When Lin Yan saw Li fei'er at first sight, he felt that the child was not in the right state. According to common sense, a girl with tough personality like fei'er was abducted by muddleheaded and transplanted muddleheaded. She didn't know whose baby was in her stomach. She should fight to death and get rid of the evil seed. She used her father's energy to avenge her humiliation, even if she had to fight for her life That's right.

However, after the girl was rescued by the police, she was not willing to disclose the fact that she was rescued. She did not hesitate to hide it from her mother. She was still so cautious when she came back to China for fear of being discovered.

It's as if she stole the child from other people's stomachs instead of being forced into them. What's the secret of the child that can make Phil prefer to let her mother think that she hasn't found it, and that she won't make it public day and night?

In addition, every time fei'er looks at Lin Yan, there is a kind of strong love in her eyes. That's all. But this kind of love also contains the cunning of the little girl and a little bit of complacency. It seems that Lin Yan has been calculated, but he never knows what he has lost.

Li fei'er looks at Lin Yan and is stunned. She doesn't speak for a long time. Xiao Bai reaches over and grabs Lin Yan's arm and gently shakes it, imploring: "brother Yan, this is the American embassy. It's not good for us to stay here. You'd better take me back first."

Lin Yan asked subconsciously, "where do you want to go back?"

Li fei'er said, "back to lupin. But I don't want others to find out my whereabouts. I have to use my ID card for train and plane tickets. Let's just drive back. "

Although Lin Yan is no longer poor, long-term poverty still limits his thinking. He said, "I'm flying here. I didn't drive here."

Feier, like Lin yan'en when she was in love with him, habitually rolled her eyes and said, "Hey brother, if I remember correctly, when the embassy goes out and turns left for 100 meters, it's the 4S shop of Porsche!"

Lin Yan suddenly realized that when he first received fei'er, he had already sent a message to Li Lixin: "if you receive it, it's perfect. Don't read it!" Comfort Li Lixin to recuperate.

At this meeting, fei'er is so determined, and Lin Yan thinks of fortune. Now that he is no longer fei'er's fiance, how can he control her choice? This mission is to replace Li Lixin to take fei'er back safely, with sufficient funds. Let's listen to her arrangement.

Then, Lin Yan covered Fei Er's Hogwarts magic robe and hat, and walked out of the embassy with the elf who had the little devil in his belly.

Turn left. As Phil said, the whole street is full of luxury car marketing points.

In line with the idea of saving money for Li Lixin, Lin Yan didn't go to the Porsche that Fei Er said, but went to the nearest Mercedes Benz store. Because he took Li Lixin's ID card, he bought a Mercedes Benz in his name and spent more than 600000 yuan.

There is a law in the world, that is, expensive is easy to use. The employees of Mercedes Benz store are considerate. To Lin Yan's surprise, Li Lixin's certificate shows that his nationality is Singapore. Overseas Chinese run enterprises in China, buy cars and apply for certificates. It's very convenient for them to sit in the luxurious lounge, drink hot tea, eat snacks, and apply for certificates The unification is done.

Fei'er may be really hungry. The Mercedes Benz store prepared a big meal for her according to her request. She ate a bit frightening. In the end, Lin Yan had to stop her for fear that she would eat too much food.

Lin Yan also felt sorry for her. During her captivity, she was afraid that she would not be able to eat well and sleep well. He bought soft cushions and all wool blankets at the 4S store. After the formalities were completed, she put the back of the car in a soft place and arranged for her to sleep in.

The shopping guide of the 4S store has been helping her, and watching her lie down well, the beautiful woman envies her and says, "the lady is really lucky. Her husband is handsome, rich and tender. I wish I could find one like this in the future!"

Feier is in full bloom. She covers her stomach with her hands subconsciously and says happily: "yes, he is the best husband indeed."

When Lin Yan heard this, he felt that something was wrong. He said goodbye to the shopping guide and drove off to Luping in the cold.

Phil was really tired. She relaxed her nerves for a long time. She had just had enough to eat and drink. She fell asleep while driving. Even because she was pregnant, she oppressed her internal organs and snored sweetly. She didn't look worried at all.

Lin Yan all the way in silent analysis, Feier this willing appearance, absolutely does not seem to be forced, but, this is completely unreasonable!

The Lin family has accumulated a lot of traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. Lin Yan has a great talent for understanding traditional Chinese medicine. He has been taught by Lin Yu since he was a child. He is the quintessence of women's medicine. To put it a little crazy, no one can surpass Lin's and his grandchildren in terms of women's medicine.

The first stress of TCM diagnosis and treatment is "looking". Lin Yan muttered when he saw fei'er, not without reason, because he could accurately judge that fei'er was still innocent from Li fei'er's thick and close eyebrows, her deep and straight human midline with sharp edges at both ends, as well as the clear light between the seal halls, and the fine hair behind the nose and ears That is to say, the baby in Phil's stomach was indeed obtained through embryo transfer.Since it's not her child, why does Phil have a happy and sweet face and take good care of her baby? This can't be pretended. For example, when her feet slip and fall, Phyl will protect her stomach with her hands. When other people mention her happiness, she still holds her stomach with sweet satisfaction.

This kind of performance, Lin Yan as a gynecologist, in obstetrics see more, those pregnant women waiting for labor or prenatal examination, are like this reaction.

All of a sudden, a possibility appeared, which startled Lin Yan - was it the hateful Solomon who used some hallucinogen to make Fei Er have this child from the bottom of her heart? Was it her own subconscious that led to this abnormal?

Lin Yanyue thinks that it is more and more possible, because, in the state of shallow coma, the brain nerve is in a completely open state. If you give hallucinogen or nerve induction at this time, and deepen some deliberately introduced emotion again and again, when it reaches a certain threshold, the person who is hallucinated will forget his original memory and turn the imported emotion into reality Think of it as a real feeling.

At present, the research and treatment of Neurology in Huaxia is relatively backward in the world, and it can not do this. However, with the medical level of foreign countries, it may be possible to do this.

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