About 300 nautical miles away from the demon Island, which is undetectable due to the strange magnetic field, there is a very large cruise ship on the sea, and a helicopter is also parked on the cruise ship.

On the deck of the cruise ship, there is a very advanced computer bracket. In a huge screen like a movie, everything that happened on the devil's Island is clearly displayed. George is sitting in a comfortable chair, typing the keyboard rapidly to input the conversion code, moving the mouse to switch the screen, laughing back and forth.

Solomon is lying on George's side with a big umbrella on his head. He doesn't need to go out of his way to see the picture clearly. The more he looks at his face, the blacker it looks like the bottom of a pot.

"Wow, hahaha!" George laughed and danced again: "crown down, crown down, although I have knelt for him twice because of Lin's heroic action in front of you, I never thought that this Lin should eat all men and women, even Zeus was fascinated by him! Let him draw eyebrows!

Ouch, look, look Tut Tut, Zeus held Lin's finger, and it was estimated that it was high and damp! Ha ha ha ha! Don't say anything, I kneel down for Lin San! "

In the screen, is that luxurious boudoir, Zeus florid, charming, greasy in Lin Yan's arm.

This picture is too hot. Solomon turns his eyes away. Although he has already made up his mind to let his daughter get rid of her father for more than 20 years, he will never have anything to do with Lin Yan again. However, as long as he remembers that this boy was his daughter's favorite, he doesn't want to see Lin Yan get too close to other people.

All of a sudden, Solomon's contact device rang. It was not the same thing as a mobile phone. It was a special frequency band contact device that could break through the restrictions of ordinary operational signals, and a high security system that could eliminate all interference and monitor and track. He grabbed it and saw that the label on it was "little fox of the East", and then he got through.

It's a great honor to have the lovely title of "Oriental Fox". It's not others. It's Jiang Fanglue's children's shoes that we are very familiar with.

This time, in Jiang Fanglue's voice, he didn't have any attributes belonging to the fox. He asked cautiously and even anxiously, "under Solomon's crown, when will Lin Yan come back? If the delay continues, I will lose control on my side! "

Now you might as well go back to the reaction of Huaxia after Lin Yan suddenly disappeared.

Li fei'er did not hesitate to use up Solomon's promise that the critical moment was no less than the peerless wealth. After asking him to rescue her husband, she fell into pain and anxiety every minute.

Fortunately, soon Solomon gave a response, saying that he had found Lin Yan, and promised to complete the entrustment and send Lin Yan back safely. This was a little comfort to fei'er and the Lin family.

But Jiang Fanglue didn't know that Li fei'er also had Solomon's promise. After Lin Yan was robbed, he had to bear the pain of the flesh after a great deal of consideration. He also used Solomon's precious promise to rescue Lin Yan.

Solomon is actually the real old fox. He didn't mention that Li fei'er had asked him. He agreed to Jiang Fanglue's entrustment, and soon gave the same response about Lin Yan's safety.

Jiang Fanglue's identity is very complicated. The reason why he can get the promise that Solomon absolutely does not give easily is actually because of Lin Yan. He "shamelessly" promised Solomon that he could take advantage of the convenience of nearby buildings to secretly take pictures and videos of the lovely Lin family.

At that time, Chiang Kai Shek's strategy was secretly happy and even proud. Solomon's promise was invaluable. He had planned to keep it until he finished the fuckin 'task of Wuping, returned to the original mysterious organization, and continued to travel around the world. In case of encountering difficulties, he could get help from Solomon.

It's a good thing that he was wasted by the bastard Lin Yan. It's really "Lin Yan who got it and Lin Yan who lost it". Jiang Fanglue was so upset that when he learned that Solomon had promised Li fei'er, he was really angry. When he complained that Solomon was not trustworthy, he got the answer of "one willing to fight, one willing to suffer", and he had to admit it.

In recent days, when Lin Yan is struggling for survival, Jiang Fanglue is not easy either. After communicating with Solomon, he reports good news but not bad news in China, telling everyone that Lin Yan is out of danger, but the villains have not caught all of them. If they come back rashly, they will be in danger again. They can only temporarily hide in a very safe place abroad, waiting for Interpol to capture all the criminals.

This news successfully comforted all Lin Yan's relatives. They believed Jiang Fanglue's words, and understood that Lin Yan did not dare to talk to them at present, which would cause the bad guys to monitor. Therefore, they were all waiting for the return of their relatives.

But the pressure Jiang faced was not only to appease Lin Yan's family, but also to ask questions about national security.

After all, it is absolutely intolerable that the leaders of the grass-roots government in China can avoid the layers of barriers, the ubiquitous cameras and the world's most stringent border censorship in broad daylight.

In order to avoid this kind of panic, it is not necessary to search and rescue Shin Shin and other secret departments around the world.Unfortunately, the hunters sent by Zeus were all secretive, especially about Lin Yan, who was arranged by Yao Jingxu this time. It can be said that he took people to the high seas without any knowledge. There are few clues left.

Although Huaxia found many clues, the Devil Island did not exist in the sight of anyone. Those clues were completely broken at different stages. So far, there is nothing to do.

Jiang Fanglue's single line contact with Solomon was approved by the senior management, but he did not dare to violate Solomon's rules and share their communication contents and channels with the Department. He always reported to the Department that Lin Yan was safe, but there was nothing to prove. It was not easy to prevaricate. The senior management also kept questioning him and couldn't help looking for Solomon again.

Solomon said impatiently: "three days later, I will let you see the perfect Lin Yan. Don't call again before that! Zeus's abnormal energy is not what you can guess. My current position is too close to the island. It's not a safe distance at all. It's very easy for him to crack the contact frequency band of our level. If you disturb me and affect me to save people, it's not my responsibility! "

Jiang Fanglue got the right time, quickly cut off the contact device, turned around and said to a kind man with short white hair: "general, there will be accurate information in three days."

The old man nodded faintly, looked at Lin Yan's information on the screen and said, "it's a pity that Lin Yan is the person in charge at the grassroots level."

Although the old man looked kind and peaceful, Jiang Fanglue didn't dare to smile in front of him. He replied respectfully: "yes, Lin Yan has extraordinary medical skills, is also proficient in Chinese Qigong, and has a wise mind and sharp reaction ability. He doesn't stick to conventions. He is really an excellent talent."

The old man said with interest: "you always have eyes above the top. If you can give such a high evaluation, Lin Yan is really extraordinary. Wait and see. When he comes back safely, learn more about what he has gone through. If he can pass my test, we can absorb him. "

Jiang Fanglue shook his head and said, "he won't agree. This boy has no ambition and no strong patriotic feelings. He belongs to the type of being contented with the status quo when he is a little rich. What he likes most is his wife and children's happiness. He will never give up his family to participate in us. "

I didn't expect that after these comments, the interest in the old man's eyes became more intense. His experience was not comparable to Jiang's strategy, and his evaluation of a person was more thorough.

It's Lin Yan who cares about his family, loves his family, and seems to have no patriotic feelings. Those who care about his family in particular are the ones who know how to stick to it. Because he cares, he must be protected. The peace of his family needs everyone's stability. If everyone encounters a security crisis, will Lin Yan sit back and ignore it?

Of course not.

This is the chance to win over this excellent young man.

Of course, the old man's plan only exists in his brain. Without a clear understanding of Lin Yan's expressiveness and personal ability, he will not absorb mediocre people.

After all, the Department in charge of the elderly is related to the most secret part of the whole of China and determines the interests of China in the world. It will not be infringed without being known. On the other hand, it also determines that China will always pay attention to the movements of other regimes in the world, and only when it knows itself and the other can it remain invincible.

Lin Yan certainly didn't know all this, and he didn't have the spirit to consider any problems that might arise after his disappearance, because his every minute and every second was between life and death.

All the way to witness the ugliness of human nature, in order to survive, the scenes of betrayal, fraud, killing Let him have a cavity of hot blood and a thorough cold!

The original intention of helping them find a way out in the midst of many crises has long been completely lost.

At this time, Lin Yan, with a wry smile, believed in an extremely sad fact that there were no normal three outlooks on this demon Island, whether it was Zeus, the rule maker, or those former dignitaries, or even the guard of the dog leg, or the victim's prey.

This is a demon island that has lost the morality of human relations. Even he himself has become a villain who subverts the three outlooks and does everything to survive!

The chilling cold makes Lin Yan eager to find a person to talk to or accompany, so as not to lose control completely. The first person to appear in his mind is the dead Ge Peng, who once hated to the bone and eventually died together.

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