Lin Yangang had just witnessed the cold-blooded and cruel manner of Victor when he was treating the waitress, and heard his voice when he scolded the guards. He had already seen that he was an accomplice without humanity. He took out a poisonous needle, quietly turned to the man behind, raised his hand, pierced his neck, and quickly pushed the medicine in.

As soon as he felt numbness in his neck, he lost his life in two seconds. This speed made Lin Yan jump. Unexpectedly, there was such a highly effective poison, which quickly penetrated in an instant and reaped a human life in silence.

This is Lin Yan's first time to kill someone. Although he knows that this man is worthy of death, he is still feeling stuffy in the chest. But listening to the noisy voices at the gate, there are sensors and cameras everywhere in the yard. It's almost dawn, so we can't delay every minute.

Dragging this Witt to the corner, he took off his clothes and quickly put them on. This man was also carrying a pistol and a communication device on his waist. He took them off and put them on. He put the body under the thick rose frame. The long gun on his back was not convenient to carry, so he put them in. Other weapons were put into his clothes. He touched the gate, bit his heart and walked into the hall with his head high.

The architectural pattern of the room is very strange. The whole hall is round and very open. There are corridors paved with back carpets on the periphery of the circle, just like a spider web with countless spider silk.

In the center of the hall, there is a table. Mr. vulture is sitting on the edge of the table. He is eating slowly. There is a special person playing the piano to cheer him up.

There is an electric grill beside the dining table. Two people in chef's work clothes are serving specially. On the grill, they are baking strips of meat with rich seasonings.

There is a narrow table beside the grill. The waitress just selected is lying on it covered with blood. There is no skin and meat on her body in many places. I don't know what method to use. She didn't scream, but she is conscious. She just watched the meat on her body with a sharp knife, put it on the oven and sprinkle all kinds of seasonings Roasted, her beautiful face has no blood, desperate tears, has been dying.

At the same time, in the most luxurious villa No. 9 in courtyard No. 0, Solomon sits on a couch facing out of the window, smoking a cigar leisurely. On the platform in front of him is a computer playing back the scene of Lin Yan and Ge Peng wandering between the rocks. Then Ge Peng runs out to attract the pursuers, and Lin Yan runs away in the opposite direction.

His entourage is the blonde George, who is also Stephanie's husband. He is nervously facing the computer and inputting a series of complicated codes. Finally, George exclaimed excitedly: "Yeah! succeed! I intruded into the central control system of courtyard zero, and I can get the pictures of every monitoring equipment! "

George is the world's top hacker. He has hacked the island's peripheral monitoring system before. He switched the pictures of Lin Yan and Ge Peng's escape all the way to let Solomon know the situation at any time. Now, he has hacked the central control computer of No.0 hospital.

Solomon turned the recliner, which could be rotated, in one direction and said to the computer screen, "can you find the child's position?"

George said, "I'll look for it." Then, he quickly switched the picture. Finally, the picture turned to the hall of Building 1, and there was a picture of vulture eating cruelly. He didn't notice anything unusual and was about to switch away. Solomon suddenly cried, "stop! Just keep this position! "

In the picture, a man in a Witt suit approaches the vulture who is eating the barbecue with a fork. First, he passes behind the two chefs and raises his hand quickly. After two waves in the back of their heads, the two chefs fall.

The vulture looks up in horror. The "Vette" picks up the fire extinguisher placed by the wall and slams it on the vulture's head. Then he drops the fire extinguisher, grabs the vulture and presses his face on the electric oven. The picture is full of smoke.

Solomon said with a big laugh: "ha ha ha, this little guy really surprised me! If you look at it like this, you're not insulting angel. She's worthy of being my son-in-law, right, George? "

George thinks this can't be answered. Your old lady is possessed with pain. It's the man of your daughter. You can always boast. If I continue to boast, it's bad. He digs off the topic and asks, "do you want me to help him?"

Solomon said, "don't shake your head for a while! This time, we are double entrusted by the little slick Jiang Fanglue and the girl who gave birth to angel's baby. This is a cost-effective business. If we save the child back, we can understand the two promises.

If he's kept in a cage as a prey, waiting for our rescue, this man is a loser, and he'll never deserve to be seen by angel and me again.

Who would have thought that he could escape, and let his enemy, that is, the Chinese dandy Ge Peng, risk his life to lead the pursuers for him. Now, his little tusks are exposed, and he begins to sentence these animals.

Let's see if he can give us a bigger surprise. Before his life crisis, we don't do it.

Oh, by the way, you can help him a little more. Just as you changed the picture of him escaping by the sea, you can also use the picture of the hall of the first building to eliminate the little accident caused by the child, and let Zeus see the normal Hall of the first building. ""Good!" George happily agreed, fast switching screen, soon, the main control room presented in the hall, is the picture of Mr. vulture in a happy meal.

Of course, what Solomon saw in the room was real.

Lin Yan in the hall originally intended to sneak in and find a place to hide. However, seeing the live girl being cut down and roasted for the abnormal vulture to eat, his breath could not be suppressed.

This son of a bitch is tired of eating all kinds of delicacies. It's a new height. He eats people!

If this kind of scum is allowed to continue to live, he will continue to do evil. I don't know how many girls like flowers will be slaughtered and eaten by him!

While eating, the vulture said to the two cooks, "well, the meat has to be cut off from the living girl. It's the most tender and delicious. If it's dead, it's not delicious. You two should hurry up and don't spoil such delicious food."

The two chefs flattered and agreed. As expected, they speeded up the speed of slicing the meat from the girl. The girl was probably anesthetized and didn't feel any pain. She lay there like a lamb and was slaughtered.

No, when the lamb was slaughtered, at least it was cut apart after killing. The girl was alive and cut off pieces of flesh and blood!

Lin Yan's anger reached the peak, he can't help it any longer, quietly walked over, first conveniently solved the piano that miscellaneous, can watch the girl was lingchi barbecue, also play the piano as if nothing had happened, dead is not innocent..

The security measures here are too advanced. No one thinks that there will be enemies coming in. Although the piano stops, it's normal to pause when changing the tune. The two chefs concentrate on slicing meat, and they don't take it seriously when they see a victor passing by.

The calm attitude of the two chefs misled the vulture. He thought that it was the common Witt that the chefs knew. He continued to eat meat and drink calmly.

Lin Yan went behind the two chefs, suddenly took out the poison needle, opened his hands left and right, stabbed the two accomplices in the back neck, pushed the medicine, and killed them both in two seconds.

When Mr. vulture saw the cook fall to the ground, he realized that he was not right. When he wanted to shout, Lin Yan didn't have time to take out the poison needle again. Vulture was so big, and he was alert, so he couldn't keep still and let him prick the poison needle.

Lin Yan threw down the needle tube, grabbed the fire extinguisher on the ground, hit the vulture on the back of the head with hatred, threw down the fire extinguisher, grabbed the vulture's head, took off his chin, and pressed it on the electric oven.

The scum didn't die. He was just knocked unconscious by the fire extinguisher. The burning pain made him wake up. He struggled desperately and wanted to shout. However, his chin was removed and he couldn't make a sound. Lin Yan pressed him with all his strength. Where could he struggle? The electric oven made a "squeak" sound. Soon, the vulture's struggle stopped.

Lin Yan released his hand and looked at the vulture's scorched face, which was ironed into a flat plate. His hatred was evacuated.

The bloody girl looked at Lin Yan with grateful eyes and said gently: "please, help me..."

Lin Yan could see that the girl could not be saved. Her plea was not to let him save her life, but to ask him to give her a happy life. He closed his eyes and said: "go!" Then the needle went down, the girl showed a smile and said: "thank you..." I closed my eyes.

Lin Yan repressed his sorrow and saw all kinds of condiments on the shelf, one bottle after another. He grabbed them and poured them on the tablecloth to mix them. Then he took the tablecloth and scattered them all the way around the hall to confuse the dog's sense of smell.

After finishing, Lin Yan walked to the edge of the hall and looked at the corridors. He didn't know which one to choose. At this moment, on the corridor nearest to him, a door opened. A woman in a nightgown leaned out her head and called impatiently, "whit, where's the red wine I want?"

Lin Yanyi saw that this woman was Mrs. Marian, who was bathed in blood. She just couldn't see the mess in the hall from the angle of her standing. She quickly promised, "come right away, madam!" Then he stepped back into the hall, picked up the ice bucket with red wine from the vulture's table, and held it in his hand.

Mrs. Marian was waiting at the door. Seeing Lin Yan coming, she led her way into the room without any doubt. Without looking back, she said, "put down the wine and ask the cleaner to help me clean up the room."

Lin Yan respectfully agreed to step into the room. When he walked in, he smelled the bloody smell. Subconsciously, he looked to the left. There was also a luxurious bath in the room. At the moment, the bath was blood red. On the floor beside the bath, there were two corpses, a man and a woman.

It's obvious that this woman is still here, killing two people with disgusting means again, mixing a pool of blood for her to take a bath.

After waking up, he found that he had been trapped in a small stinky cage for no reason. Lin Yan was in a state of extreme anxiety, and later witnessed scenes with his own eyes

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