Wei Jingshan's original intention of calling Lin Yan is just to wonder what kind of young people can persevere in digging out Zuo Tianming's black nest. There are also some gifts of living apart from Gao Linxia. However, through the conversation just now, he sprouted a new idea. This job requirement is also a temporary idea. He wants to see Lin Yan's reaction and ability.

Secretary Wei asked to do something himself. How could Lin Yan not want to do it? He immediately realized that this might be a great opportunity. He quickly said, "please assign work to Secretary Wei. As long as I can do it, I will do my best."

Wei Jingshan said: "the case of Zuo Tianming needs me to preach in person. Because of some special circumstances, I haven't had a full-time secretary for a period of time. The case courseware was made by the office for me. To tell you the truth, I'm not very satisfied. You have been in touch with the case. Can you improve the content of the courseware for me?"

Lin Yan's heart leaped wildly and said in a daze: "Secretary Wei, my ability is not as good as director Xin. In addition, I only investigate from the perspective of the collapse of Xintong. My understanding of the whole case is like the tip of an iceberg, and I have no ability to improve the courseware. You really overestimate me. My ability is limited, and I really dare not answer it!"

This is also expected by Wei Jingshan. If Lin Yan agrees directly, he will feel that Lin Yan is not steady enough. Seeing Lin Yan's quick refusal, he smiles and says, "don't worry, this thing is just made by the Secretary of the office. It has nothing to do with Xin Liang. Moreover, I've revised it. They haven't seen anyone in the final draft. You're just helping Has the final say, I want to echo what the books say, and I will not read the courseware completely, and I will not be nervous.

Lin Yan was embarrassed to see Secretary Wei. He knew that it would be mean to refuse again and said, "well, Secretary Wei, it's a rare learning opportunity for me to see the courseware, but my ability is really limited. If it's not good, please criticize me."

Wei Jingshan said: "then you go down to have dinner first. When you come back here after dinner, you can modify it on my computer. If you are late, you can live here. I am upstairs and you live on the first floor."

Lin Yan's chest is full of heat. Secretary Wei appreciates him so much that he not only has access to the top secret courseware, but also lives here. This is an incredible chance! Even if it's just proofreading, it's a great achievement. When it's sent back to Luping, it's your own political capital!

Another bad luck!

Lin Yan stood up to say goodbye to Secretary Wei and went down to dinner.

Wei Jingshan looks at the excitement in Lin Yan's eyes and smiles happily.

Xin Liang came in and said, "Secretary Wei, let's go down for dinner. Secretary Li Yuanhang of Yundu and mayor Qi Tianyu have come here, waiting for you below."

Wei Jingshan said, "I'll let Lin Yan stay here tonight to do some writing work. You come and wait for him after breakfast, take my computer to him, call out my courseware for tomorrow's lecture, and you can go down to greet me after arrangement."

Xin Liang promised, but he began to make a compromise in his heart. Wei Shuji had no full-time secretary around him ever since he sent Wang Qingpu to the Cultural Relics Bureau. Although he was waiting on him for a while, the role of director of the provincial Commission for discipline inspection was not easy. It was just the so-called seven grade official of the prime minister's gatekeeper, not to mention the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, who was always looking at the official hat Take away the Department, the office director is even more hot.

It's a kind of honor for secretary Wei to call Xin Liang away constantly. Xin Liang is also proud of being regarded as secretary Wei's confidants. But after all, he is only a secretary, not as powerful as the office director. He is not willing to support a deputy director who is also responsible for the affairs of the office. He is full-time to serve Secretary Wei, but he is a little hopeful There was a full-time secretary for secretary Wei Qingzhi earlier.

Xin Liang and Wang Qingpu have completely understood that Secretary Wei seems to be romantic, generous and elegant, but in fact, he is extremely self-conscious and cautious. It seems that Wang Qingpu has pulled him into the water and stimulated him once. He overcorrects the trust of people around him and is really not easy to serve.

For example, in the courseware of secretary Wei's lecture, Xin Liang went back to the office to find a secretary who was good at drafting documents, but he was not satisfied in every way, and the secretary who revised it was almost crying.

Xin Liang had no choice but to go to the battle to revise it, but he was criticized by Secretary Wei for nothing. Wei Shuji made the final draft himself. Xin Liang could see that Secretary Wei was very dissatisfied, and he was trying to find out the Secretary candidate from within the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

However, Xin Liang is quite familiar with Secretary Wei's heart knot. He knows that he may have settled the past quarrel with Secretary Zhao shensan, but he still has an evil nature. Although Secretary Wei shows that there was a misunderstanding between him and Secretary Zhao, and now he has made concerted efforts, Xin Liang has his own ideas. Believe it or not, I don't believe it.

Xin Liang also had to admit that Zhao shensan's eyes were right!

In those days when Zhao shensan was Deputy Secretary of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, especially when the old secretary Chen did not leave, it was really a matter of wind and rain. However, whenever there was a big event, the excellent and strong generals of the whole committee, no matter who they were, were selected by Secretary Zhao. As a result, at present, it seems that Zhao shensan has something to do with the people who are able to undertake the requirements of secretary Wei's new secretary pretty good!So Xin Liang is in trouble!

Today, when Secretary Wei decided to meet Lin Yan, a rookie from the grass-roots Discipline Inspection Commission, Xin Liang felt that it was a kind of people-oriented behavior of secretary Wei to express his understanding of the grass-roots and concern for the grass-roots cadres. He thought that he would take tea to see off the guests in three or five minutes. Unexpectedly, after waiting at the gate for more than an hour, it was easy for Lin Yan to leave, but he received such a life from Secretary Wei Ling, it seems that this master is looking at Lin Yan?

As Xin Liang walked to the restaurant at the foot of the mountain, he thought that if Secretary Wei really took a fancy to Lin Yan and wanted him to be a secretary, he would not be able to understand him at all. The people who followed Secretary Wei had a more detached position and a more convenient opportunity. The office directly served the whole leading group, but he was not familiar with the secretary OK, it seems that from now on, we have to take good care of this rookie Lin Yan!

Lin Yan is carrying a plate of buffet to eat quickly, and his heart is also filled with ecstasy. The Secretary of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection calls him to work. What does it mean? This kind of opportunity is rare, so we must do a good job tonight!

It rained and cut off power in Wuliang Mountain yesterday. I can't update the code. Please understand. There will be an update in the afternoon!

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