The head of state said: "Lin Yan, your safety is the guarantee of success. It's good for young people to have courage, but being cautious and thoughtful is the quality of a qualified special agent.

Now that it's public, don't worry too much, but next, you need to change the way you exist. "

The care and understanding of the head of state made Lin Yan's chest hot and sour, but he didn't understand the last sentence, so he asked: "how to change the way of existence?"

The head of state said with a teasing smile: "they are not the only ones who can change the black into white. We also have unique skills in planting flowers. Now countless people are eager to find you. We just give them a hand to disappear out of thin air."

Lin Yan was even more confused. He looked at the Fuehrer in a daze. He thought in his heart, is there really no harm without comparison? Is my IQ so low in front of you? I don't understand what you said

The head of state was amused by Lin Yan's look and laughed. He waved and said, "OK, OK, you go to Director Wen Jun, he will tell you how to operate."

Lin Yan came out with a face of shame and was led back to the house by Li Wenjun. Then, there was no Lin Yan in the Chinese delegation.

This hotel is very large. There are several banquet halls alone. The delegation is arranged according to the country. In the 13 halls on the north side, there are neon delegation. After Lin Yan publicly disclosed the existence of Devil Island and claimed that he was the person responsible for subverting Devil Island, the attic suite on the top floor of this building has been full of tyrannical roar.

Even so, the loft on the top floor is more than 500 square meters. It is planned to be a complete set of pattern including reception room, bedroom, tea room and sunshine garden. It is comfortable, fresh and full of light. The usual occupancy price is relatively expensive.

This time, building 13 received neon representatives, and the prime minister led the team at the top. But the prime minister did not like the too bright top floor and liked swimming, so he lived on the first floor with a swimming pool.

Living on the top floor is a major general of the military. Coincidentally, this major general has the same surname as the general who was beheaded by Lin Yan. He also has the surname of tortoise island. What's more, this tortoise island is the brother of the headless tortoise island.

After the video was disclosed, turtle island was crazy about killing the living, and also liked to use the samurai sword to beat the dead. I don't know how many people had nightmares, and it also broke the aura of turtle island family's samurai home in neon country to pieces.

Neon country is not all inhuman villains. Ordinary people also yearn for peace and tranquility. In the early days of World War II, their country invaded and planted flowers, committed many crimes, and also made their country scarred and destitute. It took decades to climb up.

Now, what a happy time it is, there are such heinous animals as tortoise island in their country, but they are also admirals in China. After the video was disclosed, not only the international public opinion was in uproar, but also the domestic people regarded the tortoise Island family as the representative of ferocity and cruelty.

The public asked the royal family and the cabinet to thoroughly investigate the Kagoshima family and dismiss all those who held important positions in the Kagoshima family. Their family would also be splashed with excrement and smashed with rotten eggs, and their reputation would plummet. Almost everyone would yell at them.

In this case, who wants the whitewashing plan to succeed most? There is no doubt that it is major general kamima. He is responsible for the security of the royal family and the cabinet, as well as the work of special staff. Therefore, he has brought all his elite secret service teams. He wants to carry out the forcible killing plan when the whitewashing plan is hindered.

As early as the outbreak of the video scandal, the flower planting authorities openly declared that they would punish the murderer severely and would not tolerate him. Neon believed this, and had long regarded the flower growers as the most important objects to be monitored in the whitewashing program.

it has to be said that neon is close to China, and its race is Asian, so it is easy to infiltrate and hide, and our intelligence neon has been well received I got a little more than other countries. Therefore, for this meeting, major general guidao knew the news that "in the flower planting team, there was a conclusive witness of the Devil Island incident" when the plane landed.

For this reason, xiaoguidao sent out the elite of his staff, even the ace killer poison bat, but failed to kill Lin Yan. This defeat made guidao furious. In addition to punishing the poison bat at the scene of the incident, he was in a state of rage all the time these two days.

Today, after Lin Yan made a public announcement outside the hotel, xiaoguidao went crazy in his room. If it wasn't for the first-class sound insulation condition in this room, this movement would have alerted the fussy police and arrested him as a madman.

Xiaoguidao's personal assistant was paralyzed on the floor, covered with bloodstains and lacerations. She bit a towel in her mouth and didn't dare to groan, moan or beg for mercy, because if she made a little noise, she would be beaten harder. She has already had experience.

"Roll up!"

Finally, after hearing the voice no less than Tianyu lunyin, Poji Xiaoya struggled to get up, bowed 90 degrees, and said in a low voice: "mourning, do you need to wait for your bath and dressing?"

Small tortoise island full face ferocious, the remaining anger does not disappear of roar a way: "go, call Xiang son to me!"

"Hayi, mourning!"

Boji Xiaoya tries her best not to tremble and falter. Jila walks out with her clogs, grabs a big windbreaker in her next room, and wraps up all the wounds. Then she walks into the elevator and reaches the floor where Xiangzi lives. At the moment, she is still a little bit submissive in front of xiaoguidao and rings the doorbell with a proud face.A woman dressed in black and not amazing in appearance opened the door and saw Poji Xiaoya. She quickly bowed in horror: "Miss Xiaoya, what's the general's instruction?"

Poji Xiaoya chin raised to the ceiling quickly, cold and arrogant said: "the general wants to see Xiangzi, let her go up immediately."

The woman in the door trembled and said: "Miss Xiaoya, our Xiangzi is not well yet. I'm afraid..."

Xiaoya coldly interrupted the man's words and said: "if you can go up, you can't go up."

Suddenly, a frightened voice came from the room: "I'll go, I'll go right away! Xiaoya, please tell the general that I'll be there when I change my clothes. "

"Hum!" Xiaoya Swan generally left with her neck up, entered the elevator, and then showed her painful expression. When she faced her subordinates, it was not easy to pretend to be favored.

Xiangzi, pale and stumbling out of bed, yells to her subordinates to help her put on a Sakura powder kimono, which is the major general's favorite color. I hope he can look better and not be too cruel.

"Mourning, that Chinese man is not only alive, but has just made it public that what the general has done on that island is true. The major general will certainly annoy you. Are you sure you want to go?"

Xiangzi showed a sad smile on his lips and said, "if you don't go, it's not the same death. If you're really killed by him, you'll feel calm. It's better to go back to comfort camp."

His subordinates said angrily, "it's not your fault that we can't fight with the people who are crowned by Solomon. It's not your fault that we lose a goal in the middle of the night! The general is too cruel. You've made a lot of contributions for the sake of the Empire. If you fail only once, he will punish you like this. "

Xiangzi's face changed and he said calmly, "come here, come to me."

That hand hastens to walk past, who knows "pa!" A heavy slap fell on his face. Xiangzi turned pale and scolded: "baga! Imperial women, it's right to make any contribution to the Empire, and it's right to be punished by their superiors. How can you blame your superiors with resentment? "

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong!"

Xiangzi said indifferently: "next time is not an example!"

"Hayi, mourning!"

Because of a lot of blood loss, Xiangzi's wound doesn't heal well. Like Lin Yan, she also has a high fever. After being brought back by her subordinates, she just took care of it in the hotel. She didn't get the general's permission to go to the hospital for treatment. Today, she was in a coma all day.

Now, after being forced to rise, Xiangzi's feet are floating and her head is heavy. If she hadn't grown up, she would have received the elimination training similar to the cultivation of poisonous insects. She would have stood out from countless of the same kind killed by her. The tough nerve support polished by hard training would not have been able to function normally.

As he walked out of the elevator and approached the house, Xiangzi stood at attention and saluted: "report!"

The door was opened vigorously. Xiaoguidao rushed to the door, raised her hand, grabbed Xiangzi's hair, dragged her into the door, and then slammed on the door. The sound made Boji Xiaoya next door tremble. Fortunately, someone took over the general's anger and quickly closed her door.

Xiangzi was dragged into the room like a rag sack. She was heavily hit on the floor. If she didn't have a thick enough carpet, she would have broken her tendons and broken her bones!


Xiangzi, who had been thrown into a mess, had not regained her consciousness. The national costume she had deliberately put on had been roughly torn. Then, the rain of the whip fell on her body, and the bloodstains burst out one after another. At the moment, she couldn't be in a coma even if she wanted to. The piercing pain stimulated her nerves all the time, so she gave out an unbearable murmur.

This voice obviously violated the taboo of xiaoguidao, and even stimulated his fury and ferocity. Xiangzi's voice of pain became louder and louder, and his eyes became more and more excited. Finally, he lost his whip and rushed to his bloody body

After a long time, xiaoguidao left Xiangzi and washed away the blood stains from her body. She came out and sat on the sofa, nodded Xiangzi's lips with her toes and asked coldly, "are you still alive?"

Xiangzi, who was almost torn down and reorganized, said weakly, "yes, general."

Xiaoguidao said: "the Oriental Lin Yan appeared in public all of a sudden, the whole world was staring at him, but now he can't be killed easily.

But he lives in this hotel, you go to find him, I don't care what method you use to get the evidence in his hand, and then destroy his reputation, let him lose the qualification to testify. "

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