Immersed in the pain of his wife's death, a person who only wants to be quiet is held by another person who has only heard of his name. The person who wants to be quiet must be full of heart. However, Fang Tianao's words just hit Lin Yan's doubts. He stares at Fang Tianao and asks, "can you see his face?"

Fang Tian's arrogant nostrils turned to the sky and said, "nonsense, do you know Zhao shensan? That's my brother. When he was a grass-roots, I saw his wealth. You are the second person I've seen in my life who can match my brother. Otherwise, I don't care about you! "

Just now, if Fang Tianao didn't mention "the sadness of losing his wife" and "the joy of having a noble son", Lin Yan couldn't think of the fat baby floating by Ling Wei in his dream. When he mentioned it, his mind was full of the contradiction between losing his wife and having a son. He didn't care about Fang Tianao's saying that he was similar to Zhao Shen in three aspects.

Now, instead, Lin Yan seized Fang Tianao and said, "Mayor Zhao, I'm familiar with him. You just said that I was happy with your son and lost my wife. What's the matter? Is it because my wife can't live without merit? Then I'll give her a transcendental ceremony tomorrow, OK? "

Someone asked for a look, but it was scratching Fang Tian Ao's itch. He came back so late from the outside, in fact, he was very tired, but Lin Yan's contradictory life was too attractive, which aroused his addiction just like famous doctors like to study complicated diseases. Fang Tian Ao took Lin Yan to his office with a smile.

After sitting down, Fang Tianao made tea and asked Lin Yan how he knew Zhao shensan. This question actually increased his familiarity and made him easy to talk, because Zhao shensan is a legendary figure in the province, which is in the boundary of Yundu. More people know about him.

However, Lin Yan said, "Mayor Zhao and I are predestined friends. We have helped each other many times. He and I are like elder brothers."

This is beyond Fang Tianao's expectation. Although Lin Yan's face is full of sadness, his seal hall is shining, his mountain roots are towering, his nose is thick, and his pavilion is square. His eyes are clear and resolute, and he doesn't mean to be obscene and obscene. What such a person says is that he is not familiar with Zhao shensan, but he is not familiar with him.

Fang Tianao said with a laugh: "this is really predestined! Now that you recognize my third brother as your elder brother, I should be your elder brother. No wonder I just saw you and thought it was worth being close to. Since I'm one of my own, I have to give you a good look. I'll pinch you if you cut up the eight character newspaper. "

Lin Yan is a college student in the new society. In the past, he did not believe in metaphysical idealism at all. However, today's law society, especially the paper dust flying all over the sky, and the strange dream, have given him too much shock. Just after being poked by Fang Tianao's words, he can't help but believe it and report it honestly.

Fang Tianao calculated carefully, and compared with Lin Yan's face, he reasoned with each other. After that, he wrung his brow and said, "it shouldn't be. How can it be so contradictory?"

Fang Banxian was there reciting mysteriously. Lin Yan couldn't help but ask: "brother Fang, what's the contradiction?"

Fang Tianao said: "your eight characters are as contradictory as your face! You are the golden life in the sea. At the age of 28, you should have lost your wife. The wife you lost is a light covered life. It's the same fate as you were. It's time for you to live and die this year. "

Hearing this, Lin Yan's tears have been dripping down, and he is more convinced of Fang Tianao's words.

Because of his family background, Lin Yu once read a lot when he was a child. He was involved in Shizi's collection of medicine, divination and astrology. He also attached great importance to the ancient rites for the combination of his descendants. After Ling Wei came to Lin Yan's house to show his relationship, he asked Lin Yan for the eight characters of the two people. After a little deduction, his expression was rather hesitant. However, seeing that his grandson and Ling Wei had become like that, now it's a new society I'm sorry, but I didn't say anything.

After Lingwei's accident, the old man once said this to his grandson: "Xiaoyan, originally you were all young people. I shouldn't have said this. But since ancient times, it's not unreasonable for men to marry women. You are the golden life of the sea, and Xiaowei is the life of the light. You two were meant to fight each other. Now Xiaowei's accident is also Well, you have to be more open. "

At that time, Lin Yan didn't believe this. He thought it was his grandfather's way to solve the problem, so he perfunctorily passed it. Now, Fang Tianao's words are not bad. He can't help but be shocked.

The magic wand of Fang looked at Lin Yan's stare and was struck by thunder. He patted Lin Yan on the shoulder and said, "don't feel bad, brother. What should I do? Is it me?"

After Lin Yan was photographed by him, he said bitterly: "well, if I had come to you earlier and told me to get along with Xiaowei, I would rather not be with her than let her go early..."

Fang Tian said with a rattle: "I don't like it when you say that! There are only 12 zodiac signs and 30 five elements among the 1.3 billion people in China. Where is it that once they are conquered, they are bound to die? I don't know how many couples don't agree with each other, because other factors neutralize each other and make a good life! There are many factors that can lead to premature death. It has nothing to do with you.

Your daughter-in-law is also very strange. It seems that the light is still burning, and there is the appearance of Nirvana and rebirth. But shouldn't he? Isn't that scientific? Which one of you is 25 years old? Did she have no parents for the first 25 years? "Fang Tianao was scratched by the contradictions in Lin Yan's life. He muttered all the time. However, Lin Yan listened as if he had been struck by thunder one after another. He shook his hands and grasped Fang Tianao, shaking vigorously: "yes, yes, there are no parents in the past 25 years! She grew up in an orphanage

Fang Tianao patted his thigh: "lying trough! That makes sense! You dead daughter-in-law found a place, the source of people is blood, that is, her father! Her father, like a forest, provides her with wood to rekindle, but her fire is too weak. At present, I can't see whether she is alive or dead! "

Lin Yan's mouth is open, and he can swallow eggs directly. Although Fang Tianao said it was seven or eight points in line, he didn't know that Xiao Wei had found his father. This passage is too mysterious. He doubted whether this man was making up a fairy tale!

How can there be such a coincidence? Before Xiaowei left, she had never heard of finding her father. Her comrades in arms witnessed her sacrifice abroad. After the accident, she found her biological father abroad. Her biological father provided her with life nourishment, and she came back from the dead?

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