Fang Ziming never thought that there was really a mysterious and unscientific sense of kinship in the world. He also received a notice from the national action command group in the early morning, saying that Ling Wei took the initiative to take the heavy responsibility of covering during the mission last night. In order to give his comrades enough time to get back the fighter parts, he and the other two members blocked outside the storage point to stop the enemy. All three of them were shot .

The most incredible thing is that Lin Yan said that the position and time of being shot were exactly the same as the situation reported by the action team!

This makes Fang Ziming, a strong atheist, feel the ups and downs. Listening to Lin Yan's plea, he remembers the report of the action team, saying that after Lingwei was shot, the whole island was surrounded by the enemy. In order to ensure the completion of the task, they had no time and did not dare to take back the things they had successfully taken back. They had to take the plane to retreat first, which means that Lingwei had no choice I can live.

After receiving the news, Fang Ziming has been in deep pain. Although he has not publicly recognized it, in fact, he has long regarded Ling Wei as his daughter. The pain of his daughter's death has not been alleviated until now. Unexpectedly, hearing Lin Yan's telepathy makes him feel even more painful.

Under the left chest is the heart. Where is the possibility of survival? And it's hard enough to get back the military funds that have been sold. How can it be sent to Lin Yan? Even if it's gone, I'm afraid Xiaowei has long been dead. What's the point except for Lin Yan's life.

Fang Ziming reluctantly restrained his inner pain and calmly said: "Lin Yan, I can tell you that Xiaowei was injured in the process of carrying out the task, but there is no life danger. They have been properly placed in the hospital for treatment. Given that their task is top secret, no one is allowed to disclose it. It is absolutely impossible to send you to see him!

Not only that, but you can't tell anyone about your dream. Once you leak the secret and catch up, no one will think that you really dream it. You can only say that it was the microenterprise who broke the confidentiality provisions of the mission and leaked it to you in private. This is what you did to the microenterprise. Do you understand? "

After hearing this, Lin Yan felt very upset, but he also understood that what Fang Ziming said was right. No one would believe the absurd thing like dream, and it would really bring Ling Wei the responsibility of divulging secrets. He quickly asked, "Uncle Fang, are you sure Xiao Wei is just injured and not in danger?"

Fang Ziming bit his tongue, forced himself to control his voice, and calmly said, "I'm sure, OK, you don't make trouble any more. You can do your work and wait for the microenterprise to come back."

Hearing that Fang Ziming had hung up, Lin Yancai sadly returned his mobile phone to Zhao Nanyue and said in a low voice: "Zhao Bureau, please tell me if you have any news..."

Zhao Nanyue was also very distressed. He patted Lin Yan on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, little younger martial sister is a cat with nine lives. It will be OK. Let's go. I'll take you back."

At the moment, on the other side of the ocean, a private plane arrived at a hospital in California of the United States. A stretcher was lifted from the plane, on which were patients with tubes, and they were quickly sent to the emergency department.

A 50 year old Chinese American man is as handsome as a chopper. His short white hair is not old, but full of evil and mature charm. He is 1.9 meters tall and follows the stretcher with his long legs. He constantly scolds the stretcher bearers: "be careful, don't shake her wound!"

On the stretcher, the unconscious woman lying on the stretcher was pale, but her high nose, full forehead, and even round ears were six or seven points similar to the man.

At this moment, the man has not yet separated from the shock of seeing the woman covered with blood at the first sight. He watched the woman who was shot burst out a bright smile into the night sky. Her eyes are as bright as stars. That face is his replica. Even the man who shot the bullet cried in horror: "Mr. Solomon, she is your daughter Is that right? "

This man is very famous in the world. He is an evil "Solomon". He not only set foot in many foreign underworld businesses, but also controls a group of powerful mercenaries. This time, he was employed by a "Prince" from China to help protect a batch of materials. Unexpectedly, he failed.

It's not surprising that the mission failed. What's more, Solomon received intelligence that the "Prince" has been secretly wanted all over the world. It's a matter of time before he dies. In any case, half of the reward has been collected. If he fails, he will fail.

What shocked Solomon most was the woman from China. Her facial features were very similar to him. When he took off her hair and saw a dark red birthmark on her back skull, he looked up to the sky and yelled: "thief God, I hate you!"

Then, holding the woman in one hand and taking out the gun with the other hand, he shot the woman under the hand and exploded.

There is a lot of blood in his life.

At that time, he was a little fish of the underworld. He sneaked into China to perform a task. In order to cover his identity, he easily captured a heart by virtue of his beautiful appearance. They lived together in the name of husband and wife, and gave birth to a daughter with the same birthmark on the back of his head.

Unfortunately, his mission failed and he was wanted. His wife couldn't bear the blow and jumped into the river to commit suicide. He always wondered if the woman had taken her daughter with her when she died.But he didn't dare to trace it. He had to hide like a smelly mouse. Finally, he got into a secret situation through the southwest border. Over the past 25 years, he fought with his head and finally became the king of the underworld, and gradually forgot his daughter.

This moment of reunion, but his daughter was hit by his hands, dying, Solomon wanted to pierce the sky to vent his resentment.

Then, there was overnight first aid. The medical conditions of the island country where he took the job were not good. He immediately took his daughter on the plane and flew to California for treatment.

Lin Yan couldn't know these things, not to mention the fact that even the command group of the national security department couldn't know them. Three days later, the team members returned triumphantly with the passing military supplies, but three warriors stayed in a foreign country forever.

Among them, Ling Wei is included.

Now, there's no need to keep it a secret.

Awards and pensions for the martyrs were issued to the public.

Fang Ziming's head turned white all night, and countless senior brothers who had been with Ling Wei were all in tears.

After many considerations, Fang Ziming still felt that as a family member, it was not appropriate for him to accept Ling Wei's honor, so he informed Lin Yan.

Poor Lin Yan has been suffering in fear these days, but he doesn't dare to inquire, for fear of bringing trouble to Ling Wei. Unexpectedly, what he received was such a thunderbolt from the blue, not a weak man, who fell in the dark.

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