Just a second before the search team broke in, general kamima also majestically regarded the waiters as sandbags and threw them fiercely. Now when he learned that everyone was trapped on the island and needed to kill others in order to get the chance to leave, he instantly became one-to-one. He was less than 160, but he was fat all over, shaking from head to foot.

Turtle Island pulled the viper and stammered, "no! Zeus can't do this to me! I'm different from other guests. Most of your weapons are sold to you by me. You send me away quickly. I promise to provide you with five submarines immediately. No matter how dangerous it is, Zeus can leave safely. "

In fact, the viper is very excited. Although the short fat man is not handsome and has a bad temper, he always kills the waiters. But in Japan, he really has a lot to say. Their emperor in name is a decoration, and the real monarchy is in the hands of this guy. He openly does arms trading all over the world.

If this guy can get a submarine, why does his king have to break his tail to survive and blow up the island? You can completely change your mind. The whole island pursues the escaped prey and lets the dignitaries go. What have they done here? Can they not count on it? It is estimated that no one dares to reveal the secrets of the island. When Interpol comes here, even if they are in ambush, they can leave quietly and safely from the bottom of the water.

However, the boss seems to have made up his mind to play a big one! Just now, it was maliciously announced to the guests that Solomon had left, that the prey had killed all the hunters, and that even the barracks of the hunting camp had been bombed into ruins, which further aroused the fear and panic of these distinguished guests. Then they watched the ugly appearance of the distinguished guests on the display of the whole room and laughed nervously from time to time. Agkistrodon didn't think that Mr. turtle island could exchange submarines for his life.

For Zeus, Viper has complex emotions. He escaped from the welfare home after his parents died when he was young. When he was 16 or 17 years old, he sneaked into a lonely house and wanted to steal something. However, he found that even he, who was not a good man, was in a panic. A woman was smiling nervously and was throwing a man away A four or five-year-old boy was pressing on the manual meat grinder. A man grinned wildly and twisted the wheel quickly. The child's legs were gone, and the pot below was pink minced meat!

The woman said with a smile: "Oh, mother's lamb, you see, you need a game handle. Promise that mother can promise her anything. Now that the game is bought for you, you have to listen to mother's words and turn it into mashed meat, ha ha ha!"

The child couldn't even cry for a long time, but the pain of the broken flesh made him unable to pass out of coma. In that way, his eyes showed a desperate silence, just opposite to the sight of the Agkistrodon halys.

At that moment, the Viper rarely inspired a sense of justice, he swung the pick against the wall, directly smashed the man's head, and knocked the woman unconscious. When he wanted to make up for the woman, the boy trapped in the meat grinder clearly said: "don't kill her, keep her."

The Viper took the little boy out from the rough machine. He didn't feel dizzy under his knee. He clearly instructed the Viper to take him into the house, bandaged his legs, took all the money at home, and quietly left the house with a bloody game handle.

Then, the Viper followed the little boy all the time. Although the child was small, he was a genius who was fascinated by computer network technology. In fact, he was eight years old. He was abused by his own mother and her lover for a long time, so malnutrition seemed very small.

The little boy had been holding the game handle that made him pay the price of his legs, and let the Viper carry him in and out of the Internet bar. He made the first sum of money by playing games and selling equipment. Then he used the money to buy a computer. Next, he frequently hacked ATM machines, and those ATMs became his money bag. After getting a lot of money, they alerted the police and changed places. ***

As for the mother of Zeus, she admitted that she abused her son after being found by her neighbors and reported to the police. Because the plot was too tragic, it once became a major news event that shocked the society. The woman was sentenced to life imprisonment, but in her sixth year of imprisonment, she was taken away by high-tech means. The police of her own country and Interpol have been chasing her for many years, but there was no news.

The perfect prison break, of course, was designed by Zeus. As for the fate of the woman Agkistrodon don don't want to recall. It's a little disgusting.

Because he knew too much about the growth process of Zeus, the Viper understood his metamorphosis very well. Zeus suffered the abuse of his relatives, which led him to hate his mother's trampling on life. At the same time, he also despised life. The metamorphosis aroused by contradictions constituted Zeus today.

He has reverence, loyalty and even paternal love and indulgence for Zeus and viper. Therefore, he will carry out all the decisions of Zeus. He knows that the child's evil is to release the inner devil. If he doesn't release it, he can be sure that Zeus will never live for one night.

Agkistrodon halys coldly threw away the imperial general who was hanging on his arm and prayed, and said contemptuously: "general, no one can change King's decision. Tomorrow morning, the hunting ground of the whole island will open. I told you in advance. For you, it's the first chance. You'd better consider how to use the time earlier than others to do something beneficial to yourself."Turtle island's mouth was wide open, and he was paralyzed on the ground like a toad. The Viper led his men to search other guests' rooms again. By the way, he also took away Victor, who had only half a breath.

On the huge electronic screen in the room, the newly updated picture is rolling - in front of the ruins of a building, there are a bunch of burnt and incomplete corpses on the ground, some of which are just pieced together by pieces of burnt bones. Roughly speaking, there are at least more than 20.

With subtitles below, it shows that this is the escaped Chinese prey, who mysteriously sneaked into the hunting camp and killed all the hunters, warning "distinguished guests" that they must be careful. This Oriental has a magical ability to sneak into any room and kill the people he wants to kill!

In a daze for a long time, tortoise Island suddenly got up, closed the door, locked all the locks, and pushed the table and sofa to the door. Then he turned back and walked to the wardrobe, ready to dress up and equip all the weapons.

Who knows tortoise Island opened the wardrobe, suddenly stretched out an iron arm from inside, strangled his neck, then, the rich bloody gas came, a cold voice in the ear low sounded: "shut up, or die!"

Thinking of the vulture's scalded face and the lifeless Marion in the pool of blood, kamushima was scared to death for a moment. There was no Imperial General's prestige. He said in a trembling low voice: "don't be impulsive, sir, please don't be impulsive! Japan and Huaxia are friendly neighbors. I visited Huaxia not long ago and had a very good talk with your military leaders.

I have no malice to you. You can rest assured here. I swear in the name of the emperor that I will never hurt you or reveal your whereabouts! "

The iron arm on the neck was finally loosened. A body was tilted to his side. Turtle Island reluctantly took the courage to move away. Looking back, a man covered with blood fell to the ground, pale and tired. It was the escape game that had been played countless times on the screen.

Koh Tao saw this mysterious prey seriously injured, just * * * fear, timidity and despair, swept away the harsh rays of the fish, and turned around and pulled out the saber hanging from the coat rack.

In a fierce battle in the hunting camp, Lin Yan suffered several injuries, the most serious of which was a gunshot wound on his left arm. Fortunately, he suffered from a through wound and a fall from a height of three meters. He lay in the tunnel and recovered for a while. He was afraid of digging the tunnel above and ran away.

Not thinking about distinguishing the destination, Lin Yan ran for a while, found a fork, turned into the fork, ran to the head is a wooden ladder, he climbed up, this time is not a rough wood, but a strong steel trap door, fortunately, next to the door, there is a very obvious button, he pressed, the steel plate silently retracted half.

Looking at the clothes hanging above, we can see that the exit is designed in a wardrobe, and there is a noisy noise outside. Fortunately, before Lin Yan opened the trap door, those people had just searched the wardrobe, and no one would look at it again.

Outside is the conversation between viper and Turtle Island. We can judge that this is a guest's room.

After the Viper took people away, Lin Yanming knew there was Turtle Island in the room, but his wounds were bleeding in many places, but he didn't even have bandages. If he continued to sneak in the tunnel, he would lose too much blood and lose his life. He bit his teeth and jumped on the trap door. The mechanism was unilateral. As soon as he came up, the steel plate would reset automatically, forming a seamless bottom layer of the wardrobe.

As soon as Lin Yan came in, the wardrobe door was pulled open by Turtle Island. He immediately controlled Turtle Island, but after all, he was seriously injured. After he was so scared that the asshole was pissed off, he suddenly felt dizzy and fell to the ground.

Seeing guidao's fierce eyes, Lin Yan pounced on him with his knife in both hands. Lin Yan suddenly bit his tongue and gathered his strength to roll and hide. Guidao tried his best, but Lin Yan dodged. The knife was stuck on the floor. He could not pull it out for a moment.

The hatefulness of the little Japanese is engraved in the bones of every Chinese. Lin Yanfei quickly took out a pill from his belt bag and put it under his tongue. He jumped up and kicked it into the stomach of tortoise island. The guy had been drunk and rich for a long time. After being kicked, the sword was pulled out and rolled along with him on the ground for a long time.

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