Xiangzi was so easy to get rid of the shadow's hands that he roared angrily: "general, I really failed! What's more, Hua Guo has seized the evidence of our false accusation, and will make a public complaint tomorrow. This woman is poisoned and is talking nonsense. Deal with the aftermath quickly! "

Xiaoguidao with the last line of extravagant hope, is the shadow of victory, and Xiangzi in jealousy, has been coldly watching its change, but after hearing Xiangzi cry shadow poisoning, his belly out of no omen of a burst of soreness, and then lost any feeling of the fun guy thing, as if the purr thing is not his!

There is no man who doesn't care about his sexual ability. What's more, he likes to abuse his female subordinates with this kind of ability. His fear can't be covered. Anyway, in his eyes, the two women under the bed are not human at all, and he doesn't need to respect them. He grabs them with his hand and tries them out. They are so soft and cold that they are completely cut off from his body Average.

"Baga! What poison did you bring from the * * man? Did you infect me, too? You stupid bitch

Xiangzi cheerfully exclaimed: "general, before she went to carry out the mission, she had a huge amount of yixinsan in her body, which can make men completely waste. In her mouth, she also had the aphrodisiac pill which can arouse thunder and fire. This bastard woman's mission failed. She knew she was carrying poison, and she came here to harm the general. You just kiss and do it with her, she must have passed the poison to you, she is so happy Stupid and selfish. Why don't you kill her? "

Xiaoguidao's heart is cold, but he is not willing to accept the reality that he can't do it. He wants to try again to see whether the bottom is OK or not. Knowing that the shadow is poisonous, he roars wildly, jumps down from the bed, rudely pulls off Xiangzi's clothes, and pounces on it.

Xiangzi did not expect that the general was poisoned and did not punish the shadow, but rushed to harm himself. The effect of yixinsan on men is not obvious, but on women is sterile.

As an agent, she has no qualification to have children, but deep in her heart, Xiangzi never has the luxury of one day retiring and finding a man to have a baby to live a good life. Seeing that the last glimmer of dawn will be cut off by the general, she desperately dodges and pleads: "general, please, the effect of heart swallowing powder, you know, there is absolutely no antidote Please punish the shadow. Don't let your subordinates get poisoned, please

In xiaoguidao's eyes, these men are the swords he relies on to perform meritorious deeds. They are also the tools for him to vent his lust. Now that he has been poisoned, Xiangzi wants to be alone. If he has pity, it's hell. Regardless of it, he directly presses them.

Unfortunately, the soft guy can't succeed at all. The fear in xiaoguidao's heart has condensed into despair. Looking at Xiangzi's relief, the hyenas who have been stabbed roar, holding Xiangzi's chin, open her mouth, and change the bottom to the top.

Xiangzi left tears of despair, the oral mucosa penetration of toxins more quickly, she can almost feel, heart powder ice cold penetration into her blood vessels and nerves, rapid spread towards the abdomen, the cold quickly condensed in the abdomen, that piece seems to be missing the general empty.

Her hope is gone!

Her baby is gone!

Xiangzi's chest was suddenly desolate, and she had been determined to contribute everything to the Empire since she was a child. However, most of the things she had worked hard for so many years were to satisfy the selfish desires of her superiors, oppress good and evil activities. Are these things really worth her abandoning her life and happiness?

Even if the efforts to the peak, won the highest honor, after retirement, dragging such a incomplete body, even the general ruthlessly deprived of fertility, can live happily?

But Turtle Island didn't realize what Xiangzi thought. He was almost crazy. No matter what he tried, he was still unconscious, let alone impulsive. The coldness of his abdomen became more and more clear. He knew that the medicine was completely stable and could not be dispelled any more.

"You useless and vicious bitch, I'll cut you off!"

Tortoise Island gave up the attempt on Xiangzi in despair, grabbed the machete and rushed to the shadow. Xiangzi got up and said coldly: "please calm down. Even if you kill her, you can't chop her. It's more troublesome when you can't deal with the aftermath abroad."

Many people are destined to be unable to sleep this night.

Here, neon agents are fighting, but the "unofficial friendly talks" among the leaders are still going on. Moreover, as the initiator, Duke Anthony has put the white washing plan on the table.

The territory of e country is vast and the race is complex. The number of dignitaries involved in the murder scandal is also the largest, with as many as eight. The mother of grand duke Anthony is from e country. Although his father's tatania family plays an important role in Y country, he also has a prominent identity and enough discourse power in his mother's motherland. This time, he shoulders the two countries and is the first to do his duty There's an opening.

"Distinguished gentlemen, we are very honored to sit together tonight and have a wonderful communication for our friendship. Now it's very late, but everyone is still in high spirits. So, I want to say one thing and hope to get your approval."

Indeed, during the evening party, the heads of state at the meeting had their own choices. They chatted happily in small circles with those who had to or expected to get along with each other. Everyone knew that the main play was behind, but they were tacitly reminded. They were waiting for the first person to jump out and speak.As for the representatives who strongly oppose the so-called "white washing plan", they do not pay attention to the small actions of those who are looking forward to the success of the plan. They are leisurely carrying out their own friendship and planning. The small groups have made detailed plans in advance, but the time is ripe.

Sure enough, as soon as Lord Antony opened his mouth, the representative of Flanders said with a smile: "yes, the atmosphere tonight is so wonderful that everyone is reluctant to part with it. If we can reach the intention that everyone is looking forward to, it will be more perfect! Go ahead, Mr. Anthony

Anthony's strong body sank in the chair, his face was full of simple, honest and peaceful expression, where there was a bit of violence, warm smile said: "although you may be busy, not familiar with the figures in the entertainment industry, but Mr. Francis, someone must have heard of it?"

"Oh, I'm a fan of Francis. I've watched the" island of desire "directed by Francis no less than ten times. It's wonderful!" the head of state of M said with a smile

Anthony's smile was more brilliant: "Oh, sir, you have to be happy, because Francis secretly made a big move, made a wonderful and novel variety show, and it will be broadcast soon!"

Neon Prime Minister eyes a bright, said: "what program, can let the grand duke so respected?"

"Killing island!"

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