Both Li Guanlin and Zhao Nanyue feel that they know Lin Yan very well. Li Guanlin, in particular, has the same friendship as his mother. He can understand Lin Yan's uncontrollable indignation when he sees this scene, which is no less than the hell on earth set up by demons. But what he knows about his third brother is only most of what he wants him to know, such as cutting eggs in anger I don't know.

So the third younger brother in Li Guanlin's mind, on the whole, is a wise young man who is kind and upright, but also resourceful and flexible. At least, he is not a cruel man in his heart.

In Zhao Nanyue's mind, Lin Yan is a man who is soft hearted to the extreme. Wu Jun, who can see through at a glance in Meilin district and is lustful, can make Lin Yan change from a bachelor to a second marriage for her. In addition, she has the pity for other women. A typical example is Xue Jinyan, who almost ruined him In the end, he still chose to swallow this tone, which saved the little girl's reputation.

This misunderstanding is just because Lin Yan's ruthlessness is only aimed at those animals who are not worthy of being called human beings. Lin Yan always thinks that there is no need to advertise to deal with animals, so he perfectly maintains his elegance and kindness in front of everyone.

Hearing that Lin Yan wanted to interrogate Dian Qing here, Li Hui happily rubbed his hands and fists, Zhao Nanyue scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Li Guanlin said, "he didn't use big brother Li Guanlin. You don't have contact with Dianqing. What people like him are not afraid of is to be cruel to others. People who care about people's lives have the character of an outlaw. This kind of contempt for life and Dharma not only treats others, but also treats himself. It's useless for him to let him eat evil consequences here, just like the story of inviting a gentleman into a jar. "

Zhao Nanyue sneered: "even if Zhou Xingjun invited him into the urn, it is said that when Lai Junchen pushed him into the urn to bake, he also begged Lai Junchen to record in detail what kind of heat he used to make the prisoner's life as bad as death to the maximum extent, which became his invention and creation!

The torture room made by Dianqing is no less cruel than Lai Junchen. Last night, Li Ju and I had fully understood this. So Lin Yan's idea is good, but it's useless for Dianqing to do it to others. "

Lin Yan turned around slowly, with the evil smile that the two elder brothers had never seen before on his face. His eyes were spraying cold light, and he said indifferently, "is it useless? It depends on who will judge and how. Just because you two can't, doesn't mean I can't either. However, those who despise the law and discipline and are full of evil will do more evil. What they fear is not people, but ghosts. "


"What the hell?"

"What does Lin Chu mean?"

In the face of the three people's confusion, Lin Yan didn't explain. He just told them not to ask anything, just to cooperate with him completely, and then he would know.

Now Lin Yan is the leader of the inspection team. Both Li Guanlin and Zhao Nanyue have been ordered to cooperate. Although they still have a useless attitude towards Lin Yan's ideas, these days they all see that Lin Yan has been greatly annoyed by the discipline violating officials of Wuping. Now they are clear and have no law and discipline, and the evidence of law enforcement has been obtained. Anyway, they have to be tried. Where is the trial, not the trial Since Yan said that he would try the canon here, let him vent his anger.

Li Guanlin and Zhao Nanyue agreed, and took Li Hui to prepare according to Lin Yan's arrangement.

Lin Yan did not leave. Now the police force brought by the inspection team secretly controlled the building. Of course, he would not be stopped by the clumsy "fire" moxibustion basin when he got on the elevator. He walked into the elevator and pressed 18 to enter the seven degree space.

At this time, it was already dark. The corridor was as dark as the day he first came. He turned on the corridor lamp and walked slowly to the end of the corridor. He observed inch by inch on the seemingly smooth wall. Finally, he saw the lotus shaped wall lamp on the wall. The last time a door suddenly appeared here, he could see clearly. The lotus turned around.

Holding the lamp out of his hand, he turned it around very easily. On the wall, a door was opened silently, and there was a huge space inside.

But this time, there are no brilliant lights, no smiling beauties to greet, a pungent fragrance of powder mixed with mildew caused by long-term poor ventilation, as if the famous trick is in the twilight, quietly waiting for death at the end of the years.

Turn on the light. According to Lin Yan's request to the Discipline Inspection Commission of Wuping, the room still keeps the luxurious furnishings. The pool where the beauty dances, the music platform where the zither and zither sing harmoniously, the bed covered with soft brocade, the carpet on the ground that drowns the feet, and the Golden chandelier on the top of the head, all remain the same. However, there is no beauty flying back and forth, and there is only one left Gorgeous body.

Lin Yan stood quietly at the door, looking at the money spent to build the pleasure nest, selling gold cave, lips once again aroused a sneer, now it seems that this place is like a gorgeous tomb, unfortunately, liming built this tomb for himself, but not even qualified to enjoy, confused was killed, more confused was burned by his wife I just don't know if the woman will get him an urn.

According to Lin Yan's conjecture, no matter how poor a person dies, liming doesn't have the urn. It's just because his wife, Liang Bo, who is afraid of being implicated by him, even leaves ashes, is afraid of finding out the cause of death. Before Liming died, she didn't have to be implicated by him. It's safest to let him completely disappear in the incinerator.Therefore, people have more greed than retribution. No matter how much merit their ancestors have accumulated, they can't stand Liming's extravagance. In the end, their merits and talents are exhausted, and they can't deserve to continue to enjoy the high position and luxury. It's not the end of death.

Cause and effect cycle, six samsara, heaven and man are not happy!

If dawn is like this, can Dianqing be so strong that he doesn't believe in cause and effect?

Lin Yan didn't believe it.

Standing here in silence for half an hour, Lin Yan didn't do anything, just let his eyes see everything here, let his memory remember all this, take warning.

Looking at the time, Lin Yan turned off the light, stepped out slowly, turned on the lotus lamp, turned off the luxurious and gentle countryside, and the bone eroding place of Xiaode, which also ended today's introspection and went downstairs.

When Li Guanlin came into the room where Dianqing was being held, Dianqing was eating. When he saw him coming in, he said carelessly, "look at the expression of Li Ju, you should find the place where I interrogated stubborn prisoners, but what does that mean? I have sufficient evidence to prove that everything I do has not violated the law. "

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