Although xiaoguidao's hoarse roar was subdued by Lin Yan, the walking stick was taken by Lin Yan and returned to him. It must have been done.

However, Lin Yan is the representative of Tianzong, and Tianzong is the holder of complete technology, so there is no need to sell before grabbing.

The bad luck of xiaoguidao was that he valued the cane too much. He was willing to put it down for a moment, whether he was bombed or in prison. If it wasn't for his guilty heart, it would be the ancestral object. As for that, it wasn't the flesh of Hua girl, and he was sleeping in his arms. Therefore, there was no one to say that "he was moved by Lin Yan" Letter.

Xiaoguidao was tortured from his home country. He was forced to ask which enemy he knew and why he betrayed his country?

The Empire even has reason to suspect that xiaoguidao has retaliated because the empire is not good at cleaning up his brother's charges. This accurate and bizarre hijacking is xiaoguidao's self-defense. He is secretly preparing to resell the design for personal gain. Otherwise, when the explosion happens, why didn't he roll down the paddy field to escape? All the others were killed. It's obviously self directing and self acting.

The poor little turtle egg cried that the sky shouldn't cry and the earth didn't work. He cried that something was hidden in Xiangzi's hairpin, and the hairpin was robbed along with Xiangzi.

This statement was questioned again, because when the USB flash disk was hidden at that time, xiaoguidao ordered the driver to lower the baffle in advance, and another attendant sat with the driver in the co pilot's seat, which also blocked the view. Only xiaoguidao knew where the USB flash disk was hidden. This is another unproven case.

As for who cut off the design drawings, there are many doubters. After all, the new energy weapons developed by Tianzong this time are almost the eyes of all the famous forces in the world. This time, neon has participated in the bidding, not to mention many big men who are hidden in the dark and have not participated in the bidding.

All these forces are likely to cut off Hu.

Huaxia, who had no success in the new energy weapons trade, is of course in the position of No.1, the key suspect, because the giant has always been strong. This time, he suddenly knows the truth, which is not in line with human design.

However, the neon military has made many investigations and found that Jiang Fanglue and his subordinates of the Chinese secret service group stayed in their residence and did not go out at the time of the incident. Everyone in the hotel can testify that they did not have the time to commit the crime. During the investigation, they did not find any clues about Jiang Fanglue's other arrangements. Of course, they could not stop people from leaving neon.

No.2 is wasp.

Although poisonous bees are vicious, secretive and hard to guard against, they are non-governmental organizations after all. Compared with Huaxia, there is no need to worry so much about their investigation.

For this reason, neon, in the name of killing the four neon men by poisonous bees, secretly blocks and inquires about poisonous bees.

The poisonous bee originally offended Lin Yan by stealing chicken, but it could not eat rice. It also failed in the trade. It even lost the guy who ate. It would have to be mad to kill four people. Now it's suspected that it's eating black again. It's crazy!

However, the poisonous bee acted in a secret way. During the time when Xiangzi was robbed, she lost a lot because of the whip. She wanted to make up for it. She went to the Zhaoguo temple and stole the treasure of the temple, an ancient Golden Buddha, which was hidden in the underground palace!

Zhaoguo temple has a long history, and the underground palace is very secret. It is not inspected every day. The poisonous bee is very skillful and has not been found since it was stolen.

Of course, wasps can't admit stealing other people's national treasures. Then, their whereabouts during this period can't be perfectly explained. Therefore, they are raised as the most suspicious objects by neon.

The poisonous bee is detained by neon, but it can't find the USB flash disk from her all the time. The USB flash disk is very small and can't be found by any detector. Otherwise, Jiang Fanglue wouldn't have used such precious human feelings to exchange Lin Yan's help to determine where he will hide. The action plan is to be quick and fast. If he doesn't know where things are hidden, he can't find them now It's not going to work.

In the end, neon even sent a gynecologist to search the female secret of the wasp with a speculum, but still got nothing. She didn't dare to kill the crazy woman, so she had to change people to negotiate with her, hoping that she could return the design actively.

The wasp was so shamed that he was angry to death. He said that he had never seen the damn design before, and vowed that he would pay back his revenge with blood!

Neon Fang is hard to ride the tiger, and tries to interrogate the wasp with fatigue tactics.

After being forced to sleep for three days and three nights, the wasp finally went crazy. She used secret means to order her subordinates to assassinate an important member of the neon royal family.

The killer left a blood statement on the corpse, announcing that if neon doesn't release poisonous bees, the hive killer group will let the emperor's family exterminate in ten days!

The threat of beehive is not a joke. Neon is silly. The royal family first counseled him. They had to make a good apology and give him enough benefits to send off the wasp.

After the wasp regained her freedom, she killed the doctor who gave her a peeper to look for the USB flash disk, and killed the inquirer who used the headlight to shine on her and didn't let her sleep.Neon Fang finally realized what it is called "it's easy to ask God, but hard to send God". What's more, it invited a real "evil spirit + pestilence" complex, which could only secretly poke and comfort the victims, and sent people to apologize again and again, and finally sent the poisonous bee out of the country.

After the chicken flies the egg hits, neon's investigation thoroughly falls into the impasse!

And Lin Yan has successfully completed his mission.

Solomon and his party did not stop at Roy's manor. After Lin Yanfei left for neon, they returned to the manor in the headquarters of Y country. When Lin Yan returned, George arranged for him to fly back directly.

When he stepped out of the airport, George came to meet him personally. Seeing Lin Yan, he gave him a big hug: "Lin, you can bring back the money and give Huaxia a big favor. You can also break the tail needle of the wasp with your hand. It's really dark, cruel and cunning! Now we can rest assured! "

Lin Yan was full of black lines: "are you sure this is a compliment? And what can you rest assured of? "

George laughed: "to tell you the truth, I always think that you are too pedantic and not decisive and ruthless. You inherit Tianzong's career, and the brothers are afraid that you can't get along with it. This time, you'll win the title of thirty years ago. Of course, we can rest assured!"

Well, although it's still hard to hear, the fact is that although Solomon created a great career in the west, in the final analysis, it's still Chinese thinking. The foundation must be passed on to his blood children and grandchildren. He has only one daughter in his life, and she is naive and ignorant, so she can't inherit her career, so he has to rely on her son-in-law.

But as a member of Tianzong, it was Solomon who was loyal, trusted and worshipped from the beginning. No one would be convinced if he suddenly changed a boss and was a useless chicken. This time Lin Yan came out, it was a quick test. George's praise of every word was really praise, so Lin Yan didn't fight back.

On the car, soon out of the city, Y country highway is not speed limit, and the road traffic is scarce, George put Crazy Rock, the car to fly.

Lin Yan's mood at the moment is also suitable for flying himself. He enjoys exotic customs all the way, and soon sees a sea of blue flowers that can't be seen at a glance.

George said with a smile, "Lin, we're home!"

As the car slowed down and drove into the sea of flowers, Lin Yancai saw that on the edge of the sea of flowers, there was an arch made up of flower vines with the words "angel's paradise" on it. His heart softened and he felt Solomon's love for Xiaowei sincerely.

George suddenly whistled: "Yo Ho, your sweetheart is coming to pick you up!"

Lin Yan had been watching from the side window. He quickly turned to look ahead. Sure enough, he saw Xiaowei running towards him in a pink skirt with long hair. In the gorgeous sea of flowers, he was a beautiful flower fairy.

Lin Yan quickly called, "stop the car!"

George stopped the car. Lin Yanfei quickly jumped down and ran to Xiaowei, shouting: "baby, don't run, be careful if you fall, I'll come to you!"

The girl is smiling happily. Her beautiful face seems to be shining in the sun. Although she slows down, she is still running.

Fearing that she would fall, Lin Yan quickened her steps and ran to him. She jumped up with a smile, put her two long legs around his waist, put her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss.

Lin Yan was running. Before he could stand still, he was hit by her strength. The footwall was unstable, and he fell on his back to the lush lavender field.

The soft and thick flowers and plants became a cushion, but he didn't hurt. In his heart, the yearning for his lover was overflowing, and then he was hugged by her. He was in no hurry, and in the middle of the flower field, he was madly kissing her.

George drove slowly by. Seeing this scene, he whistled and drove back to the manor with a smile, leaving the couple lingering in the flower field.

After the passionate kiss, Xiaowei pouted and complained: "I'm a liar. I can't find you!"

Lin Yan's heart is melting, and he quickly compensates: "baby, I'm going to make money for you. It's not coming back!"

Xiaowei is still not happy, and says with red lips: "don't take me!"

Lin Yan loves her so much that she suddenly kisses her red lips and says with a smile, "my husband is responsible for making money to support the family, and my baby is responsible for being beautiful as flowers. How can I take you? I don't want to see a beautiful baby like flowers!"

This kind of sweet talk, even if it is a simple minded micro, is also pleased, small smile curved eyebrows, finally forget to be left behind for several days unhappy.

When Lin Yan coaxes his daughter-in-law and they embrace each other back to the manor, they face his father-in-law's sour black face.

The sea of flowers outside has satisfied the little girl's imagination of "Romance". The manor is more comfortable and spacious with complete facilities, suitable climate and beautiful as fairyland.

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