Dianqing is also worthy of being a man with extremely tough mind. He fell into the darkest dreamland in his heart for so long. He opened his eyes to see the woman he believed had died, but he still made a quick response and cried coldly: "don't play God and ghost, get rid of me!"

With the reprimand, Dianqing subconsciously wanted to raise his feet and hands to beat the woman pretending to be Yao Mo in the face. However, when he moved his hand, he found that his hands were handcuffed on the cross wooden shelf, his arms were straightened, his hands and wrists were handcuffed, which was exactly the same as his posture when he was playing with Yao mo.

The lighting here was originally designed by Dianqing to make high-frequency incandescent lamps, which can make prisoners unable to think in strong light. Of course, when dawn brings the girl to play, there is another set of soft lighting equipment, which Dianqing will definitely arrange in advance.

But at the moment, the original strong light is still very strong, but the strange flicker of the dark breath, very strong inside mixed with gloomy, white miserable with ghost gas.

But who is Dianqing? He was a ruthless man who had been contaminated with killing. Even though his brain was still mixed between fantasy and reality, he cried with an arrogant smile: "ha ha ha, Li Bureau, Zhao Bureau, I can't tell you from my mouth. Is it a wicked move? Why, do you two think that you are reincarnated by Bao Zheng, breaking the sun day and the Yin night, and even the ghosts refuse to confront me? Well, I'll tell you that Yao Mo's death has nothing to do with me. Even if you really hook her up from the underworld, I'm not afraid of it! "

Yao Mo suddenly gave out a burst of shrill laughter, which was definitely not a normal person's voice. Then he said in an indescribable voice: "Dianqing, when you thought you tortured me, you didn't take off the black cap, so I didn't know it was you? You think I'm someone else? Then you have a look, I have no shadow, Wahaha

Dian Qing subconsciously saw that Yao Mo's feet were half a foot above the ground, and the light was in the front of her head, but she had no shadow!

Lin Yan's conjecture is right. The colder and colder the cruel people are, the more they fear ghosts and gods in their hearts than ordinary people. Because they are in the human species, no one can make them fear. Only the unknown can arouse their deep fear.

Dian Qing widened his eyes, biting the tip of his tongue fiercely to make him pay more attention, staring at the floating white figure in front of him. The expression on his face didn't change. In fact, the pupil became smaller and smaller, because he had completely confirmed that this woman is definitely Yao Mo himself, not who pretended to be her. Moreover, this woman is indeed floating, and there is no shadow. In other words, that's the truth Is a wisp of evil spirit!

Dianqing's voice began to tremble: "you What the hell are you doing with me? It's dawn who killed you, not me. You Get out of here

Yao Mo is a burst of tragic smile, tears rolling down, the blood and tears before a face, in the white tragic light, more and more frightening, she suddenly stretched out her hand, put on the neck of Dian Qing, that hand is cold and hard, there is no warmth and soft meaning of living people, even if Dian Qing is cruel, also scared straight voice call: "you damn let go! Lao Tzu is a man. Han Yang is full of Qi. You should be careful if you are swallowed by Lao Tzu. Go back to the underworld and cast your baby. I can find an expert to give you a chance to cast a rich baby! "

Yao Mo couldn't suppress his indignation. He almost collapsed the "ghost design" and growled hoarsely: "you don't even know the cause of my death. How can I reincarnate? Well, I was tortured to death by your humiliation. It's good to be a grouch ghost in this world and follow you day and night! "

Dian Qing noticed that the "ghost paw" on his neck was getting tighter and tighter. He wanted to struggle, but when his hands were handcuffed and his feet were raised, he found that his legs were not his own. He didn't have half of his strength, but he lost his perception with his legs. At this moment, his fear even surpassed the ghost. He reluctantly struggled to look down at his legs when he was pinched by the ghost Yu completely collapsed and cried out, "Yao Mo, what's wrong with my leg?"

Dianqing's legs were folded from the thigh root, which was the same posture as that day when he pulled Yao Mo's leg up and leaned high. The difference was that his two legs were pulled up, and his wrists and wrists were handcuffed on the horizontal bar. His whole body was in the shape of big arms and V-shaped legs.

Dian Qing knew that his legs must have been broken, otherwise he would never have been able to pose like this. He didn't feel pain when he was broken. There was only one explanation, and that was the hell!

"Yao Mo, Yao Mo, let go first, I say, I say..."

Zhao Nanyue, who watched the scene through the monitor outside, said to Li Guanlin and Lin Yan: "Damn it, I really let Lin guess right. The villains have to be grinded by evil spirits. I thought this code of halal was so cruel that I didn't have to be afraid. Isn't it a bloody counsellor?"

Li Hui jumped up and down excitedly: "in the forest, Yao Mo is floating. I can see that. She is stepping on a pulley, but how can she not be seen? But for being with you, even I think Yao Mo is a ghost. "

Lin Yan raised his hand and pressed it, indicating that Li Hui was calm. He uttered three words "shadowless lamp" coldly

Lin Yan is a doctor. The light in the operating room is specially made. Otherwise, when a patient is operated on, a circle of doctors will block the light tightly. How can the operation field be exposed? Therefore, the lamp is shadowless. During his stay, he went to the hospital and borrowed it to replace it.Li Hui's face was full of admiration, but seeing the drama in the room approaching high tide, several people were staring at the display screen, waiting for Dianqing's complete collapse and explanation.

"Female ghost" Yao Mo's claws loose, Dian Qing gasped, anxiously asked: "you say, how can you let me live to reincarnate?"

Yao Mo said: "ghost judgment also needs to clearly record my life, now I even how to die are confused, how to reincarnate?"

Dian Qing quickly asked: "well, if I tell you the cause of your death, how can I know the ghost sentence?"

Yao Mo sneered: "the ghost judge has known how I died for a long time. Now, I need to understand myself in order to get rid of the obsession and reincarnate. Do you want to say it or not? If you don't say I'll strangle you, let's do it together! "

Dian Qing felt that the ghost paw was stuck on his neck again, and looked at his terrible legs in fear. His inner fear reached the peak at this moment, and finally said: "I killed you. Tell the ghost judge that I killed you!"

Li Hui clapped his hands: "Yeah!"

Li Guanlin poured cold water: "what are you excited about? He can retract his confession at any time, which is of little significance. "

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