Lin Yan's life is really bloody. He has a good life with fei'er, but he was killed by Zuo Tianming's son of a bitch who tried to plot against Li Lixin. Later, Xiaowei quickly occupied Lin Yan's heart and body. Later, he realized that when fei'er was using the trick, he had cooked rice with Xiaowei.

Who knows that when the children of Xiaowei and Lin Yan come to fei'er's stomach, Lin Yan's bitter enemy of killing his wife is actually Xiaowei's biological father. This kind of story must be beyond the imagination of the biggest playwright in his head, but it's just the truth!

Lin Yan is sad to think that although the microenterprise seems to be strong, there is always a strong sense of insecurity. From time to time, it also reveals the sadness and sadness of having no parents. Since her father can exhaust his heart and effort for her, he must also try his best to make up for it. Let the microenterprise live a new life without lacking anything.

As for Phil

Lin Yan's chest was hot and sour. Everyone lived at home. The baby he was pregnant with was his own flesh and blood. If he didn't love him so much, no woman would be so stupid to have a baby for others. What's more, if it wasn't for love, what would he want!

That's it, Xiaowei. If you knew all this, would you hate me?

When Lin Yan was confused, Xin Liang came back and said, "is secretary Lin full? If you're full, I'll send you to the back. You start work first, so as not to stay up late. Secretary Wei estimates that it will be a while before the end. "

Lin Yan quickly took back his mind and said, "I'm full. I'm waiting for you."

Fang Tianao was also very interested. Seeing Lin Yan's business, he waved and said, "you're busy. Come to the sixth floor to chat with me these days."

Back to the small building where Wei Jingshan lived, Xin Liang opened his laptop, transferred out the courseware and said, "secretary Lin, this is it. You can see how to modify it. Make a note that the" modified version "is put on the desktop. Just wait for secretary Wei to come back for final approval. I have to wait for him. You can do it yourself."

Lin Yan agrees to see Xin Liang off. He holds his computer and goes to the room Xin Liang points out for him to live in at night. The left second bedroom on the first floor is an ordinary big bed room. Only a super wide bay window is very eye-catching. The outside window is the green bamboo forest.

Lin Yan has a lot of petty bourgeoisie in his heart. He simply takes the pillow cushion to the bay window, leans on it, holds his laptop and opens the courseware. As soon as he looks at it, he slowly becomes dignified. Later, he begins to gnash his teeth.

At the level of secretary Wei, the file of Zuo Tianming's case is the most detailed. Lin Yan realized that he had already learned about Zuo Tianming's crime from Xintong. Unexpectedly, what he knew was only the tip of the iceberg where Zuo Tianming violated the law and discipline. No wonder this bastard could search the whole basement for wealth What a lot of evil!

No matter how angry, in a word, Zuo Tianming's criminal facts have come to light. What we should do now is the work assigned by Secretary Wei.

Lin Yan quickly controlled his mood and spent half an hour carefully reading the information which was obviously passed to Secretary Wei by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection twice. He immediately found out the problem of arrangement.

Although the courseware of the discipline inspection system doesn't need fancy gimmicks, it just needs to make the facts clear, cause warnings and draw lessons from them. But this courseware starts from Zuo Tianming's resume, how he uses his power to seek personal gain, how he runs roughshod, how he indulges in evil, how he collects money and accepts bribes, and it's all plain and straightforward. Wei Shu's words are just like this, even if he plays on the spot It's too tedious to add some content.

If Secretary Wei has the personality of secretary Lin Tianlu, there is nothing wrong with this courseware. It's just that he reads it on the stage, and the people listening to it wander or doze off secretly.

However, Secretary Wei is obviously not the kind of person who takes work as a task, and even if he finishes his studies, he pays great attention to his personal image and personal charm. Otherwise, he would not flaunt his friendship with Zhao shensan as soon as he saw Lin Yan, but he could not say that they were good friends for a while.

It is obvious that such a leader who pursues the perfection of his own brilliance is dissatisfied with such a mediocre courseware. It is a pity that the Secretary of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection Office and Xin Liang did not follow the boss's requirements. When they were called back, they felt that the content was not detailed, and they tried hard to fill in the content, but they did not know that the more boring the courseware was, the less interesting it was A place to shine.

After Lin Yan figured out the problem, he didn't immediately start to change it. He was a little worried about whether his guess was right or not. After 20 minutes of struggling, he suddenly laughed. Wei Shuji had a temporary intention to let himself repair it, but he didn't say that he appreciated what he wanted to carry, but he was confused first!

If we think from another angle, Secretary Wei handed it over just because he was involved in the case of Zuo Tianming. If it is better than this one, if it is not, we should still use the original manuscript. What's the obstacle for him, Lin Yan, or deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Meilin district?

If we regard this mission as a ladder to the sky, it will be a whim.

After straightening out his mind, Lin Yan relaxed and was less worried about gain and loss. He carefully copied and pasted the original manuscript first, and began to adjust according to his own ideas in the new document. He disrupted the original problem order of the file and divided the whole file into four parts.The first part: the crimes are obvious

starting with the collapse of sandy land, the collapse of Heyang bridge, the "zombie meat" scandal in Luoping meat factory, the credit collapse in Luping, and the spread of the evil consequences caused by Zuo Tianming's crazy money collection all over the province. One bad case after another seems irrelevant, but it is enough to shock all the audience.

The second part: the source of all evils

at the beginning of the second part, Zuo Tianming's brilliant biography of zhengmiaohong and Zuo Xiaoqing's poor living conditions in rural areas are added to show a perfect positive leadership image. Then, I will point out the evidence of Zuo Tianming's greed in the first part one by one. After the painting of honesty is torn apart, we can see clearly that a leading cadre in a high position can be the beginning of all good, but also the source of all evil.

The third part: vicious circle

this part is due to Zuo Tianming's improper behavior, which leads to his subordinate cadres to commit crimes. While collecting money for Zuo Tianming, they also run amok and violate the law and discipline.

Among them, Lin Yan added some illustrated contents from his database, such as the luxurious lotus garden made by Zuo Tianming for Duan Tingting, the villas made by Qin Dongjun in Nanping to curry favor with his superiors in the cultural relics reserve, and the luxurious sports car with flying wings in Zuo Lianshan, which let everyone appreciate the extreme extravagance of Zuo Tianming's abuse of power A life of desire.

The fourth part: Zhang Shanhuang and evil

in this part, Lin Yan added some contents, not out of thin air. Instead, he put Fang Ziming's strategy of cooperating with tie Zhongli on this case, which was named as secretary Wei Jingshan. Secretary Wei became director tie from a passive ignorance, and he had been planning in the dark. Then, Zuo Tianming and his party members in the document The fact that a meritorious minister is captured and commended.

In the last part of the concluding remarks, Lin Yan left a blank and wrote: "this part is for secretary Wei to draw up in person."

This means that I'm just a small cadre at the section level. If I stand too low, I don't look so far away. Only Secretary Wei can achieve the goal of being farsighted and learning from the past, and he won't make a fool of himself.

After finishing, it's almost zero, and Wei Jingshan hasn't come back, which is enough to show that Yundu local cadres, as the host, are very enthusiastic this evening.

Lin yanzai carefully checked twice, Wei Jingshan just came back with six or seven points of wine, accompanied by Xin Liang.

Lin Yan quickly came out with the computer and said, "Secretary Wei, are you back? I have finished the task you told me. My level is limited. You must not agree with me. So criticize and guide me more. I'd better go back to my side. It won't affect your rest. "

In fact, Wei Jingshan didn't expect much. He just felt that the young man knew how to advance and retreat. He gave him a chance to have a try. Seeing Lin Yan's expression, he didn't dare to stay. It was obvious that he didn't make much changes to the courseware. He wanted to avoid it for fear of his censure, so he waved his hand to let Lin Yan go.

Xin Liang serves Wei Jingshan, drinks Gehua Xingjiu tea, sends the computer to Wei Jingshan's bedroom upstairs, and takes a rest on the next floor. Like secretary Wei, he speculates about Lin Yan's attitude and thinks that there will be no big change.

Wei Jingshan didn't even want to see it. Who knows when he was drunk, his brain was excited. He leaned on the bed and saw the laptop on the bedside table. When he could reach it, he grabbed it and opened the note "Lin Yan modified" version of the courseware. Unexpectedly, he was attracted by it. After reading it, he couldn't help saying to himself: "this boy, there are two times Son

This eye-catching and novel "evil" trilogy is many times more wonderful than the previous plain version. From the malignant cases in the beginning to the hypocrisy of Zuo Tianming's honesty, even his parents are willing to keep the poverty-stricken veil, it reveals a demon full of evil. This layout is really exquisite, which Wei Jingshan can imagine, Such a manuscript with their own expression, absolutely can achieve a shocking effect.

If Wei Jingshan is very satisfied with the layout of the general article, the fourth part of Wei's change from passivity to initiative will make Wei Jingshan clap his hands and exclaim. In the last blank part, Wei Jingshan has almost made a decision!

Lin Yan, who is capable, not arrogant, not flattered, knows how to advance and retreat, is worthy of Wei's personal assistant!

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