The boxes are full of new energy gun parts commissioned by Tianzong to be processed by neon military.

These parts are almost all the parts of the whole gun. There are only three things missing. One is the trigger part of the gun, the second is the new energy storage box, and the third, of course, is the new energy.

The neon military will certainly not miss the opportunity to study carefully when they can receive the processing task. They have studied the manufacturing drawings that Solomon sent them thoroughly, and also assembled the finished products with these molded parts. However, the power of the trigger device and the finished products purchased from Solomon can hardly be compared. Both the accuracy and the range are ten times worse Seven or eight streets, not to mention new energy, they don't know what it is.

Neon, like Huaxia, went to a top gunner and carefully disassembled the finished product. He wanted to copy the missing key parts. The idea was that once the imitation was successful, the parts made for Tianzong would not be sold. He would assemble a batch of them himself, and make a fortune before Solomon's monopoly.

No exception. When neon dismantled the gun, it blew up!

After the failure, neon had to deliver the goods honestly, and had to get the complete design drawing. In this way, we had to express our sincerity first. So, we brought all the parts, and the box was full of them.

First of all, on behalf of Tianzong, Lin Yan publicly traded that batch of parts with neon.

In order to verify whether these parts are up to the standard, Lin Yan opens the code box he is carrying, takes out the key parts of neon, the trigger device, and the energy storage box that has been installed. In front of the public, he flies with both hands and assembles a gun on site.

Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He practiced the assembly routine taught by George for most of the night, and finally succeeded.

This process, can't help but let all forces look at the eyes of anger, even Jiang Fanglue with the eyes of beauty, looking at the fresh gun in Lin Yan's hands, said with a smile: "come on, let me try the power."

If it was the representative of other forces, Lin Yan would not agree so happily, but easily threw the gun to Jiang Fanglue, as if it was not something that drove global forces crazy, but an apple.

However, Jiang Fang Lue exclaimed repeatedly, "Oh, please take it easy, ancestor!" He took the gun carefully, opened the window, and fired a shot at the half meter diameter trunk on the back mountain, which was 50 meters away. A ball of light flashed, and the trunk of the whole tree smashed into foam. It took two seconds to fall to the ground!

This kind of power is really frightening!

Lin Yan lightly explained: "such a destructive launch can last 3000 times. After that, we have to change the energy.

There are different levels of energy. Primary energy can be used 3000 times in a row, intermediate energy can be used 5000 times, and advanced energy can be used 8000 times.

We Tianzong can guarantee that customers who buy finished firearms from us will always supply energy at the lowest price in the market before the firearms are scrapped. "

"Eight thousand times?" The black woman, who was as strong as a cow, exclaimed, "Mr. Lin, on behalf of Lieyang, can I purchase 3000 new energy guns and directly purchase 1000 advanced energy guns?"

The bee, who had been afraid to move for fear of causing the needle to shift, could not help saying, "Mr. Lin, our beehive also wants to buy 500 guns and 500 matching high-grade energy. Is that ok?"

Entering the bidding process on the right track, xiaoguidao put aside his personal grudge and said seriously: "Lin sang, please pay attention. When we started to cooperate with Tianzong in parts manufacturing, we negotiated a preferential purchase agreement with Solomon in advance."

Lin Yan did not deny this, nodded and said: "of course, how much do you want to subscribe for neon?"

Neon has held a serious high-level meeting and made several plans for this transaction. The most perfect thing is to buy a complete design concept. In that case, it doesn't need to spend a lot of money to buy finished products from Tianzong. Anyway, component manufacturing is what neon is good at.

However, no one is stupid, and Solomon is not stupid. Therefore, neon predicted that Solomon would not sell complete design drawings. In that case, we need to use some means. At least, before neon gets complete manufacturing technology, other forces in the world must not buy new energy weapons that exceed neon's possession.

Xiaoguidao thought about it and said cautiously, "I want to ask you, including the parts we made for you, how many pieces do you have in stock?"

Jiang Fanglue has been obsessed with playing with the gun. Hearing this, he raised his head and looked askance at xiaoguidao and said, "general guidao asked, do you have such a big appetite for neon, and want to take advantage of the priority trading authority to swallow all Tianzong's cash?"

After Jiang's plan of xiaoguidao was broken, the head of the black cow in the Lieyang League was angry. The bus slapped her hand on the table and said angrily, "this is absolutely impossible! Although you have the right of preemption, you can't be so overbearing. Our Lieyang alliance is also a long-term partner of Tianzong. Solomon promised that he would sell us some weapons! "Poisonous bee is to stare at small turtle island with poisonous snake general overcast cold eye, overcast measure say: "appetite is too big, heart supports explosion!"

Xiaoguidao felt numb and said with a dry smile: "don't worry, everyone. We need to talk about the transaction slowly. We don't necessarily need Tianzong's stock. It's ok if Solomon wants to authorize neon as a complete firearms manufacturer in one time or in the form of cooperation."

The underworld oligarchs are not interested in Solomon's complete design of firearms. First of all, they have no manufacturing conditions. The previous firearms are all finished products purchased from various channels. As long as they can buy finished products and follow-up energy, it doesn't matter who made them.

Huaxia is the only one who can't watch neon. So after Tianzong put a small amount of finished products on the market, Li Wenjun fixed his eyes on Lin Yan. If he was right, this time Lin Yan represented Tianzong, which was Huaxia's natural trading advantage. Jiang Fanglue was very confident.

Seeing that other forces didn't express their opposition, xiaoguidao felt comfortable. He forced hatred and looked at Lin Yan with sincere eyes and said, "Lin sang? What do you think of my proposal? "

Xiaoguidao thinks that it's good enough to hide. Even if he signs a cooperation sharing agreement with Tianzong, as long as he coaxes them into a complete design, they will change their face a little in the future. As a new R & D product of neon, Tianzong can't bite neon.

Lin Yan didn't think much about it. This transaction was originally a big pit. Who was not a pit.

Lin Yan feels that Keng neon has no pressure.

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