It's not Zhao Nanyue's intention to hide his secrets. At present, only Zhao shensan knows the most details about Ling Wei's mission. Even the teacher, Secretary Fang Ziming, can't compare with him. It's said that Lin Yan hacked Zhao shensan last time because of Ling Wei's affairs. This time, if you want to tell him again, you have to find Zhao shensan. Mayor Menghu is not good-natured. If you can't do it well, even Guanlin's reputation will collapse!

Fortunately, Lin Yan didn't get to the top of his head after hearing this. He understood that what Zhao Nanyue said was right. He didn't know anyone in the United States at present. Even if he went there, his execution was not as good as that of the embassy, Interpol and California police. What's more, what Zhao Nanyue said was enough to show that Fei Er's life was safe!

No matter what Solomon wanted to do with the Chinese women, the ones who were released didn't suffer any harm, then Phil was most likely the right person to be selected. Since it was right, how could it be hurt.

Thinking of this, Lin Yan suddenly became dull, and his mind was as bright as a flash of lightning --- Solomon controlled the laboratory of the hospital, captured seven Chinese girls, including Fei Er, for physical examination, and finally selected Fei Er. Was it an organ transplant?

Zhao Nanyue saw that Lin Yan suddenly became frightened from decadence. He thought that if he really couldn't do it, he would tell him the way to save him such suffering. Before he spoke, Lin Yan trembled and roared: "organ matching! Solomon is going to transplant Phil's organs! It must be

Lin Yan is a doctor. After hearing about Fei Er's disappearance, his first reaction is the one closest to the truth. However, he can't guess that Solomon did choose Fei Er's body organ, but instead of transplanting it, he gave birth to her daughter!

Zhao Nanyue thought for a moment, patted his thigh and said: "lying trough, right, why didn't we think of it?"

Lin Yan grabbed Zhao Nanyue and said: "since it's organ transplantation, it's going to show up in California. Solomon must choose other hospitals to continue. Let the police check from the world-famous hospitals!"

As a doctor in the new era, Lin Yan was a graduate student when he didn't change his profession. He won many awards for his papers and knew more about the international medical industry.

In terms of patient database management, the international medical system is at least 50 years more advanced than Huaxia. This is not the fact that Lin Yan worships foreign countries, it is an objective fact. It is less than a hundred years since the founding of the Republic of China, and in the middle of it, China has experienced catastrophe and natural disasters. It has been more than 30 years since the founding of the Republic. It is remarkable that the medical system has developed to the present situation, but the delay is undeniable.

For example, the patient database in China is still at the level after the merger with medical insurance. There is no unified database in many provinces and cities, let alone in the whole country. The reserved patient information is nothing more than simple basic information. In foreign countries, the information can be established through the patient's DNA. People only have DNA and will never repeat it, as long as they have sufficient access to the data Grid, there will be no error.

Since Phil has had a physical examination in a California hospital, there must be personal medical data. As long as Solomon takes Phil to any hospital, Interpol logs in to the medical information database and inputs her DNA information, her patient information will appear from other hospitals, so it's easy to find.

Lin Yan finished the analysis, and told Zhao Nanyue the mystery in detail. Zhao Nanyue suddenly realized it, but he held down the restless Lin Yan and said, "we have the rules. The communication channel with the senior management must be single line. You can't go with me. Just be honest and wait for me. I'll pass on what you said to Interpol through the teacher. Don't worry, I'll go with you You are not professional, but you have a good memory. You will never say a word wrong. "

Lin Yan understood the relationship and didn't make trouble. Seeing Zhao Nanyue go out, he could only wait nervously.

Half an hour later, Zhao Nanyue came back with excitement on his face and said, "yes, you can. The teacher contacted Interpol and passed on your proposal. Fortunately, he didn't have time difference. It was daytime there. They immediately investigated and got news. They found that Li Fei Er was transferred to Charleston hospital in West Virginia. Now it's OK there If you don't move, you can wait with ease! "

Lin Yan also cheered up, stood up and said: "then you have a rest. I have to go to the hospital and tell Uncle Li the news, so that his condition will not worsen again and again."

Zhao Nanyue just said: "don't..."

Lin Yan interrupted: "don't worry, I know what to say or not."

Well, Zhao Nanyue kept her hand. Seeing Lin Yan leave, she was relieved.

Li Lixin was surprised to see Lin Yan come back so soon. Lin Yan lay down in his ear and whispered: "Uncle Li, fei'er has found it!"

"What?" Li Lixin suddenly sat up, a moment dizzy, chest pain, and powerless fell on the pillow, people are not awake.

Lin Yan is scared to give him a heart massage while ringing the bell. Nurses and doctors rush in. The doctor on duty tonight knows Lin Yan, but he doesn't blame him for stimulating the patient. A group of people rush to give first aid. Li Lixin finally wakes up, but holds Lin Yan's wrist tightly and stares at him persistently.Lin Yan sighed and winked. Li Lixin understood that although he was very anxious, he didn't urge him any more. He just told the medical staff that he was OK and asked them to have a rest.

The medical staff saw that Li Lixin was really stable, and Lin Yan said that he had left to take care of him, and they all quit.

Lin Yan shook off Li Lixin's hand and said seriously: "Uncle Li, if you can't control your emotions, I won't tell you anything! You know, the information I got depends on my wife's sacrifice. In violation of the regulations, I got it from the internal channels of the public security. All you need to know is that fei'er has been found and there is no damage. I dare not say anything about this surprise. "

Hearing Lin Yan mention his wife who died, Li Lixin has put his position in order. Yes, people have no obligation to help. What's more, if the secret is leaked, the people involved may be at a very high level.

"Xiao Yan, it's Fei Er who missed you because she was not lucky. You can remember this friendship and help me at this time. Uncle Li remembers it. I know that if I can contact the international side to inquire about internal information, I must have a lot to do with it. I just want to ask you to pity me. I'm so worried. Can you explain it more clearly? Uncle Li swore with his life that he would never reveal it. "

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