Ge Peng obviously made the same judgment. He beat the steering wheel and jumped out of the car neatly. Lin Yan also jumped down and asked the people in the car to jump down quickly.

Unexpectedly, the people in the carriage objected. Even the brave girl and the young students didn't want to get out of the car.

These people have been arrested for more than half a year. In order to make themselves look lifeless, avoid the selection of guests and live longer, they would rather be hungry than eat. They are so weak that they can't run when they get out of the car. I'm afraid they will be caught faster.

After escaping from the cage, these people do not dare to move in the open air at all. Vehicles are the only thing that can give them a sense of security. They have really become the prey of long-term captivity and have no ability to fight. Now they naturally regard cars as safe houses.

Now, as soon as I heard that I was going to walk, the two black men gave up and jumped from the back row. One left and one right occupied the cab.

Lin Yan tried to convince them that if there were pursuers behind and sieges ahead, rushing out of the woods would be a target that could not escape.

However, the people on the bus didn't listen at all. No one wanted to get off the bus. Later, a black man called out, "since these two oriental people are willing to walk, let them go by themselves. They can help us stop those who are coming for a while. Let's go!"

There were so many people in the car, and no one objected to the proposal of leaving them. The black man really didn't care about them, stepped on the gas and rushed out.

"Damn it! Ungrateful pigs Ge Peng uttered a curse.

Lin Yan said with a bitter smile: "forget it, wish them good luck."

Both of them understand that the island is limited no matter how big it is. The target as big as a car, no matter where they flee, is a very obvious target to pursue. These people don't want to leave the car, so it's a matter of time before they are caught up.

However, people are gregarious. These scared people are more afraid of acting alone. Even if they die together, they will feel more secure. This is everyone's choice.

Lin Yan has no obligation to help those people when he is in danger. It's the limit to help them just now. Now those people give up on him and Ge Peng.

They quickly hid in the coconut grove. In only two minutes, they heard the place where they just got off passing one car after another. They hid behind the tree and counted. Nine cars passed by. The people on the car kept telling the news loudly.

"I'm a group, I'm a group, all groups pay attention, No.3 hunting ground prey escape, a total of 63, they robbed a truck, now is heading for area 6, 23456 pay attention to encircle, 70 or 90 groups take the lead in the past ambush interception, over!"

There are nine cars, only the first group. There are ten teams of this scale!

Lin Yan and Ge Peng looked at each other and couldn't help worrying about the people in the car.

Before the nine cars left, they heard a surprise cry from their communication equipment: "got it! In area four, we've got all the fleeing prey! " After that, the vehicles drove away.

Lin Yan took off a gun from his body and handed it to ge Peng. He whispered: "those people have been arrested. I'm afraid they will soon find that we can't stay here without us! According to the distribution map you just spent, we are six kilometers away from the airport, right? There are too many open areas in the middle, and so many people are sent out to pursue us. It's impossible for us to run there on foot. "

Ge Peng said with a bitter smile: "don't think about robbing the plane. Even if you can run there, it's already noisy. Zeus can think of the escape method we can think of. The airport must be heavily guarded. No mosquito can fly in."

Ge Peng had a better understanding of the island and Zeus' venom. He didn't have much confidence in whether he could escape successfully. However, he had accepted the fact that he could not be let go by Zeus. He felt that it would be better to fight with Lin Yan. At least he could die with great vigour.

As the prince, GE Jiazu started his career in the army and had a deep influence in the army. Once Ge Peng made trouble when he was young, he would be thrown into the army by his grandfather, so he was very skilled in using all kinds of guns.

Now that he has made up his mind to kill one is enough, and kill two to earn one, Ge Peng's pride in his blood will revive. He is afraid that Lin Yan will be bound by the moral rules of human nature, and will suffer losses in the face of the enemy.

Ge Peng said: "all the people who can work on this island have killed countless people with Zeus, and they will be trusted. Even the cleaners who sweep the floor have no hands without human life, and any one of them is worthy of death. Even if we can't escape, we can kill one, and we can clear one scum."

Lin Yan actually understood Ge Peng's intention, so he said: "yes, now, we can only let fate decide. It's a little bit better to eradicate more demons. Then what... "

Ge penggang wanted to say "a child can be taught". Suddenly he saw Lin Yan's manner and asked in amazement, "what's the matter?"

Lin yanlue shyly said: "you teach me how to use this gun."

You don't know how to use a gun! What was that about holding a gun in the car?Ge Peng rolled his eyes, grabbed the gun, and quickly said the main point. Lin Yan also understood it very quickly.

After learning to use a gun, Lin Yan felt that he had a lot of confidence. Ge Peng decided to run diagonally from the coconut forest. If he could reach the reef mountain by the sea before dawn, he would be able to avoid the whole day there and try to grab the plane tomorrow night.

The two ran out of the coconut grove and towards the east coast. It was estimated that all the pursuers would have gone to deal with the car. They passed the open road, dodged the alarm and infrared scanning equipment, and got to the reef group by the sea.

When they got here, there were more places to hide. They got under a rock and took a rest.

Lin Yan gritted his teeth and said, "how can there be such a heartless bastard in this world? What money can't be earned? He has to trample on people's lives and wipe the dignity of killing people! When I think of those bastards who took money to buy people's lives and slaughtered them, I would like to tear them to pieces one by one! "

Ge Peng sneered: "the world is big, you see too little dark side, now said the hero, really let you kill, you can't do it, otherwise just those two sentinels, why did you just anesthetize them, didn't conveniently make up two knives?"

Lin Yan was stunned. He really didn't kill anyone. In his anger, he had done it before. That was his limit. Just now, he saw that the two Sentinels had lost consciousness, so he didn't want to make up for it. Although the two men had committed many evils on the island, they could not be called human, so he still couldn't kill them.

Now I think, maybe I was found to escape so soon because I was kind-hearted and didn't kill the two guards. They woke up. Lin Yanan hated that he shouldn't be kind to animals, but it brought crisis to escape.

The sea was sparkling, and the cold moon shone into the grottoes. Ge Peng saw Lin Yan's expression. After he completely let go, he was much more open-minded and said with a smile, "don't be hard on yourself, brother. There is no regret medicine in the world, otherwise, I would have taken it long ago! What's more, even if we have more time to escape, the boneless ones still can't escape. In the end, it's our current situation. "

Lin Yan looked at GE Peng in a complicated mood. At this moment, the man did not insult the blood of the Chinese people at all. His bones are hard and he has a lot of responsibility, which is thousands of times stronger than those soft bones "prey".

All of a sudden, there were noisy voices of people and barking dogs in the distance, which was enough to show that the pursuers still found that they had come without them.

They quickly ran out of the grottoes and peered into the distance. There were more than a dozen soldiers with guns, dogs and infrared scanners. At the beginning, there were two ragged people, one was the white girl, and the other was the black man who left them behind.

The girl could be heard saying: "the footprints are gone here, but one of the two people has a wound on his body. The dog should be able to smell it."

It was this girl who was the guide and led the pursuers. This scene made Lin Yan sad and angry, and said to ge Peng: "now, I finally understand that during World War II, Jinling people were slaughtered. At that time, two Japanese pirates could escort 2000 people to slaughter, but no one dared to resist! There is no doubt that you will die if you rise up against the tide, but you can die a little later with the tide. You see, this girl has tried her best to help us to die a little later. "

Ge Peng is used to saying: "if I was a girl before, I would make the same choice as her. It's not surprising."

Now I forget that I'm so close to my comrades in arms?

Ge Peng looked at the approaching pursuers and didn't speculate about Lin Yan's thoughts. He also heard the girl's words just now, and said coldly: "we can't get together. We can only run separately to have a chance of life."

Lin Yan was stunned. Before he could react, Ge Peng jumped to the stone. At this moment, the cloud blocking the moon flashed away. Lin Yan clearly saw Ge Peng's beautiful face and showed a decidedly smile. He turned back to him and said, "man, I have injuries on my body, but I can't avoid dogs. I'll lead the pursuers away and fight for your escape time. I'll use this to repay you Lose a daughter-in-law's debt

Lin Yan exclaimed: "don't come down, let's try to escape together..."

Ge Peng said with a sad smile: "if you have the ability to burn me and take me back, don't let me stay on this disgusting Island, even if you can't do it." Then he ran West, and sure enough, the dogs were barking after him.

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