Zhao Nanyue's dispute is not selfish, but a mission this time. Although he was ordered by Qin Shaowei to cooperate with Lin Yan, in fact, the ad hoc group of the provincial Party committee also had other instructions.

Lin Yan came up with such an evil way to squeeze some money out of Zuo Tianming's mouth and directly get it into the Xintong account. But so far, the authorities have no conclusive evidence to prove whether Zuo Tianming's corruption is related to Xintong. The money extorted by the police disguised as a robber has to be turned in after all. It seems far fetched to directly transfer it away.

Lin Yan understood Zhao Nanyue's concerns very well and said slowly, "did you forget what you took with me before you came here? That's Zuo Tianming's exact receipt for Duan Tingting to transfer money from Xintong. Brother, it won't be difficult for you to do things. If Fang Shu is dissatisfied with this, I'll explain. "

It's very popular!

Who is uncle Fang? He is Fang Ziming, Secretary of provincial politics and law, and the real father-in-law of Lin Yan.

At present, there are two saddest people for Lingwei's death, Fang Ziming and Lin Yan. Rambling on, the human evidence and material evidence are reasonable and legal. Even if they are unreasonable, Fang Ziming will not care about Lin Yan for Lingwei's sake.

Sure enough, in just five minutes, Lin Yan received a message that there were 30 million more in his account!

Li Guanlin's face suddenly changed, so he immediately took out his contact device and ordered his own people: "one group will block all signals of the second building immediately! Group two enter the designated position. Once someone approaches building two, act immediately! Three teams on standby

Li Guanlin knows that once the other party pays the money, he must have done a good job. Naturally, he can't let them keep in touch with the outside world, and it's not enough to modify the countermeasures at any time.

Sure enough, not long after the arrangement was made, this place was a cultural protection area, and there was no bank. Unexpectedly, three deposit cars came to the door. At the door, people wearing special clothes for deposit jumped out of the car with guns and rushed to the second building.

Zhao Nanyue cheerfully called to Jiao Jian: "attention, this wave of people coming in are from the other side. You can't admit it. Control the target immediately and be a hostage. You can't give advice until the Nanping brothers come in!"

Jiao Jian jumped up and rushed to Zuo Tianming. With a sharp neck turn, he grabbed him. He took out a pistol from his waist and put it against his temple. He yelled at the minion A: "stop that girl!"

The man with a big arm and a round waist easily lifts Duan Tingting up like a chicken, but he doesn't know where to turn out a dagger, shining cold on Duan Tingting's neck, which makes her scream with her eyes closed.

Zuo Tianming's face turned white and asked hoarsely, "didn't the money arrive? Why do you want to turn over? Why don't you keep your word

Jiao Jian scolded: "it's you who don't promise! Don't you hear the door? Did you secretly hide your cell phone and call the police? Well, well, since you won't let us live, let's die together! "

Just at this time, the door was easily opened, and the "security guards" with guns rushed in. However, they saw that Zuo Tianming and Duan Tingting were both held hostage. The leader cried: "don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive! The money you want has arrived. We're not malicious. We're just here to pick someone up. "

Jiao Jian cried, "I Pooh! Why are you carrying guns? Brothers, people are dead and birds are on the way. Let's die together today! "

In fact, tie Zhan is already very capable. After receiving Zuo Tianming's information, he can transfer reliable strength in Nanping in such a short time, and quickly get the loan equipment to camouflage to save people. If this blackmail is true, instead of being a bureau from the beginning, he is really given a perfect counterattack. The robber must be wrapped up, and the evidence can be taken smoothly Let's go.

Unfortunately, Lin Yan racked his brains to design each link. These so-called "Robbers" are all capable criminal policemen who use force to break the watch. Where are the opponents who come to save people? The two sides are at a standoff.

Just as the house was in a stalemate, a series of sudden brake sounds sounded at the door again, followed by a neat and powerful running sound, and then

Then they rushed in, full of 20 riot police with live ammunition!

Director Li Guanlin came out in person and solemnly appeared behind the criminal police. As he walked, he called: "no matter who is in the room, squat on the ground with his head in his hands, I will count five. Those who do not squat down will be killed on the spot according to the crime of robbery they are carrying out! 1,2,3,4……”

In this situation, all the "people" in the room are confused. Jiao Jian pushes Zuo Tianming away and squats on the ground with both hands.

Zuo Tianming lost control, but he was at a loss for a moment. He made the worst prediction, but he did not expect that the real police would appear, and the one who appeared was Li Guanlin, director of Nanping Public Security Bureau!

This time, the real identity is bound to be unable to hide, Zuo Tianming can only quickly do the work of Li Guanlin, let Li Guanlin hide all this for him.

Therefore, Zuo Tianming cried: "I am the victim, comrade police, look at me!"

Li Guanlin was seriously counting. He was interrupted to express his dissatisfaction. He turned his angry eyes and was shocked to see Zuo Tianming. He completely ignored Zuo Tianming's look and cried out: "governor Zuo, how are you!"

Zuo Tianming groaned. He was paralyzed and unlucky. He had to drink cold water to stop his teeth. I knew Li Guanlin before, but I didn't think he was so stupid! I've been winking at you all the time, and I've deliberately called you "Comrade police". I'm a little smart. I know I'm hiding my identity for you. How can I break such a cry.Li Guanlin rushed to Zuo Tianming, caught him with a lingering fear, and turned him around 360 times. Then he said with a sigh of relief: "fortunately, we received a call from the masses, saying that the situation here has been strange since last night. Today's provincial TV station is going to record the program, but there can't be any hidden danger. I brought the team myself. Who knows it was you who had an accident!"

Before Zuo Tianming could speak, there was a lot of footfalls at the door. Then Zuo almost fainted, because at least three people with cameras on their shoulders were excited and ran in for a burst of shooting. Then, the lighting engineers, supporters and various staff of the TV station ran into a lot. Even though the living room was big enough, it was full .

The host excitedly held up the microphone and asked Li Guanlin, "are you director Li of Nanping Public Security Bureau? What's going on here? "

Li Guanlin, with a face of loyalty and dignity, said: "we received a report from the masses that the house was suspected to be robbed by gangsters. We rushed to the house immediately and successfully rescued the hijacked governor Zuo Tianming and the lady Duan Tingting."

Zuo Tianming's face was like earth color in an instant. He knew that he was in big trouble this time!

Being captured by the TV station, he can't cover his hands and eyes!

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