The little girl, wrapped in Lin Yan's coat, was standing in the middle of the crowd, but everyone was unprepared. When Lin Yan was warmly invited to settle down by the head of state of M, she rushed to tatania Antoni like an angry shell. A pair of white hands hugged his head, opened her mouth, and bit his fat cheek!


Anthony uttered a shrill roar, which stopped the whole room's hot voice of denouncing the murderer. All people's eyes were focused on Anthony's face. Then, he found that the little girl's white face suddenly fell to one side, and her scarlet mouth tore off a large piece of face, spitting on the ground.

Before everyone reacted, the little girl, like a wolf, jumped on Anthony again and bit him on the other side of the cheek. She tore it hard again. Her hatred gave the little girl extraordinary power. She tore off the rest of her face completely. Even her nose was peeled off, and she vomited on the ground.

Antony is in pain, and his hands are ferociously raised to pinch the girl's neck. The girl has a will to die after revenge, but she doesn't dodge. Just when her hands are about to get stuck on her neck, the little girl suddenly has two more hands under her armpit, and holds her up and quickly retreats.

Anthony's face was covered with blood, and his cyan and white bones and blood vessels were exposed. He was ugly like a devil who had just climbed up from hell. He roared to catch up with him. Of course, Lin Yan was holding the little girl. He quickly hid behind a row of leaders, moving towards the door with his waist. When Antony staggered over the obstacle, he had successfully opened the door and closed the door, standing in the front of the door It's outside the door.

Mr. Marian has been nervously standing at the door, waiting for his daughter's testimony to end, or his daughter's testimony is not enough to prove his wife's innocence, he went in as a backup to supplement his testimony.

After such a long time, there was no movement at the closed door. Marian was worried about her daughter and worried about her wife's success. If she didn't succeed, she would lose her daughter's innocence in vain. It's really not worth the loss.

Finally, they opened, but the little girl was covered with blood and was held out by the Chinese witness. Marian frantically rushed to grab her daughter. Who knows that little Sarah's arms were tightly around Lin Yan's neck, and he couldn't take it away.

Mr. Marian stared at his daughter in surprise and asked in disbelief, "baby, come to dad and let Dad see where you've hurt!"

Little Sarah opened her mouth, her white teeth were covered with scarlet blood, her blue eyes were like a frozen lake, and she said clearly, "I don't have a mother or a father. I won't stay with you any more. You go!"

Mr. Marian was struck by thunder and cried in fear, "no, baby, you're the only one for me. You can't do without Dad!"

Little Sarah said indifferently: "your daughter has died in Antony's bedroom. Now I have nothing to do with you!"

With that, little Sarah said in a low voice to Lin Yan, "I don't have the strength now. Could you please take me away from here?"

Lin Yan had a strange look at the door that had not been opened since he robbed the girl. He didn't know who had stopped Anthony like a mad dog. Moreover, the beast had no face and didn't even run out to see a doctor. He was very tolerant.

Lin Yan expressed 100% understanding and 100% support for the little girl's abandonment of her father. In this way, she used her fresh body in exchange for scum to cover up the charges of her animal wife. She was not worthy of being a father, let alone having such a good daughter. When she heard the request, she held her decisively and went to the gate quickly.

Marian slapped her face with both hands in turn, crying for her daughter's understanding. When he finished, he was dazed to see that her daughter had long disappeared.

Lin Yan holds little Sarah, goes out and gets on the bus, and takes the girl back to Huaxia station directly.

Wen'anlu stays in the room. When she sees Lin Yan carrying a bloody little girl in her arms, she suddenly looks stagnant and becomes a clay sculpture. In her big eyes, Mao Doudou's eyes are full of pain and struggle. It seems that she has touched the dusty memory for a long time. The whole person looks very bad.

Lin Yan didn't realize that Wen Anlu was in a bad mood at first. He rushed the little girl into the bathroom, took off her dirty coat, put the little girl in the bathtub, put warm water for her to clean, and then came out and cried: "Anlu, you go in and help, she Anlu, what's the matter with you? "

Half way through, she found that Anlu was shaking, her hands clenched into fists, and her eyes were full of pain. Lin Yan was very surprised. Although he didn't know what was wrong with thunderbolt loli, he went to her and took her into his arms, soothing her with a soft voice: "it's OK, it's OK!"

Wen Anlu's face was buried in Lin Yan's chest, and her voice seemed to come from the distant sky: "my father died early, my mother took me to remarry. When I was 8 years old, I was beaten by my stepfather, and it was the same at that time Later, she was rescued by the police and sent to the orphanage. She was director Li's wife. When she went to find her lost nephew, she took me back and recognized me as a niece. "

Lin Yan a burst of heartache and anger, why there are so many scum in the world? Wen'anlu, who seems to be strong, has become a character that many people are afraid of. Deep in her heart, she still can't erase the damage she suffered in her childhood."Well, my dear, it's all over! Aren't you using your ability to make the world cleaner and less scum? So don't be sad. Go and help the poor little girl

Wen'anlu sniffs Lin Yan's breath, and her mood gradually stabilizes. Those terrible memories that she carefully and completely sealed up, but still can't completely eliminate, actually dissipate in his soft voice and male breath. She clearly feels that those nightmares will no longer be her obstacle.

Pushing away Lin Yan, wen'anlu walks into the bathroom and sees poor little Sarah. She is instantly ignited. She closes the door, takes off her clothes and takes a bath with the girl. She confidently tells her story and is soon accepted by Sarah.

Lin Yan is tired sitting on the sofa. This kind of fatigue is not only a kind of hard work, but also a kind of heartfelt boredom. After these days, what he has encountered and who he knows make him feel a strong discomfort.

Lin Yan, who is used to indifference and indifference, can't adapt to the continuous nervous tension, unexpected assassination, neon slut who appears around him in the appearance of his most precious woman, father who gives his own daughter to the devil and politicians who distort black and white for profit.

But Lin Yan knows that if he enters the secret service, his life will be more dangerous and disgusting than these days. He doesn't think he can adapt well and control the situation by his own ability.

Of course, with the right and status of entering the secret service and possessing the red dragon badge, he can do more work and benefit the country. But Lin Yan thinks that everyone has a life style he wants to pursue and the ultimate goal he wants to achieve. He does not deny that he is a patriotic man, but he prefers a plain and natural life.

Although Wen Anlu is a girl, she can see from her resolute eyes, her determination to go forward, and even her efforts to complete the task that she loves her career sincerely. The person with such attitude is the most suitable person for this kind of work.

When Lin Yan suddenly won the medal in the capital, he met the provocation of a madman and his hatred for Yao Tianxu, which prompted him to accept the medal. However, when he went abroad to perform the mission, he realized that this was not the life he wanted, let alone the job he wanted.

From childhood to adulthood, my grandfather taught Lin Yan the Chinese doctrine of the mean, so that he developed a warm and indifferent personality from the bottom of his heart. The most suitable life for him is to practice medicine and help the world. In a calm environment, he used his own technology to eliminate the pain of patients, and earned a stable money.

Lin Yan's thrilling and challenging secret service career has been deeply disgusted by the ordeal of his near death life in Devil Island. In addition, he has witnessed the more disgusting ugliness of human nature this time. Only in this way can he fully understand that he does not want to shoulder the glory and responsibility.

When Wen Anlu came out with little Sala wrapped in a bathrobe, she saw Lin Yan with a quiet face. She cried with joy, "Hey, Lin Yan, I have agreed with Sarah to take her back to China and let my aunt adopt her. After that, she will be my own sister, just like me. She is Wen."

Lin Yan saw that a big girl and a small girl had established deep feelings and trust in a short period of time. They had the same passion in their eyes, which was a good candidate for secret service. It can be predicted that Sarah would become another Anlu, so he said with a smile: "congratulations on your new sister, and congratulations on Sarah's new family."

At dawn, the "unofficial Friendship Association" finally broke up, and the white washing plan completely became a joke. After the head of state's personal security came back, he brought back another gossip that Lin Yan loved. It turned out that after he robbed little Sarah and ran out, Anthony had no place to vent his resentment, grabbed the leader of Flanders and beat him into a pig's head.

It's so easy to be pulled apart that Anthony remembers to treat his injury. However, in the hospital, he is surrounded by a large group of people involved in devil's Island who have given him benefits, asking him to return the benefits.

The most excited and craziest is Mr. Marian, who can't find his daughter. When he asked for his daughter from Duke Antony, they both became angry. They fought on the spot and staged a fight of life and death in the ward. After the hospital called the police, they were both arrested.

Lin Yan said that he was very happy to eat this melon.

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