Since Ling Wei's funeral, Li Guanlin has been worried about Lin Yan. He specially asked for leave to accompany him. Lin Yan knelt down to ask Fang Ziming for help, as well as the process of Fang Ziming pushing to Zhao shensan. He took Lin Yan to Nanping to see Zhao shensan.

However, Zhao shensan, who has been taking good care of Lin Yan's green eyes, flatly refused his request this time. Even Li Guanlin was scolded out of the office by him, saying that the police's state secrets were unknown to him. He was a local mayor. He let Lin Yan change his mind and go back to Lu Ping.

If Lin Yan was refused, he would not be Lin Yan now. Zhao shensan didn't see him, and Li Guanlin was scolded by Zhao shensan. He didn't dare to stay with him. He sat in Wang Hao's secretary room, his face was pale, his eyes were gloomy, and the cadres who came and went to the mayor were very surprised.

Later, Wang Hao saw that it was nothing wrong and called Tian Qiushuang. Tian Qiushuang rushed over and drove Wang Hao out. After a low roar in Lin Yan's ear, Lin Yan was finally tormented by the pain and stopped turning his head. He stood up and left as a wandering soul.

If the content of Tian Qiushuang's roar is Lin Yan's normal state, he can wake up on his own.

Although Fang Ziming gave Lin Yanzhi to Zhao shensan, the cause of Ling Wei's death was a real state secret. He came to Zhao shensan's office and got a satisfactory answer. Everyone knew that Zhao shensan was the one who leaked the secret. This was a stupid act of harming others and not benefiting himself.

The awakened Lin Yan did not return to Luping. Instead, he went to bitaoju, where Wu Yutao lived. He reported the name of Wu Yutao's younger brother and successfully opened a single family hot spring private room, soaking in the warm spring water. Lin Yan's depression and sadness dissipated in the hot water, and the whole person glowed with astonishing anger.

Lin Yan changed because Tian Qiushuang mentioned a person and a place when he scolded him.

It's Duan Tingting.

The location is bitaoju.

For Lin Yan, this name and place name is just like a dream.

Duan Tingting is a co participant in the Lu Ping Xintong case and the life experience case of Mayor Zhao's son. How can she know less secrets?

When I think of what I saw and heard in the villa area of foreign language school last time, I can guess that with Duan Tingting's coquettishness, if I want to pry the ghost woman's mouth, I might have to make a complete set of bed games interrupted by Zuo Tianming last time.

However, the peach tools that Duan Tingting had used together, Lin Yan had no sexual interest. His only idea was to kill this beautiful snake, not in bed, but in the real sense of killing, strangling, kicking and hammering!

This idea hovered in his mind for a long time, but Lin Yan still stopped the blood boiling YY. After all, the cost of killing a person is too huge. If Duan Tingting is the culprit of Ling Wei's sacrifice, he won't hesitate at all. However, she's not. She's just a chess piece and accomplice. Although hateful, she won't die.

If you want to know the secret that Zhao shensan refuses to tell from Duan Tingting, you have to lie to her.

As for the need to sleep her in exchange for her heart?

Lin Yanxin clenched his teeth in secret. Damn, if he didn't revenge his wife's murder, how could he live in the world?

If you don't become a God, you will become a devil!

Revenge involves a lot of people. Why bother Mayor Zhao? Microenterprises have died, and love has also died. In this life, the idea of getting married and becoming a family has gone out. Since there is no wife, then you can use this pair of smelly skin bags to exchange the truth, and find out the real murderer step by step. Revenge is enough.

After taking a bath, Lin Yan went to the bedroom, only to see a bewitched beauty, leaning lazily on the concubine's couch, looking at Lin Yan with helpless and compassionate eyes, and opening his arms to him: "my poor silly brother, come here."

Lin Yan's heart is full of the pain of losing his wife. Although Wu Yutao's emotion is sincere, he is still a little frustrated to throw himself into another woman's arms at this moment. He obviously hesitated for a while, and then he walked over and sat down next to Wu Yutao.

Wu Yutao understood Lin Yan's mood very well. He was fond of Ling Wei. He held him and said, "brother, I understand your pain. I also know that you don't come here just for a bubble bath. You come here for Duan Tingting, right?"

Lin Yan didn't lie. He nodded his head and said, "elder sister, you are the person I trust most. Of course, I won't hide from you. Ling Wei's death is strange, and people who know the inside information refuse to tell me because of the confidentiality agreement. I can only find out the truth by myself.

Last time I went to Hezhou Heyuan, my sister took me. I can see that Duan Tingting is deeply involved with the prince of Beijing. She must know the truth and hope that her sister can help me. "

Wu Yutao sighed and said, "ah, Xiao Yan, why are you so determined? The last time you rescued your sister from me, I didn't let you call the police because I knew that the water was too deep and muddy. If a shrimp like you fell into it, there would be no bones left. Fortunately, last time you got out of danger, but this time you met them again. Why can't you get around this dilemma? "

Lin Yan clenched his teeth and said, "since I can't get around it, I'm going to break this barrier! Anyway, it's not clear that Xiaowei can't die! "Wu Yutao said: "in this case, I can let you see Duan Tingting. My sister can only help you here. Whether she can tell you the truth depends on your own ability."

Lin Yan turns around and hugs Wu Yutao's waist, puts his head on the woman's shoulder, and tears drop by drop on her clean neck. This silent catharsis reminds Wu Yutao of her heartache.

Wu Yutao knows Duan Tingting's background most thoroughly. She knows that it's a time bomb that will explode at any time. She doesn't want to get involved too deeply. But at this moment, when this handsome man shows rare weakness, her heart softens.

Wu Yutao said gently: "brother, you want revenge, sister has no reason to stop, but you must remember, don't be in a hurry. Because the opponent you need to face is a monster that even Mayor Zhao and even the director of Fang's office are afraid of. Duan Tingting is certainly the line that can implicate a big alligator, but you must not have no reservation about Duan Tingting, otherwise you will be burned. "

Lin Yan's silence and tears at the moment were just the weak attack against Wu Yutao. He nodded and said, "it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. I will bear it carefully and save myself. Thank you, elder sister."

Wu Yutao's mood is very complicated. Since she was cheated by the slag man when she was a young girl, she has become a firm non marriageant by her own hands.

But at this moment, her determination was shaken. It seems that it is a good choice to have a husband like Lin Yan who can protect himself regardless of his life.

Author: there will be an update in the afternoon, ready to break out, to make up for the shamelessness of stopping the watch a few days ago, please supervise!

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