Lin Yan can't understand Zeus's strange brain hole. It's a Western version of the invincible east. At least it's the ultimate boss of a villain full of murders and human degradation. Even if you don't have the right orientation and take a fancy to Lao Tzu, shouldn't you bully the cool overlord Ah, Pooh!

Go to your second uncle's bully!

In a word, put on such a coquettish and timid look, what kind of trouble do you want to make? Are you going to make it?

"Are you ready, Lin?" Zeus could not help but speak first.

Lin Yan in building 9 this period of time, already thought of a good strategy, face indifferent said: "what can be prepared, I still stand here, can explain everything."

Zeus laughed in his heart, the little villain was thin skinned, still struggling, but he showed a smile of praise on his face and said: "yes, you're so powerful! Look at this island. Except for my guards, all the other people who participated in the hunting have died. Only you can laugh to the end. It's amazing! "

Lin Yan was disgusted, and his face turned red just right. His guilty eyes quickly swept Zeus' eyes and said unnaturally: "although your people are Er Well, I won, didn't I? "

Zeus of course will not let go of Lin Yan that a trace of guilty, more happy, little villain know that he sheltered him, smilingly said: "of course, you win!"

Lin Yan said: "since I won the bet, you have to promise me one thing."

Zeus magnanimous said: "you say."

Lin Yan said, "I'm afraid we'll be hunted down by the big people who came to the island but didn't show up this time, so you have to tell me what they have to do with it."

Zeus was stunned. It was obvious that Lin Yan's request was beyond his bottom line. Lin Yan gritted his teeth and forced himself to approach the pervert. He grabbed Zeus's hand impatiently, shook it rudely and growled in a low voice: "it's time. Are you still guarding against me? Is it necessary? Forget it. Do you want to talk about the bomb? Blow up the island

If Lin Yan tried to persuade, Zeus would never believe and waver. Just because Lin Yan's anger made Zeus trust Lin Yan, he didn't want to betray him. Instead, he grabbed Lin Yan's palm and said, "what do you want that to do?"

Lin Yan glared and said: "I'm going to die with you. What else can I do? I, Lin Yan, did something to disgrace my ancestors, but didn't I just leave? I'm on your island. Maybe he'll let it out.

What's more, you and I are I'm afraid those motherfuckers are going to piss off my family! But it's boring of you to be so defensive. "

This fierce and vague explanation successfully made Zeus's wishful thinking become a martyr. At the same time, Lin Yan couldn't rest assured of his family and wanted to get the handle of those big men to give his family more protection.

"Well, well, you are always angry." Zeus has the potential to shake m in his bones. Lin Yanyue is fierce. The more he loves life and death, he says in a low voice: "do you know maiqu net?"

Of course, Lin Yan knows that maiqu is the only super large portal that has been licensed by more than 75% of the countries in the world. It has a thick background and is rich in money. Therefore, it has a high authenticity for all kinds of news exposure. It also has a very strong function of blocking and forbidding keywords. It often exposes a lot of information that the country concerned is eager to hide, so it is famous all over the world.

Looking at Lin Yan nodding, Zeus pressed Lin Yan's head down, whispered a series of numbers close to his ear, and finally said, "that's how I can open my hidden bug, and that's when I die, my gene code will disappear automatically, and it will also open automatically."

When Lin Yan heard this, he was completely relieved!

I don't believe a word of your code and number, but as soon as you die, the evidence will automatically appear on, and no one can delete it. That's enough!

In fact, Lin Yan didn't believe that the survivors could know that he was a humble prey that Zeus had brought to the island, and he didn't believe that those people would condescend to provoke his family. Huaxia's national defense security is not vegetarian, and it's leverage all over the world. Those big men love feathers very much, and only when they are full can they go back to brush Huaxia's beard.

The reason why Lin Yan stares at the evidence is that he can't let go of it. He was locked up in the iron cage of No. 3 hunting ground. In those days, he witnessed how the so-called "noble guests" cruelly and viciously killed the living people. These people on the island have been punished, but why can the villains who just didn't come to the island continue to live in bright human skin At the top of all levels of the world, hypocritical leaders?

They should be punished just like the scum who died on the island!

After getting the answer, Lin Yan laughed. He knew that he had only one thing left, which had three results.

As a result, Zeus was killed successfully, and he survived to receive Solomon's help.

As a result, he failed to kill Zeus, but he died with Zeus.As a result, he failed to kill Zeus, but Zeus killed him.

Lin Yan carefully deduced and analyzed these three possibilities. But he also knows that when it comes to the time of life and death, any deduction is unreliable. There will be thousands of changes in a flash, and he can only do his best to fight against the fate.

Now, taking advantage of Zeus' illusions, Lin Yan didn't get rid of Zeus and grabbed his paw. Instead, he frowned slightly, looked at the guards outside the courtyard wall and said, "do you really want to give up these people? Let's change places and start over. Don't we have reliable people to use

Lin Yan deliberately used "we" in his speech, which obviously weakened Zeus' vigilance. He said with a smile: "these people have witnessed me killing those noble guests. How can I let them live? Lin, remember, people are the most untrustworthy, so they have to die.

But don't worry, darling. You Chinese have a saying that "it's hard to find a toad with three legs, but there are many people with two legs." right? We have money, and there will be no shortage of people willing to work for us anywhere. "

Lin Yan said: "why do you like to apply our Chinese proverbs so much?"

Zeus said with a smile: "it's not because you are a little villain, because I want to know more about your habits. I have been studying Chinese culture assiduously."

Lin Yan forced himself to show a surprised and moving expression. As expected, he succeeded in pleasing Zeus. Like a scum who was easy to be praised by the head teacher, he was flattered to kiss Lin Yan on the back of his hand, and then laughed bashfully.

The cold intimacy of the goods made Lin Yan sick, and his body was shaking uncontrollably. Without pulling out his hand, he slapped Zeus in the face and said in a low voice: "when will it start?"

Zeus said triumphantly: "Building 9 is the tallest building on the island at present. We'll go to the rooftop and enjoy it. The island will turn into bright fireworks. When it's zero, there will be a plane to pick us up."

Lin Yan was so excited that he was afraid of being taken far away by Zeus. At that time, even if Zeus was killed successfully, he would not have time to run back to the cliff outside building 9 and join Solomon's aid team. Zeus chose to blast on the rooftop of Building 9, which was just a divine attack!

"Let's go up now." Lin Yan finished, suddenly realized what was wrong, and immediately asked: "where is the Viper?"

Zeus said, "you, uncle snake, if you are here, who will pick us up at zero! What a fool

Lin Yan's heart "clattered" a, secretly complain, just Zeus choose building 9 as the end of the explosion point of joy all disappeared!

Even if Zeus is killed successfully and the viper is left behind, the hidden danger is exactly the same, even more terrible!

From his mother's conversation with Zeus that day, and Zeus's disclosure of his past, Lin Yan has clearly realized that the viper is the only person Zeus has unconditional trust in the world. His feelings for the Viper are far more than his superiors and subordinates. In fact, he takes the Viper as his father's role. The Viper also treats Zeus with complicated loyalty and affection.

Although there are secrets between such a strange couple of masters and servants, the investigation of social relations similar to Lin Yan's is handled by agkistrodon halys. If Zeus is killed by Lin Yan, but Agkistrodon halys escapes from the net, he will be so crazy as to avenge Zeus at all costs. For Lin Yan's relatives, it's an extreme risk that they can't bear!

In this way, all the previous plans are invalid!

Before the arrival of the viper, we must not kill Zeus. We must wait for the helicopter to arrive. After the Viper meets Zeus, we can kill them together.

Lin Yan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. The only way to achieve this goal is to watch Zeus blow up the island, then follow Zeus on the plane, and then wait for the opportunity to attack and kill the two evils.

Such a plan sounds perfect. There is only one imperfection.

That is, Lin Yan doesn't know how to fly a plane. Even if he succeeds in killing the master and servant, he also has to be buried with them. This is a doomed situation!

Lin Yan's heart was filled with grief and indignation. He would die if he was paralyzed. Even if he died, he could not let this pair of evils leave alive. It's worth it if he could exchange his own death for the well-being of his family!

It's a pity that even if the family can live a safe life after him, I'm afraid they will live in pain without him.

At this point, Lin Yan's heart was like a knife. He was afraid that his emotions might arouse Zeus's suspicion. He simply held Zeus's wheelchair, closed his eyes, and put his head on the back of the wheelchair.

Lin Yan's frailty for a moment, for the first time, he took the initiative to rely on himself (...) He turned to Lin Yan's face and said in a low voice, "don't be afraid, uncle snake will arrive on time. We will be fine."

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