In response to the video, the reactions of other countries are similar. They first express sincere regret for the victims, and then say that they will seriously investigate the truth. Once they are confirmed to be true, they will never tolerate the murderers.

This time, the island country with the original sin has produced a notorious general and a famous writer all over the world. They have the same attitude as decades ago. They try their best to whitewash and exaggerate, saying that their general is a poor victim who has been controlled by drugs.

This time, the island country does not exclude men's love. They regard their writers as the big lovers who are crazy for love and coerced by their lovers. Their hypocrisy and thickness of face are unprecedented.

However, one of the most famous AV actresses in their island country publicly disclosed that she had been abused by this general, and was forced to do something like tying dog chains, wearing handcuffs, and being nearly suffocated by a plastic bag on her head.

The video materials revealed by the brave actresses were soon banned by the island authorities, but the quick sighted netizens had already copied and forwarded countless copies, which proved how shameless and stupid their desire to cover up was.

It is also worth mentioning that Mrs. Marian's husband, who is also one of the country's top rich people, held a press conference for the first time. He publicly said that he knew nothing about his wife's evil deeds, but did not shirk his responsibility. He would cooperate with the investigation, find all the victims, actively make compensation, kowtow to his knees with his children in front of the camera, and make amends for his wife and mother to the public Evil wife. Mother, draw a line, never go along with others.

People have been deceived by the hypocrisy of "Mrs. Marian" for a long time. They regard her as a person worthy of trust and support, and almost elected her as prime minister. This time, they suddenly find that what they trust is such a vampire, and the collapse of that belief can not be remedied by the kowtow of her family.

Impulsive people smashed Mrs. Marian's house, her husband's company was also hard to escape, and finally, the government gave the last blow - her family was deported as unwelcome people in the country!

The family, which used to be at the top of the country, instantly became a bereaved dog, and from the rich to the destitute, fled miserably to atone for Mrs. Marian.

In short, the power of the video explosion is much greater than that of Zeus blowing up an island. It can be said that the whole earth is shaking!

This is only a short-term response, what reaction will follow? Just think about it and you will know that it will never be good.

It's also true that the so-called "dark room is ungrateful, God's eyes are like electricity". The maxim of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet is true. Zeus's saying that "he died, the gene code disappeared, the network bug appeared directly, and the scandal would be disclosed automatically" is just perfunctory nonsense!

If Zeus had not really fallen into the abnormal emotion towards Lin Yan, he would not have gone with him when he saw that Lin Yanning was dead. Frustrated, he threw down the pendant, and Lin Yan held it tightly. If he didn't let go, George would not have cracked the chip hidden in the pendant based on the gossip mentality. He didn't die in the Devil Island, but he was full of villains , will not be exposed so thoroughly!

At the same time, the high-level of Huaxia is also shocked by the sudden outbreak of a frenzy of public opinion, although in the video of this outbreak, Huaxia is the only country in the world that does not appear to be a murderer.

But based on the huge population of China, basically no matter which country in the world has a disaster or accident, there will be Chinese people in it. This time, of course, is no exception.

In those videos, it was revealed that among the victims of the massacre, there were six Chinese expatriates. As a world-famous "short guard parent", Huaxia had to protect her in case of an accident, even though her bear child had made a fortune, disliked her parents and went to other countries to become a nationality. Moreover, the Chinese authorities would not ignore her death.

Therefore, the relevant departments made a public statement for the first time. China holds a firm attitude of investigation and investigation on this vicious incident. Such anti human criminals who violate human rights must not be allowed to exist. China will always pay attention to the progress of the situation and reserve the right to participate in the investigation.

It was last night that Jiang Fanglue received the news from Solomon that Lin Yan was out of danger, but because of the high fever caused by falling into the sea, he would have to be treated for a while before he could return to China.

Jiang Fanglue quickly fed back the news to the top management of Guoan, and also to Lin Yan's family. Of course, everyone was happy.

This morning, the video frenzy broke out, and Huaxia national security knew what a terrible situation Lin Yan had faced!

Although they have been robbed of Lin Yan, but strong in self-help have enough ideological preparation, but they are still shocked by the real truth!

Who would have thought that so many dignified people should be such crazy murderers!

How did Lin Yan gain a trace of life in the face of more than 2000 armed guards and so many killers in the harsh environment of these killers and providing killers with places to kill?

No matter what the truth is, Lin Yan is the great contributor to the outbreak of this incident and the eradication of this cancer, which is undoubtedly, of course, extremely dangerous.After all, the existence of Lin Yan is the biggest threat to expose their true face in a shameless country like the island country, and other people who are eager to cover up their shame or wash away their white. There are also those murderers who have been exposed their masks, and they will inevitably have residual minions. Once they know the truth, they will not let Lin Yan live.

The old man made a quick decision and issued an order to Jiang Fanglue: "contact Solomon immediately and ask him to conceal the truth of Lin Yan's initiation of the crisis. For this reason, any conditions he put forward can be met! We must protect Lin Yan at all costs! "

Jiang Fanglue, of course, understood Lin Yan's situation and quickly communicated with Solomon, which was right in Solomon's heart. Of course, his son-in-law needed protection. Even if Huaxia didn't mention him, he would never reveal it. How could he not be happy with the bargain he sent to his door? He agreed to it directly. As for the terms, he said he didn't think about it for the time being. If he needed to, he would bring it up again, and Huaxia would pay attention to it He agreed without hesitation. ***

Such a promise can help Solomon thoroughly clean up and regain the right to return to his roots. Although he has never said it, he has been thinking about his wish for half his life. Huaxia is such a country that attaches great importance to legal order. His wish that he could not achieve at all costs before is now within reach because of Lin Yan!

Solomon then realized the value of Lin Yan to Huaxia. After he understood, the boss was a little upset. Why did he try every means to rescue his half father-in-law when his son-in-law died? Huaxia wanted to take it back when he was rescued?

For the first time, Solomon came up with the idea of accepting this son-in-law and training him to become his own successor, which strengthened his determination to cure Lin Yan.

As for knowing that Lin Yan has another wife, it's no big deal for Solomon, who has been extremely contemptuous of secular rules. His baby daughter angel is naive and ignorant. She can't afford the huge industrial operation, and she can't be a virtuous wife again. Let Lin Yan work for her daughter. The rest depends on the situation.

Solomon quickly worked out the next stage of development goals, the industry has been washed white into China's huge consumer market, to lay a good foundation for the final fall.

At the moment, Lin Yan has been brought back to country y by Solomon. His high fever has gone away long ago, but Lin Yan still doesn't wake up. Powell asserts that this is because he doesn't want to wake up subconsciously. In fact, in terms of physical function, he has recovered long ago.

This shows that when he was on the cruise ship, Powell's diagnosis was completely correct. He made a careful treatment plan and began to treat Lin Yan.

Lin Yan is lying on the treatment table, wearing a nerve medium interference headgear, and receiving the impact again and again, but he still has no response, which is exactly the same as when Ling Wei became a vegetable.

Through the transparent glass, Solomon looks sad. Powell's medical treatment has been done for half a month, but Lin Yan is still like this. Is the old friend's diagnosis wrong, and the child still hurt his brain and can't wake up?

Across the ocean, the Lin family's endurance has reached its peak!

Sun Tzu had been missing for such a long time. At first, he said that he had been abducted. Later, he said that he had deliberately made a false impression of being abducted and really cooperated with Interpol in arresting criminals who fled abroad.

In order to increase the truth of this statement, Jiang Fanglue, who has great powers, went to Nanping specially and invited Zhao shensan, Secretary of Nanping Municipal Party committee, to present his own experience.

Zhao shensan did not hide the truth. He told the truth that GE Peng, the "Prince", was bold enough to resell the retired military aircraft and abscond abroad. This time, Lin Yan disclosed Zuo Zongtang's treasure, which was the asset that GE Peng had been eyeing for a long time, so he arranged his followers to revenge Lin Yan.

In fact, Ge Peng's trick has long been seen through, but in order to catch him, the state made a plan to let Lin Yan be abducted on purpose and arrest Ge Peng as an insider.

The Lin family believed it, but they were even more worried. After all, is it easy for the prince who dares to resell even the retired military aircraft? Lin Yan goes to be an internal agent. What if he is torn down and killed?

The whole family had been waiting for a long time with their heart hanging and their courage hanging. Finally, the news came that Lin Yan had succeeded, and the people were rescued intact. They just soaked in the sea and had a fever, and they would come back soon.

The Lin family was relieved to think that they had a fever. They could come back in two days at most. Who knows that two days after two days, seven days later, Lin Yan still didn't come back. Not only did he not come back, but he didn't even make a phone call to report his safety. Every time the news was passed by Jiang Fanglue.

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