Lin Yan strode to the rooftop, holding a game handle high in his hand, with a bright smile on his face, shaking his hands at Zeus. There was no disappointment, hatred, hesitation and despair left behind.

Zeus's last fear vanished. He beat the window anxiously and cried, "Uncle snake, I order you to land! Never leave Lin! Otherwise I won't forgive you, never! "

The helicopter climbed up again and again, farther and farther away from the ground, the Viper said helplessly: "you are really concerned, you forget that we have a hanging ladder." Said, press the elevator controller, a ladder fast down.

Lin Yan Ran to grab the ladder, lowered his head, but there was a smile of victory in his eyes. Then he raised his head to Zeus' concerned eyes. He laughed happily, showed eight white teeth, and began to climb up quickly.

But the Viper did not dare to stay above the roof. He explained to Zeus, "Lin is very tight. Even if he can't climb in quickly, he will never fall down. It's too late. We have to leave this area quickly."

Zeus looked down. Lin Yan was firmly standing on the rope ladder. He climbed steadily. With a sound, the Viper immediately accelerated and flew away to the sea.

As time went by, Lin Yan also climbed a little higher.

At zero o'clock, the Devil Island made a deafening explosion, as if the whole heaven and earth were shaking with each other. A huge bright light flashed the sky, huge mushroom clouds rose up in the sky, smoke filled the sky, and the heaven and earth fell into chaos.

The huge explosion continued, and there was no sound at all. The smoke spread to this area, and even the sight was completely blurred.

Lin Yan had climbed to the engine room door and released a series of grenades from his waist. He turned his arm over the rope of the suspension ladder to fix his body. He pulled out more than ten rings of the grenades and threw them into the engine room. Then, he released the rope with both hands, leaned back and fell straight down. On his face, he was relieved with a smile and tears.

Thank Zeus for his suspiciousness. He found these grenades in the weapon room on the third floor when he went downstairs to get things.

Thanks to the huge explosion wave, he can smoothly throw the grenade into the engine room under Zeus' eyes.

Finally, thank God, thank God, let him fall into the sea, don't mix with the corpses of demons, perverts and murderers to die, in that way, even if he died, he would feel dirty and disgusted.

I don't know what the reason is. The smoke between the plane and Lin Yan suddenly dissipates. Lin Yan, who is falling on his back, clearly faces Zeus, and even sees the real injury in Zeus' blue eyes.

Zeus's hand reached out of the window and dropped something. From the shape of his mouth, he said the last sentence: "why don't you even want me?"


A dazzling flash of light, the helicopter into a group of fireworks, dissipated in the air.

Lin Yan just at this moment fell on the sea, chest hit a thing, he subconsciously seized, people sank into the sea.

Dizzy, a burst of uncontrollable sinking, but also thanks to the blast of the Devil Island, the current is completely cut off, there is no danger in the sea, Lin Yan was inspired by the cold water, and rushed to the upstream.

It's so easy to rush to Shanghai and breathe the air with the smell of residual smoke. The Devil Island has completely disappeared from the sea level, and there is no helicopter trace in the sky. The sky is clean between the sea and the sky. The sky is very bright when it bends for half a month, and the stars are very sparse.

After so many days, Lin Yan felt refreshed for the first time. Even though he knew in his heart that he would not last long, he would probably die here in the end, but he still felt lucky.

After all, all the demons are dead, and the crisis hanging over his relatives is completely eliminated. Even if he dies immediately, he will die clean and refreshing!

"Ah, ah

Lin Yan couldn't help but live in the sea and let out a roar.

At this time, Lin Yan's feet in the sea strangely touched the solid plane. When he was ready to look down, he felt that his body was being slowly raised, raised above the sea level, and was lifted out.

A huge shadow appeared on the sea, at the foot of Lin Yan.

A door with light appeared in front of the shadow. A man leaned out his head and looked at the silly Lin Yan. He said, "tut Tut, tut Tut, at least there is a thousand hands butcher. How can it look so stupid?"


"Who else can I be?" George continued to dislike his face and said impatiently, "Hey, do you want to concave your face for a while, or do you want to come in now?"

Lin Yan completely believed the scene in front of him - Solomon fulfilled his promise. If he really came to meet him, he still used such a big submarine!

He rushed to George and scared the same cargo to get out of the cabin first. He looked at Lin Yan from a distance and said, "even if you are bent by Zeus, I'm a straight man with normal orientation and a wife. Don't fool around!"

Although the submarine is not too big, it has all kinds of facilities. Solomon didn't come. Only George took three helpers with him. He sent Lin Yan into a small room, and then he walked away.Just now, it was just a subconscious reaction. Lin Yan had no spirit to be poor with George. He just felt that his brain and body were on the verge of death. He didn't even care to pick off his wet clothes. He fell on the bed and lost consciousness.

After two hours of diving, the submarine came to the surface and joined a cruise ship on the sea.

George opened the door and saw the sleepy Lin Yan. He called several times and didn't move. When he went over and patted Lin Yan's face, he found that this guy was boiling hot. I don't know when he had a high fever.

"Shit! no You did it on purpose

George muttered, and quickly asked people to come in and help him to carry Lin Yan on the cruise ship.

The submarine was borrowed by Solomon from the government and military nearest to Alcatraz Island. After their men withdrew, they left.

Solomon has not slept, waiting for the rescue, saw George, they carried Lin Yan in, calm face asked: "what's the matter? Injured? "

George said wrongly: "it's not bad for me. When we found this guy, he had all his tail and strength. When the werewolf was howling in the middle of the night, how could I know he was so stupid that he went to sleep without taking off his wet clothes? No, he had a high fever!"

Solomon said angrily, "are you a pig? Or do you think Zeus and his gang are pigs? Lin Yan's ability to kill all those people and retreat must have been exhausted to the extreme. If you throw him into the room, you don't care. Do you think it's not bad for you

In fact, George knew that he was wrong, but he was cheated by Lin Yan's good appearance, so he pushed him into the house and didn't care.

There are doctors on the cruise ship. After all, even Solomon didn't expect that Lin Yan not only escaped from the Jedi, but also had to fight back perfectly. He had already made the plan to save Lin Yan even if he was injured for half of his life. So he invited his old friend Dr. Powell to wait for him.

There is no doubt about Powell's level. He saved Ling Wei's life. Lin Yan's son, who was conceived by two mothers, is also Powell's achievement. Now, he calmly asks George to settle Lin Yan and start diagnosis.

In principle, just falling into the sea and sleeping in wet clothes should not cause a cold or fever.

However, with Powell's examination going on for more and more time, and his assistants constantly using various examination equipment, and his face becoming more and more serious, Solomon's heart sank, and George put away his playful face and began to worry.

After the final inspection, Powell said: "you guys, be careful, put him in the bath, take a shower with 46 degree warm water, and then carry him back to the room for a drip."

When the assistants went to take a bath for Lin Yan, Solomon asked, "old man, is the problem very serious?"

Powell nodded seriously and said, "it's serious. The physical damage is negligible. The key is that the child's brain wave response is extremely abnormal, even more intractable than the trauma Angela suffered at the beginning. "

Solomon was surprised: "how could that be! Angel's brain was damaged when she was hit by the explosion. But George just said, "this Lin Yanming is intact. How can it be so serious?"

Powell frowned and said, "you don't understand that if people's emotions are stimulated beyond their limits for too long, they will directly lead to brain damage.

It is estimated that the child has gone through the unexpected and vicious scenes in his previous life for too long, or he has got along with abnormal people too much, or he has done something that he subconsciously thinks is heinous, and he is too self reproached, which leads to self loathing.

In a word, it's a kind of mental strength that goes beyond the limit of endurance. After a long time of tension, it shows a state of paralysis. For example, he clearly escaped from the danger of life, and he won't feel surprised, safe, excited and happy. It's similar to being in a daze when he's tired to the extreme. Can you understand? "

Solomon hesitated and asked, "that is to say, his emotions are too stimulated and paralyzed? Can you still wake up? Can't you be a vegetable, too? "

Powell glared at Solomon and said, "you still don't understand me! If you want him to wake up, I can wake him up now, and at the same time have a clear mind.

But when he wakes up, like an old man who has seen through everything and is dying, he will not have the normal joys, sorrows and sorrows of a young man. There are only two words left for him. "




Powell said: "it's a kind of extreme boredom, a kind of blank beyond depression after pressure explosion. Nothing can touch his paralyzed emotion. This kind of emotional trauma is the most troublesome, and it's more difficult to deal with than simple brain trauma."

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