Wei Jingshan is still a leader with evil spirit. When he frowns and his eyes contain strong discontent, Xin Liang can be scared.

In the face of secretary Wei's black face, Lin Yan opened a slightly coquettish smile, showed eight white teeth and said, "Secretary Wei, have you never heard that famous sentence? Our office is the Jinluan Hall of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Only when your court is established can it be prosperous and prosperous

Wei Jingshan was stunned and scolded subconsciously: "we are the Discipline Department of the party, not the feudal court. Even the Jinluan palace has come out. What a mess!"

Lin Yan still kept his eight teeth smile and said, "Oh, Secretary Wei, this is a metaphor. There is still one person in charge of a thousand people in a family. The big family is the same as the small court! What's more, geomantic omen is in line with the mysteries of heaven, earth and man. Take science as an example, it can be verified by quantum theory!

Let's not talk about anything else. It's better to be comfortable and comfortable than to be idle in our room at present! My Lord has said that space damages Qi and blood. This is the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. Please connive me once and let me straighten out our room! "

Wei Jingshan's heart moved and he thought that when he entered the office, he was not as comfortable as before. Does it really have something to do with the layout of the room?

I had an idea in my heart, but I didn't feel soft on my mouth, but I didn't want to stop this topic, so I said angrily: "Huo, you're talking more and more vigorously. Why is the saying of" strange power and confusion "still related to science and medicine? Then tell me the truth. "

Lin Yan served Wei Jingshan a cup of justice and continued his tea. He said with a smile, "Secretary Wei, this is not a strange power. Do you think the word" Chao "in oracle bone inscriptions looks like two small grasses, and then the sun rises and the moon falls? With the sun and the moon and the vegetation growing, the world is constant for a long time.

Sakyamuni said that the "four great powers" of earth, water, fire and wind consist of all things in the material world. Taking "human" as a metaphor, the skeleton body is "Earth", which is the basis of the whole life; the fluid flowing like blood is "water"; the human body temperature is cleverly set at 37 degrees, one degree more or one degree less, which you can't stand, is "fire"; and people need breathing to live, and breathing is "wind".

Both Taoism and Sakyamuni talk about the relationship between man and the universe. Fengshui in China is classified as the Taoist world path. Taoism stresses "Zhou Tian" and "acupoints" in its cultivation. It also stresses that the human body is a small universe. Ancient China has been studying the mysteries between heaven and earth, and put forward the theory of "the unity of heaven and man", that is, heaven, earth and man correspond.

"Tao Te Ching" says, "man follows the earth, and the earth follows the heaven." If so, are there acupoints on the ground? Our body is not comfortable, massage the acupoints will be good, we are not comfortable in this room, is the acupoints uncomfortable, a person uncomfortable. It's well placed. Are you well placed? "

Wei Jingshan had listened to it completely, but he continued to be angry and asked, "let's just say that you have explained the theory of traditional Chinese medicine smoothly. What about quantum science? I don't know what else you can say! "

Lin yanneng could see that Secretary Wei had been thoroughly involved in his topic, but he made a stubborn appearance and said: "Secretary Wei, I'm not unreasonable! There is a very interesting phenomenon in quantum physics, which is called quantum entanglement.

Physicists say that there are strong nonlocal and nonclassical correlations between two or more quantum systems. In colloquial terms, no matter how far the distance between two particles is, the change of one particle will affect the phenomenon of the other particle. That is to say, no matter how far the distance between two particles is, they are not affected by time and space, and they do not need any connection. They can be "heart to heart".

You may think that this is just a fantasy. Even Pauli, a quantum scientist, said that quantum physics is "a science born out of alchemy. Now it seems to be more mysterious than alchemy."

But it is undeniable that these seemingly absurd strange talks are real scientific and technological achievements. Many people have won the Nobel Prize for the above strange theories!

What do these theories mean? To put it bluntly, if we really thoroughly study the quantum entanglement phenomenon, then we people today may change the past or future history through time and space by influencing some things today Therefore, from the perspective of quantum theory, the miracles of ancient alchemists are not unusual at all. "

Wei Jingshan listened to the smile: "get it, you said for a long time, the conclusion is to tell me what?"

Lin Yan said seriously: "the conclusion is that the facilities in the room are one point, and your body's sense is another point. If the aura formed by the decoration is complementary to your body, you will be happy and lucky. If the aura can't form a supplement or even harmful to you, then you are difficult and uncomfortable!

From this perspective, you won't think that the Taoist "three talents" and the Buddhist "four talents" I just mentioned are strange forces or heresies

Wei Jingshan was deeply moved, but still didn't say anything.

But Lin Yan further said: "Secretary Wei, I don't know if you have noticed Secretary Zhao shensan's office. When he was mayor of Nanping, I went into his office. That's when I went in, it made people feel that everything was appropriate. His whole atmosphere seemed to blend into the environment.We are in Fengquan hot spring villa this time. Have you noticed Mr. Fang? He is an expert in geomantic omen. It is said that he was the elder brother of friendship before Secretary Zhao made his fortune

Wei Jingshan said: "it's lively. Do you understand the layout?"

Lin Yan rubbed his nose and said, "I understand a little."

Wei Jingshan finally laughed and scolded: "virtue, since I know something about it, I'll arrange it. If I feel uncomfortable, you're the only one to ask."

Lin Yan quickly agreed: "yes!"

Wei Jingshan didn't care about the arrangement. He stood up, grabbed what he had just written and said, "I have to communicate with Secretary Bai about my work. You don't have to follow him. I'll hand over my work schedule with the office as soon as possible and get familiar with my daily work."

"All right."

Send Wei Jingshan to the stairway. Lin Yan turns back to Xin Liang's office and takes back Secretary Wei's schedule. He starts to move his secretary's office.

Xin Liang probes in to see that Lin Yan is struggling. He turns around and asks two office boys to help him. He moves quickly, which is quite different from Wang Qingpu's time.

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