Zhao shensan and Fang Tianao take a look at Wei Jingshan's emotional changes. They have a vague look in their eyes. In an instant, they feel as if nothing has happened. In fact, they all have a plan in mind.

After all, during the training period of discipline inspection, Wei Jingshan was very fond of feathers, but he stopped the toast decisively after a round, so the banquet ended at 9 p.m.

With surprise and complicated emotions, Lin Yan sent Secretary Wei back to the mountain, made a cup of Anshen tea and put it away. He said: "Secretary Wei, you've been tired all day. This Anshen tea is made by my grandfather. It can help you sleep and relieve fatigue. You can have a rest early. Secretary Fang's class is tomorrow morning. You can have a rest a little longer. Look at me at eight o'clock Would it be appropriate to bring you breakfast? "

Wei Jingshan took a comfortable stretch and said, "you are still a cadre in Meilin district. Secretary Xijiang's class is also very important. You should listen to your breakfast and let Xin Liang arrange it."

Lin Yan said with a smile: "my uncle's house is in the nearby village. I know where there are delicious hu la soup and sugar oil Baba. Just sleep. I'll buy them and ask the waiter to bring them to you. I won't delay my class."

Wei Jingshan agreed with a smile. Lin Yan left and wanted to go back to his room. Unexpectedly, as soon as he went down the mountain, he received a call from Fang Tianao: "Xiao Lin, go out of the gate to the river, barbecue beer!" Then he hung up and didn't even give the chance to refuse.

But Lin Yan didn't intend to refuse. Today, he was sitting next to the leader. He said that it was next door. In fact, it was a living wall separated by a single board. He specially arranged for the leader's entourage to sit and eat, and didn't delay waiting for him at any time. He listened to the words clearly, and he was very grateful for Tianao's help. At this moment, Secretary Wei was asleep, It's time to connect with personal feelings.

Out of the hot spring villa, across a road is the river.

This river is overflowing from the dam at the foot of the Buddha. It was renovated with the whole project at the beginning. There are willows on the Bank of the river. It's spring and March. In the quiet night, a bay of clear water is sparkling, and the flowers and trees on both sides are fragrant. If it's not for the strong barbecue flavor in the air, it's the most suitable night for love. Since there's barbecue, it's the best It's more suitable for big bowls of wine and big mouthfuls of meat.

When Lin Yan walked down the riverbank, he saw a barbecue oven standing on the snow-white beach. This section of the beach belongs to the private property of hot spring villa. Usually, there are security patrols. No one else is qualified to barbecue here. Besides, most of the people around are in a small courtyard. People can bake in their own courtyard, and no one comes here with a stove.

Fang Tianao took off his coat. He was only wearing a vest. He was cooking a big fish with a bold oil brush and a rack.

The fish cut into two parts is a big grass carp caught in Pinghu reservoir not far away. It is delicious to bake it with strong seasoning such as cumin pepper and Zanthoxylum noodles. Fang always seems to be a good hand on the way of barbecue. He roasts both sides of the fish yellow with strong fragrance.

Zhao shensan was lying on a beach chair with a square table beside him. There were already six exquisite dishes. When he saw Lin Yan coming, he sat up straight and said with a smile, "congratulations to the new lady."

Lin Yan immediately said with a bitter smile: "Secretary Zhao, look what you said. I'm just like the little maids who were spoiled by the emperor."

Fang Tianao tilted his eyes and said, "isn't that the same truth? Do you still feel aggrieved? Do you think it's so easy to win Secretary Wei's favor? "

Lin Yan went to sit on the bamboo chair beside the table and said, "yes, I'm still like a dream. Although I'm very excited and surprised, I'm also very worried and tangled. After all, I'm close to home in Luping, and I have a clinic to take care of at any time. Once I go to the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, I can only take care of one end, let alone..."

Zhao shensan said: "what's more, being with you is like being with a tiger. Secretary Wei can transfer you to the cultural relics bureau at a glance, but he can also send you to the cultural relics bureau at a glance. The risk is much greater than being down-to-earth in Meilin District, right?"

Lin Yan was nodded and said: "does secretary Zhao feel the same? Well, I'd better not go, right? "

Fang Tianao sneered: "man, man, you can't even bear this risk. You are really promising! I don't know how promising it will be if high risk is accompanied by high income? Is your experience more than one year risky enough? Has changed you from an unpopular little doctor to a somewhat authoritative director of the discipline inspection commission? I tell you, the official career is like climbing a mountain. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you go through it step by step for a few years, no one will know which onion or garlic you are

Of course, Lin Yan knows that Fang Tianao's words are not pleasant to hear, but every word of good fortune is not his own. Why do others make fun of him? He said gratefully, "Mr. Fang is right. Now there is no one else. If Secretary Zhao valued me and wanted to take me away, I agreed without saying a word, but Secretary Wei Although he is amiable, I always feel insecure. "

Zhao shensan glanced at Lin Yan admiringly. This young man is young and accurate. Wei Jingshan is optimistic in appearance and broad-minded. In fact, he is suspicious and cautious. If he trusts a person, he will spare no effort to help and take care of him. But if he doesn't trust him, he will definitely fall to the ground and step on 10000 feet. It's really not good to serve him.However, Zhao shensan thinks that if someone can serve Wei Jingshan well, it's really Lin Yan. This young man is thoughtful and flexible, and can often find a new way out of the ordinary way. It's very suitable for Wei Jingshan's spleen and stomach. Once he gets the real trust and appreciation, the starting point is much higher than the current director general of district discipline inspection and supervision.

What's more, Wei Jingshan is a leading cadre at the Deputy ministerial level. His secretary should be the director of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission at the department level. Lin YanDiao used to be at least a deputy. Don't underestimate the gap between the Department and the deputy. It's a watershed between the middle level and the leadership. The middle-level cadres who can dominate the situation can't surpass this day all their lives It's not because she fell out of bed and climbed up to attract people's hatred that Wu Jun was excluded after her fall in the sand.

Zhao shensan said: "it depends on which road you choose to take. If you like the quiet life of your wife and children, it's safe to stay in Luping. At least, the department level is No.1 in the prefecture level city. It's comfortable to open a clinic in your spare time to make money.

If you have ambition in your heart, or want to be proud, or want to be in a high position for the benefit of the people's livelihood, following Secretary Wei to stand high and see far, it's the best choice for your qualifications and experience. If you go to the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection for a turn, and then let it out, your identity will be different. If you have any unfulfilled wishes, this step will obviously make you closer to your goal It's a lot closer. "

Zhao shensan's words made Lin Yan feel that he was impressed!

Yes, I see so many unequal things in my eyes. For example, the tutoring class scandal that was muddled down a few days ago is because his current status can't be reversed. There is also the truth that Xiaowei can't figure out whether he is dead or alive. Just as secretary Zhao said, the higher his position, the more secrets he will be exposed to. If it's not for Wei Shu, the inside story of Zuo Tianming's case How can I know that the courseware is so widely involved? Maybe after following Secretary Wei, I'm a step closer to the truth of Xiaowei's death!

Zhao shensan said a few words, and Lin Yan made up his mind to go to the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

At present, Lin Yitang is in normal operation, with his grandfather's gold lettered signboard standing there, and all the doctors recruited are in the state, so there will be no problem. The most special member of the highest rank, who recognizes Lin Yan, doesn't care about the one or two hours' drive from Nanzhou to Luping.

Although my grandfather is old, he has always been in good health. His parents are in their 50s. They don't worry much about leaving them in Luping. On the contrary, his sister Lin Su is becoming more and more popular on TV. He has become a popular little flower to replace Zhao Weiyang, who retired from pregnancy. There are more flies and butterflies. If there is a brother who works in the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to take care of him, it's better It's much safer.

The most important thing is that Lin Yan always refuses to take a breath. Those bastards who only know how to make profits are in a high position, but they are dead. Why can't people who want to do practical things climb up? Secretary Wei's road is a ladder to heaven. If there is a shortcut, why not go!

Making up his mind, Lin Yan said, "Secretary Zhao, I'll take the second road."

Zhao shensan clearly smiles and nods. He knows that this young man will choose like this. As a man, ambition is a must. He lacks the belief of climbing up. Of course, the official hat won't fall on his head.

Fang Tianao doesn't bake the fish after he has baked it. The banquet tonight is mainly about social activities. It's not good to eat. Three people ate around a fish for a while. Lin Yan picked up the wine and said, "I sincerely thank you for your great support!"

After the three drank, Fang Tianao said with a smile: "Xiao Lin Zi, do you want Secretary Wei to trust you early and treat you as a confidant?"

Lin Yan is crazy. Fang Tianao, Zhao shensan and Qiao Yuanzheng, deputy director of the provincial development and Reform Commission, are the three brothers of friendship. With these people's advice, we must get twice the result with half the effort. He asked sincerely: "Mr. Fang, please teach me. What worries me most is that Secretary Wei's mind is not easy to figure out. If he is expelled in a few days, he will be shameless!"

Fang Tianao said in a low voice: "Secretary Wei most envies Zhao shensan for his good luck against the sky. In other words, he also believes in fate and fortune. You didn't see that tonight I decided that you and he are both prosperous. He made a decision in an instant."

Lin Yan in the heart a bright, still some don't understand, urgently pursue a way: "so?"

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