In the prime of spring, it seems that the whole world is filled with hormones, and everything is in a state of active growth. On both sides of the highway are large areas of rape fields, spreading all the way.

Fate seems to be really arranged in general, there will always be some key nodes. This spring may be a key node of Lin Yan's fate. He just went to Fengquan county to attend a training meeting. Overnight, he dreamt that he would become the Secretary of Wei Jingshan, Secretary of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Now, in the same spring, Lin Yan, who was happy to have his son, is driving to Nanzhou with a smile on his face, officially starting his senior leadership secretary career.

Lin Yan went home to accompany his wife to give birth. Wei Jingshan only gave him a three-day holiday and called to ask about the body of the child and his mother.

Listen to Lin Yan say adults and children are good, after the child was born seven Jin seven Liang, Wei Shu Ji first said a congratulations, the second sentence is since the size is good, hurry back to work.

Lin Yan turned to see his wife and children around the time surrounded by the family, it is really nothing to worry about, on the return journey.

The reason why Wei Jingshan called Lin Yan back in a hurry is that a big decision of his is about to start. Although he saved the bottom life of H Province because Z province didn't hit the bullet hole, he must do a vigorous self inspection to ensure that he won't be the bottom next year.

Before the inspection team of the Central Commission for discipline inspection visits the 18 prefecture level cities and six provincial-level counties in the whole province, it is necessary to check all of them first, so as to have a clear idea in mind, so as to take precautions.

This kind of large-scale inspection, from meeting in advance to studying, formulating the implementation plan, to dispatching personnel to form an inspection team, and then to implementing step by step, is actually very detailed and cumbersome. After Wei Jingshan experienced Lin Yan's service level, he didn't want to make do with Xin Liang completely, and he could only make Lin Yan come back as soon as possible.

Lin Yan was in the corridor. When he was approaching Secretary Wei's office, he could hear Secretary Wei's angry voice: "tell me, where is the place where you changed the implementation plan that I asked you to modify?"

Xin Liang stammered: "that's In that implementation step, the fifth sub clause is directly followed by the seventh sub clause. A six is missing, and I have revised it... "

Wei Jingshan grabbed the implementation plan and threw it on Xin Liang: "if it's just to correct the mistakes, do I need you to do it? A typist can do it! "

When Lin Yan came in, Xin Liang's eyes lit up, and he complained. It was Lin Yan who had occupied the position of secretary, but he asked for leave just three days after taking office. If the secretary was there, where could he be used to modify the documents? He was also scolded by Secretary Wei.

When Wei Jingshan saw Lin Yan, he waved and said, "Xin Liang, go out and do something. Pass the electronic version to Lin Yan and let him change it."

Xinliang quickly agreed and ran out.

Lin Yan picked up the documents that had fallen on the ground and saw that the title was about the implementation plan of discipline inspection and inspection in the province. Before he went home, Wei Jingshan was already planning the plan. He had a number in his heart and said carefully: "Secretary Wei, when do you want to use this plan? Are the reference materials the annual inspection documents of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the annual work report of our province last year? "

The day after tomorrow, you have to close your eyes to receive the first draft of the annual discipline inspection plan 。”

Lin Yan agreed to go to Xinliang to do the handover, and began to modify it on his computer, but Secretary Wei suddenly sent him two documents.

The two documents sent by Secretary Wei are all attached forms annotated with "top secret" and attached table 1 is the personnel list of the inspection team, which are all composed of discipline inspection staff drawn from the whole province. Attached table 2 is the list of cities for the first round of inspection.

As soon as he saw the annotation, Lin Yan had a surprise in his heart. This round of inspection must be a secret operation. The personnel composition and the inspection date of the city are the focus of countless people's attention. If he is brave and greedy enough to secretly leak these two forms, he can get several houses in the provincial capital.

Wiping the cold sweat on his head, Lin Yan couldn't help looking up to the inconspicuous dressing mirror on the edge of the opposite filing cabinet. The mirror is a long oval shape, the widest part is 40 cm, and the height is two meters. It is placed in the crevice between the filing cabinet and the window. The branches of asparagus on the windowsill cover it inconspicuously, but the function is indispensable, that is, from the position where Lin Yan sits Take a look in the mirror, you can see Wei Shu sitting in the boss's chair.

Lin Yan saw Secretary Wei frowning in the mirror to revise another document. He was moved. He was able to pass on the two top secret schedules without any scruples, which is enough to show that Secretary Wei trusted him so much that he would try his best to serve him well.

After opening the electronic version of the implementation plan delivered by Xin Liang, Lin yanzai looked at it carefully. It was the usual pattern of official documents, first the guiding ideology, then the significance of inspection, the implementation steps, and the arrangement of the leading group, which were basically similar to the large-scale inspection documents issued by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection a while ago.Lin Yan found the problem as soon as he saw it. The implementation steps didn't need to be changed. It must have been decided by the team. The key is the significance of inspection. Xin Liang obviously didn't understand Wei's idea. He basically copied and pasted the implementation significance of the documents of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Just change the title. The whole plan seems to be very tall, but in this case, it will make us happy This program has become a slogan floating in the air.

If the document is too slogan oriented, the following cadres will have no sense of substitution, no sense of urgency, and the importance of this warm-up self inspection will not be too high. Then Secretary Wei will comb his site first, sort out the problems, and rectify them. When the state inspects, the original intention of not making mistakes can not be implemented.

After finding out the problem, Lin Yan didn't rush to revise it. First, he read the order of discipline inspection work and the notice of major problems in the whole province last year, and then referred to the case file of Zuo Tianming. Then, he deleted all the slogans about the significance of implementation, drafted them down-to-earth, refined the small items, and started with "existing problems at the present stage" to put the whole province in the whole country The backwardness within the scope and the fact that there are major problems are named one by one. With simple rhetoric and the fact of chiguoguo, this paper interprets the practical significance of "if you can't wash your ass clean and blacken the province, you must be beaten. If you have problems, it's better to deal with them behind closed doors than to be found out by the state".

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