When Feng Huanhuan just scolded Lin Yan, she jumped three feet high and hated him deeply. Now, seeing Lin Yan earnestly praying to see Li Lixin, she nodded her head very cheerfully.

Li Lixin is stubborn. He never mentions Lin Yan, but as long as he hears about Lin Yan, his expression will be very complicated. Feng Huanhuan has witnessed all these things. She knows that Li Lixin is always very sorry for Lin Yan. Now that Fei Er is missing, he doesn't want to touch anyone, and strictly forbids to tell anyone about the loss of his daughter.

Now that Lin Yan knows that the young man is smart and has a wild way, it may be helpful. What's more, Li Lixin is suffering from illness. If you let him touch Lin Yan, it may be effective.

Feng Huanhuan's consideration is very quick. Lin Yan asks her to change her mind and immediately agrees. She goes directly into the room to change her clothes, wash her face and make up, and refines herself. They go downstairs together.

The impression of the West Lake is not far away from the forest peninsula. Lin Yan is depressed and wants to have a good drink with Feng Huanhuan, a wise man. He wants to analyze whether Xiaofei's surname is Jiang or Wang, and plot his purpose. After that, he leaves his car here and walks home.

Who knows that the spy didn't ask, but learned that Fei Er was missing. They couldn't drive when they went downstairs. They took a taxi all the way to the people's hospital. Li Lixin lived in the Department of cardiovascular medicine.

After fei'er went abroad, Li Lixin had a bad impression on Lu Ping. He was already trying to withdraw from business. Although Lu Ping municipal government tried its best to retain him, he seldom stayed in Lu Ping recently and has been in Nanzhou and Beijing all the time.

Li Lixin came back this time because Zhang Daiping's death finally revealed the truth!

Zuo Tianming's nest was planed by Lin Yan. The old thing was brought in and counseled in a few days. Tie Zhan was also brought in. The goods were not as hard as Zuo's. maybe the longer he was greedy for the high-ranking people, the easier it was to collapse when he suddenly fell into the altar, and he soon recruited them.

In addition to the fact that tie Zhan recruited money for Zuo Tianming, he also unexpectedly revealed a secret that has puzzled everyone for a long time, that is, the real cause of Zhang Daiping's death. Now let's go back.

That night, it was tiezhan who secretly instructed Wutong Public Security Bureau to arrest him. Liu Shangwu, the criminal investigation leader of Wutong Public Security Bureau, was tiezhan's driver Xue Wenming's comrade in arms and Xue Jinyan's godfather.

After catching Zhang Daiping, Liu Shangwu couldn't find anything useful, didn't fight or scold, and locked people in an iron filing cabinet.

the cabinet was 150 cm high and 25 cm thick. It was a patent cabinet invented by Captain Liu himself. There was a seam on the top of the cabinet for ventilation. With this cabinet, I don't know how many suspects who clenched their teeth voluntarily confessed.

Zhang Daiping is 176 tall even if he is not big. He is a little middle-aged and fat. He can't stand straight and sit down when he is locked in the cupboard. He can't move when the cupboard door is closed. He has difficulty breathing. In addition, he may have claustrophobia. He can't see his fingers and he can't bend. Only when they were two hours old, they induced heart infarction.

Liu Shangwu has not used this cabinet to deal with people once or twice. He thinks he is very experienced and decides to close Zhang Daiping for three hours first and then have another round of trial. Unexpectedly, the person who opens the cabinet at the right time is over. He is also surprised. It's a credit to get the confession that the boss wants. It's no fun to kill him. Mr. Li is not easy to get into trouble. It's estimated that something big will happen!

Fortunately, the person killed in this way had no scars, only the symptoms of a heart attack, which could be identified as an "accident". After wiping his cold sweat, Liu Shangwu quickly covered up his guilt, drove the car himself, took the strange cabinet to the steel plant and threw it into the steel furnace. The whole participant gave a password, and then called the Municipal Bureau to report Zhang Daiping's death.

Later, this incident triggered Li Lixin's strong counterattack. Liu Shangwu insisted that he was the person who was arrested only after Ling Wei's instructions. He also took out the communication records of Ling Wei's phone calls to him before the arrest. Ling Wei was so eloquent that the provincial government was quite passive, but he could not find out the truth of his death except for myocardial infarction.

It has to be said that Liu Shangwu is a character. Even in ancient times, this method of extorting confessions is creative and has a high success rate.

In the end, the case ended in accordance with "improper law enforcement and ineffective supervision". Liu Shangwu was expelled and his two confidants arrested with him were also reformed. Wutong Public Security Bureau compensated Zhang Daiping's family for a large amount of expenses, and the matter ended.

Zhan Shangwu and others are hired by Liu Bangzi to eat.

When the truth came out this time, Zhao Nanyue arrested Liu Shangwu and other three people, and Li Lixin was needed to cooperate with them to close the case. Li Lixin was always worried about Zhang Daiping's death. When the truth came out this time, he rushed back to cooperate with the public security bureau to complete the formalities, and accompanied Zhang Daiping's family to visit Zhang Daiping.

Back at the residence, I think of such a good brother, but he was killed by a villain. Originally, Li Lixin was heartbroken, but he received a call from Fei Er's mother and gave him a bolt from the blue - Fei Er has been missing for two months!

Fei Er's mother receives a phone call from school. Fei Er hasn't been back to school for a long time, but it's all right to call her. She can't get in touch if she asks where she is.

Fei Er's mother thinks something's wrong, and she can't find her daughter when she arrives in California. She thinks that it's her insistence to let Fei Er come to study. Li Lixin originally disagrees, so she doesn't tell him first, and then she calls the police.The police found the images of Fei Er riding and being robbed at night more than two months ago under the surveillance of Fei Er's home. Then they located the mobile phones that Fei Er talked with her parents in the past two months and found that the mobile phones were left in the remote wildlife reserve. Of course, people couldn't find them.

It turns out that it's not Li Fei Er who calls her parents these two months!

This time, Fei Er's mother was scared out of her wits. Knowing that she couldn't roar, she had to inform Li Lixin.

Li Lixin was surprised to learn that it was not the real girl who was on the phone during this period. The real girl had been missing for two months. Before she could say a word to her ex-wife, she fainted on her back!

Poor Mr. Li, although he is worth ten billion yuan and has great prestige in the world, he is always alone at home. He faints and doesn't even know about it. If no one knows about it overnight, he will be sure to die thoroughly.

Li Lixin's life should not be abandoned, or he did good deeds because he got good results. He sheltered Feng Huanhuan, and Feng Huanhuan would come to him for tea and chat when he was three or five years old. They both knew that after the hopelessness of marriage, they became rare pure confidants and friends, and they also talked well with each other.

When Li Lixin returned to Lu Pingping, she called Feng Huanhuan. Knowing that he was at home, she came directly to the door with the key. When she came in, she saw Li Lixin lying on the ground. Fortunately, there was still help. She called an ambulance and gave him first aid.

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