Listening to Jiao Jian's guilty and short of breath, Zhao Nanyue scolded: "what is pretending to be a gangster? You're the underworld. How about it? Remember, don't think about your career. You should be timid after you go in. If you want to enter the play, you should be vicious, you should make your wits dim, and you should be strict with your performance as a robber. If you want to do something to that girl, you should do it in a proper way! "

Jiao Jian looked at the other four brothers around him. They were all wearing black button top, security camouflage pants, polished off release shoes, and robber hats with two holes in them. It's OK to look like this. However, Zhao Bureau's order was out of line. He asked bitterly, "it's ok to be vicious. It's a little too difficult to do anything to that woman, isn't it? What's more, the standard of propriety? "

Zhao Nanyue scolded: "if you don't know what you want for a worthless thing, if you ask me about the standard, I'll give you the standard. Don't touch the area below the neck and above the pineapple cap (knee). Don't touch any other place!"

It's much easier to have a standard. Jiao Jian quickly agrees, and Zhao Nanyue says, "don't you guys have too shallow eyelids. If you want to vomit something, you'll stop! Just stare at him and let him not leave the house. Let them be frightened tonight and give them a chance to report to the police secretly at the right time tomorrow. Then we will catch you. "

Jiao Jian then asked, "what if they don't call the police?"

Zhao Nanyue said with a smile: "it's better not to call the police. If senior leaders lose contact for more than 24 hours, they will have a lot of fun! At that time, we don't need to come forward. The province will directly intervene in the investigation! "

It's still early at the moment. The comrades who are staring at Zuo Tianming's whereabouts say that Zuo Tianming hasn't set out from Nanzhou yet. Zhao Nanyue and Lin Yan go to Nanping Public Security Bureau to find Li Guanlin, and ask Li Guanlin to arrange a reliable criminal police to follow his orders. They only tell them that there may be urgent action in the past two days and let them stand by at any time, but don't tell them what kind of action it is.

Just waiting for Zuo Tianming to go to the police, Li Guanlin takes this group of people out again to "rescue" them. At the same time, from the hands of the "Robbers", he gets the evidence of Zuo's adultery with Duan Tingting.

After Zhao Weiyang became pregnant, she no longer served as the host. She was in charge of the director of a column. Lin Yan asked her to arrange a group tomorrow to shoot and publicize the Buddhist culture of Nanping. The specific shooting target is this ancient pagoda with a long history, so as to discuss how to protect and promote the ancient Chinese civilization in urban construction.

When the column team is shooting nearby, if "just" finds out that "robber" and "hijack" have happened here, Zuo Tianming, who is in charge of culture, education and health, is bound to take advantage of the situation. By then, Zuo Tianming will not be able to cover so many mouths and eyes even if he has 100 hands.

Of course, this plan will not be concealed from Li Guanlin. After hearing this, Li Guanlin looked at Lin Yan with strange eyes and said for a long time, "if you do criminal investigation, I and Nanyue will starve to death! Anyway, you are very annoying in Luping. Otherwise, I'll tell Mayor Zhao, how about transferring you to me to fight me? "

Zhao Nanyue slapped him and said, "if he wants to be a policeman, it's your turn to dig people. Do you think I'm dead or blind?"

Lin Yan thought of Ling Wei, but he didn't speak, let the two noisy.

Finally, news came from Nanzhou that Zuo Tianming had set out!

Li Guanlin, Zhao Nanyue and Lin Yan rushed back to the best monitoring point, sat in the car and watched closely. Jiao Jian and his "Robbers" were also ready.

It's getting dark. The neon lights on both sides of the Bianhe River light up one by one, reflecting the shimmering light, green trees, red flowers, and the faint fragrance of osmanthus. When a gust of wind blows, the copper bells hanging from the eaves of the ancient pagoda make a sound of "Ding Ding Dong Dong Dong". It's not crisp, but with a kind of curling Zen rhyme. Lin Yan's ears are filled with unspeakable desolation.

A bunch of dazzling lights far and near, stopped at the door of the building, a small and thin man got out of the car, went to the two doors, the door opened, the man entered, the door closed, the car turned away.

Zhao Nanyue suddenly winked at Li Guanlin and asked in a quiet voice, "how long does it take from his entrance to the fierce battle? Don't let my men rush in. They've already stopped

Li Guanlin seriously thought for a while and said, "wash, wash, talk and linger. It will take at least an hour to go to bed, right? It's only eight forty-five, and I think I can sleep at ten. Let them do it at half past ten. "

It's such a big place in the car. Even if Zhao Nanyue whispers, Lin Yan, who is sleeping with his eyes closed, hears it. He doesn't even open his eyes and says indifferently: "move at nine o'clock. Maybe by 10:30, Zuo Tianming will realize that it's wrong to leave."

Li Guanlin puzzled asked: "why is this?"

Lin Yan said: "with my understanding of Duan Tingting, she was frightened by Zhao Bureau's phone call today. But if she told Zuo Tianming about the phone call, Zuo Tianming knew that Duan Tingting's hidden point had been exposed, and would never risk coming to the appointment. If Zuo Tianming could come, I would bet that this woman cheated Zuo Tianming.

Now, when Zuo Tianming comes, it means that I am right.

With Duan Tingting's self righteous temperament, she must lie naked and wait for Zuo Tianming. When he goes in, they will enter the actual combat. It seems that this woman has learned some new tricks in bitaoju and will try her best to please Zuo Tianming. Later, she will take advantage of Lao Ya's good mood to tell the crisis she is facing.With Zuo Tianming's fighting power, even Duan Tingting is full of tricks. It is estimated that the first shot will be paid within 15 minutes. Now he has been in for 10 minutes. Five minutes later, it's the best time for the Jiao team. "

Zhao Nanyue looked at Lin Yan and talked. If he put a goose feather fan in his hand, he would be Zhuge Kongming. He looked at Li Guanlin, and their lips twitched. Then Zhao Nanyue turned on the phone and said, "enter at nine o'clock sharp!"

Jiao Jian's hiding point is the roof of Zuo Tianming's building. When Duan Tingting walked this way from bitaoju, his team had already gone upstairs to hide according to Zhao Nanyue's instructions.

After hearing the instructions in the earphone and looking at the watch, there were only three minutes left. Jiao Jian's face turned black and waved to a group of "Robbers" around him, comparing the secret signal of "action begins".

The wooden door on the top floor was quietly opened. Several people entered the wooden door and went down the stairs to the second floor. Then they heard a sound of skin and flesh impact, mixed with men's breathing and women's delicate whispers: "Oh Pro, you are wonderful. Oh, I'm so happy... "

Then there was the man's roar: "you little coquettish, you are going to suck me dry!"

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