Lin Yan is holding the refitted game handle full of buttons in his hand. His heart is really mixed. This is what George told him about the total control of explosives on the island!

This is what he plans to find on the last day of human hunting, and he will try his best to sneak into Zeus' residence!

Only this thing can guarantee that all the people on this island will be sent to hell, and eliminate the hidden danger of his relatives. It is what he gave up to leave with Solomon safely, and left to fight for.

He even had a plan to sneak into failure and be cut into pieces by the dense infrared rays in Zeus' room, just for this thing.

In this way, Zeus put it in his hand?

What the hell is this?

Looking at Zeus' beautiful eyes, full of love and flattery, showing off and praising eyes, Lin yanman's brain can't save his collapse!

Nimawan didn't expect that one day, Lin Yan's beautiful man plan could still work on the killer maniac, and it was the male killer maniac who returned him!

After a long time, Lin Yan finally found his voice, hoarse, difficult said: "great! That's a great idea! " It's better to say that Zeus will never return the evil island to Zeus.

Zeus got the long-awaited praise, where would he care about the controller? In his heart, no one would spare his life. If Lin Yan spared his life, he would not escape from the cage and run desperately on the island. He had already explained that he could blow up the whole island. Before he had a good way to leave, Lin Yan would never blow up the island.

Before that, there was no one to share the most brilliant means, but he had enough of the loneliness. Now, the only man he recognized praised his creativity, which made Zeus very happy, and he said, "cluck, you think it's great, don't you? Honey, look out of the window. It's already daybreak and the hunting of the whole island has begun! "

This room is close to the sea and has a very good view. Lin Yan, with Zeus' guidance, looks at the sunrise outside the window. The dazzling red sun has jumped out of the sea. The sea is full of golden rays. It's so beautiful and quiet. The beach is soft and clean. The waves rush up and go down.

All of a sudden, a group of yellow skinned people rushed to the sea crazily. At first glance, they were the "prey" that had been imprisoned. It seemed that Zeus was really crazy enough. After the whole island was opened, even the prey was released to participate.

The intention of these people is obvious. They want to jump into the sea and swim to escape. Even if they don't know how far it will take to get land, it's better than being tortured and killed on the island. This kind of escape is blind, desperate and fatalistic.

Looking at this picture, Zeus's smile became more abnormal. He held Lin Yan's arm, rubbed his face against his hand, and screamed wildly.

If Lin Yan realized it, he would shake off Zeus without hesitation, slap his face mercilessly, and wash his hands 18 times to get rid of nausea.

At the moment, Kelin Yan's whole attention was on the prey. Seeing that a black man had already run to the water, he yelled out of the window: "don't jump, there is electricity in the water!"

But it's too late!

The skinny black man with only a tall skeleton dived into the sea. After a flash of visible blue light, his body floated up, and several others could not hold their feet. Their feet were instantly blackened, and they retreated and fell on the beach.

Others were frightened, turned and ran in the other direction. Even those who hurt their feet struggled to get up, staggered away, and soon ran out of the sight of the window. They didn't know if they could escape at last.

The anger in Lin Yan's eyes gathered again. Instead of destroying human nature and killing each other, it's better to burn all the stones early and see people become beasts.

To make a good decision, Lin Yan suddenly got rid of Zeus' dependence, stepped back a few steps, grasped the controller with one hand, and pressed a button decisively with the other hand. He had already seen clearly that there was a building icon on each button, and he pressed the mountain of the hunting ground.


The deafening explosion sounded, Zeus's contact device sounded, inside came the report of the Viper: "under the crown, did you blow up the hunting ground? Has the plan changed? Do you want to arrange a plane to leave now? "

Lin Yan's action was obviously unexpected. Zeus looked at Lin Yan with puzzled eyes and said to the viper, "the plan has not changed. I think the hunting ground is easy to hide. Just blow it up and let them fight in the wilderness."

Based on his boss's idea of urination, Agkistrodon had no doubt about it, so he agreed and hung up.

Zeus looked at Lin Yan. When his eyes passed the controller, it was cold and overcast. He swept like a poisonous snake. But when he fell on Lin Yan's face, he magically recovered his sweetness and gentleness: "Lin, now you've tried, believe me?"

Having just tried, Lin Yan confirmed that the things in his hand can indeed destroy the whole island. He said with a cold smile: "indeed, such a large range of islands can be precisely blasted by you. You are very, very powerful."Zeus had doubts in his heart. He carefully put his hand around Lin Yan's finger and said with a smile, "Dear Lin, do you know why those people are running wildly? I said let them destroy the competitors, and in the end only 101 survivors can leave safely.

Hee hee, in fact, I lied to them. All the vehicles were destroyed by the Viper sent by me. There was only one helicopter left. At that time, we could take the viper and us away safely, and the others would die! Do you think my idea is great?

You see, I'm going to take you away with me. We'll turn enemies into friends and enjoy their fighting for the chance to leave. Is it OK for us to bite each other like dogs

Zeus' fingers were soft and tender, but they felt like sticky and smelly slugs to Lin Yan. But some problems must be solved as soon as possible to avoid hidden dangers. He forced himself not to pull out his fingers and asked: "the guests on this island should be dignitaries from all over the world, right?"

Lin Yan accepted his intimacy, which made Zeus feel a little relieved. He said contemptuously: "of course, the people who can come here are those who have reached the top position in a certain field, including politicians, tycoons, rich people, stars, drug lords, and even some heads of state.

For example, you killed the woman who loves to soak people's blood. You can't imagine that she is a famous philanthropist in Western Europe, known as the good angel. She is participating in their country's prime minister election, and the public support rate is very high! Hahaha, it's a pity that you cut your throat with a knife!

There is the vulture, but the most fierce king of the desert, the oil tycoon, who controls most of the world's oil prices, is killed by you.

Turtle Island is a Japanese island admiral. You've carved flowers and cut your head. Do you know, my dear, it's just after I saw the flowers you carved on turtle island that I realized that we are a perfect couple. Ha ha

The last sentence made Lin Yan tremble disgustedly, and he resisted the impulse to carve Zeus with flowers. Then he asked: "since you have been operating this island for so long, the guests must have come and gone. Since you are all such important figures, you can escape by killing these people on the island. The guests who have come must know that you did it. How can they let you go What about it? "

Zeus said with a cruel smile: "of course, I was on guard! Do they think that when they come to the island, they can tear off the hypocritical human skin and act recklessly as animals?

Hum! In fact, I have recorded and saved all the processes in which each of them killed their prey. I secretly stored these materials in a portal website and got a secret bug. As long as I was in danger, it would play out automatically and they couldn't delete it.

Don't worry, Lin. although these people are respectable in public, they are as timid as a mouse in their bones and cherish their feathers most. Even if they know that I did it, they don't dare to do anything to me. Otherwise, they will be ruined. "

Lin Yan's heart moved. He hated these animals who made fun of people's lives. What's more, they were still in high positions. It was wishful thinking to expect them to do good things for the country and the people. It might cause some losses to the society. If we can get these materials and remove the masks of these people, we will have great merits.

When he made up his mind, Lin Yan sneered: "you are so smart. How can you be confused here? If someone kills you suddenly, even if you leave information, no one can release it. It's not that you die in vain."

Zeus took a strange look at Lin Yan and said slowly, "Lin, don't talk to me. Now you promise to cooperate with me. When we leave here, if you still want to live and die with me, I'm yours. You can do whatever you want, but now, I can't tell you."

This half day with the dead demon, Lin Yan has already vomited disgustedly, now see Huairou's routine is exposed, Lin Yan completely impatient!

Lin Yan didn't intend to escape alive. He just talked about it because he was afraid that Zeus would leave his paws outside the island. It would be bad for his family if he went back. Now it seems that the madman didn't think that he would die. He should not think so carefully. Let's die together!

Grasping the handle, Lin Yan said with a sneer: "how can people and animals mix together? Zeus, your experience is pathetic, but nothing is your reason for doing evil. Now, let's verify your creation and go to dust with this island of evil! "

With that, Lin Yan clapped his hand hard and pressed a large number of buttons, trying to cause as many explosions as possible.

Unexpectedly, he didn't hear the explosion. Instead, a strong electric current came. Lin Yan fell all over. Thanks to his standing by the bed, he rolled directly to the bed, and the chief controller also fell to the ground.

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