes downstairs to have a meal in the outpatient room. After inquiring, he learns that Xue Jinyan has handled the refund card obediently and is no longer a member of Lin Yitang.Many of Lin Yitang's employees live far away, and there are also many rooms here. He Feng set up a canteen, where his family also eat.

After dinner, Lin Yan didn't want to go home and climbed to the top floor. After Wan Feixue was discharged from the hospital, the rest pattern of his family was restored here. He went into the room and took a nap. In his dream, he had a fight with little Laurie. Fortunately, he had no food left, otherwise he would force dream to sleep.

When he gets up lazily, Lin Yan is still annoyed that he is becoming more and more frustrated. Isn't he stripped by a loli? He can't get through this mess. If he dreams of doing it again at night, I will convince you!

In the afternoon, even in the evening, Xiao Hui arranged eight members for Lin Yan at once. When he entered the working state, he completely eliminated all distractions and conscientiously performed his duties as a doctor. He was busy until 7:30 p.m. before finishing his work. By this time, he had completely forgotten the episode at noon.

When the family came home together, Lin Su also came back. He was still a heartless man who was spoiled by his brother. He said that there was a graceful host on the stage, who was almost jumped off the building.

(state recovery, ready to explode, there will be updates later, a little less angry these days! Also remember to pay attention to the flower WeChat's official account "cactus flower" hot and spicy "the field of desire" free release, attention after "historical news" can be found!

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