But Lin Yan was very confused. He didn't know about the anti smuggling business. Why did he have to be involved in it?

Li Yiran quickly gave Lin Yan the answer: "on this ship, there is a huge pendant pattern, which is exactly the one I gave you before. Even the obvious deformity of Jesus' legs are exactly the same, which is obviously directly related."

Li Yiran quickly gave Lin Yan the answer: "on this ship, there is a huge pendant pattern, which is exactly the one I gave you before. Even the obvious deformity of Jesus' legs is exactly the same, which is obviously directly related. Therefore, it requires you to come forward and solve this matter if possible. You don't have to worry too much if you can't do anything and there are anti smuggling team members to carry out the task. "

The crucifixion pattern is very common in western countries. There are a large number of people who believe in Christianity. It is not surprising that many countries believe in it.

But on the pendant of Zeus, Jesus has no legs. Jesus' legs are incomplete from his knees, only the central pillar of the cross. It is obvious that Toby fictitious himself as Jesus. His legs are put into the meat grinder by his mother, and the characters on the pendant have no legs.

Lin Yan has never seen a real super tanker, but he has seen pictures and TV pictures. He knows that the deck of such a giant is very flat, and there are almost no other things standing on the deck except the cockpit. He usually prints a very conspicuous logo to facilitate the identification of different companies. If this logo is a lame Jesus, it must be hells ang of Zeus ELS!

As a child, Li Yiran systematically studied secret service skills. He was not only good at hypnosis, but also good at micro expression discrimination. Seeing Lin Yan's deep eyes and solemn expression, he understood that he had figured out the key to the task, that he was meditating, and that he would not interrupt any more.

Lin Yan suddenly raised his head, did not discuss with Li Yiran at all, then decisively pressed the call button with the driver, and the driver's voice came: "sir?"

"I'll be right back. I need two assistants!"

After Li Yiran's silly eyes, he was in a hurry and cried: "Sir, the oil tanker has been surrounded by the anti smuggling team. Every minute and every second may explode. What we should do is not we rush to resolve the crisis?

I am fully cooperating with your assistant in this trip. Even if there are some disagreements between you and me, it is also a personal problem. Some of them are time coordination and task completion. Even if I kneel down and kowtow to you, I can't afford to delay now. What assistant do you want to take over? "

Lin Yan said coldly and sternly: "Li Yiran, you talk too much! What is paragraph 3 of Article 1 of the secret service regulations? "

Li Yiran hastened to reply: "it is not allowed to violate the orders of the higher authorities!"

Lin Yan no longer paid attention to him, and decisively ordered the driver: "turn back!"

The pilot just heard the conversation between Lin Yan and Li Yiran. How dare he grin? He replied neatly: "yes, sir!"

On the way back from the plane, Lin Yan took out the oval instrument and soon found the contact method. After dialing, the voice of cat's milk came out at the second speed over there. It was strange as if she was sobbing with joy: "under the crown, do you think of us?"

Lin Yan had no choice but to the two beast girls. He said, "I order you two to get to the roof of my house as soon as possible. Now tell me how long it will take to get there?"

The cat girl put away her joy and said clearly, "under the crown, we will arrive in three minutes."


After closing the contact, Lin Yancai realized a problem. These two girls must be squatting near his home, and they knew that he was picked up by the helicopter and left them behind. Maybe they were upset. How can they keep up with him? They can't get to the rooftop in three minutes.

In fact, Lin Yan's guess is right. The second daughter of leopard cat follows Lin Yan secretly. They are used to the secret guard and know how to hide themselves best. Lin Yan doesn't notice.

When a helicopter appeared on the rooftop of Lin Yan's house, the two girls were on high alert. However, they were still a little late. They watched the master slowly rise by the rope ladder and disappear into the cabin. They cried at that time.

As soon as they ran downstairs to try to catch up, the communication under the crown came. Of course, the cat girl cried with joy. They ran to the roof again quickly. After a while, the plane flew over and connected them with a rope ladder.

Then, Li Yiran watched two goblins come up, one left and the other right, pounce on Lin Yan. He wanted to stick to him. Lin Yan couldn't pull them down.

Li Yiran's lungs are going to explode!

Nima, is this a mission? Or such a major crisis, this guy did not forget to bring two goblins, such a person, I really do not know where my grandfather and dad like him!

Lin Yan's heart became more stable when he connected the people. He had to rely on the two girls to pick up the main beam, so he was quite tolerant of them. At least, if he couldn't pull them down, he connived at them. In that way, he hung one on his left arm and another on his right arm. Thanks to the spacious seat, otherwise, the two goblins would sit on his lap.

Li Yiran even used his energy to eat milk, and finally restrained his power to blow up the Huaxin radish. He was so angry that he couldn't even say a word. Once he got out, it must be full of gunpowder. Then he joined up with the slag man and had to be cleaned up when he went home.Fortunately, after a certain stage, at most only two minutes later, Lin Yan stopped conniving and said very seriously, "I ask you, does the industry in Hells Angels have the habit of hurting the pattern of the Redeemer pendant?"

Leopard girl hesitantly glances at Li Yiran, and then looks back at Lin Yan hesitantly. She wants to stop talking. Obviously, she thinks that it's inappropriate to talk about this top secret thing in front of outsiders.

Lin Yan said decisively: "don't avoid her. Like you, she serves me, but she doesn't belong to the same camp with you. There's no doubt about her loyalty."

Leopard girl accepted this explanation very quickly, and threw a cold smile at Li Yiran: "we are all the same little servant girls, and we will take care of each other more in the future". But she didn't know that Li Yiran was very angry!

God's fuckin 'service for you, the devil's loyalty to you, you'll put money on your face. When the task is over, I'll never force you to finish!

Who knows next, that cow is as strong (the woman in the woman's eyes is really with colored glasses!) "Yes, under the crown, as long as the logo on the logo is exactly the same as the Redeemer pendant, that's the industry of Hells Angels," he said

Li Yiran was shocked again. What is it? But they're called the "big Angel Gang" and they're from the same "big Angel Gang"???!!!

Is this bastard not only the son-in-law of Tianzong, who can accept Solomon's property in the future, but also the dark world gangs respect him as their master?

But how could it be?

This bastard is so bloody that he doesn't have the courage to fight decisively. Even the shameless women are distressed. How can such a person be regarded as the master by those murderous demons?

Li Yiran's vision was too direct, and the disbelief and contempt in her eyes were not covered. Finally, she successfully attracted the attention of the leopard girl. When she recognized her master, she was determined to see someone disrespectful. She grinned and said, "Hey, are you unconvinced? Shall we have another round? On the high-speed railway, we had a fight

Li Yiran suddenly realized that it was the goblin who tried to steal her things on the train! They had a fight, but it was a leopard girl in disguise, which was different from what she looks like now. However, Li Yiran understood that this woman's method was extraordinary, but the place was not suitable. She was afraid that she could not hit the target and hide quickly. If she competed face to face, she might not win.

Thinking about this, Li Yiran was more and more angry with Lin yanneng. Even though he forbeared and forbeared, he asked angrily: "Sir, you just talked to these two demons What is Hells Angels that the lady mentioned? Is that the smuggler in their gang? "

Lin Yan's aversion to Li Yiran is the aversion of FA Zi's heart, which is also related to their different ideas. Li Yiran's tenet since childhood is that it is the most important to achieve the goal. Therefore, she is used to using the easiest means she thinks to achieve the goal.

Lin Yan is different. He respects human rights, respects other people's privacy, and understands other people's pain, especially the pain that everyone deliberately wants to hide or forget. Li Yiran repeatedly uses hypnosis to steal privacy, and all of them are carried out in the case of non essential sex. This is his behavior that he extremely dislikes.

Now, listen to Li Yiran's scornful tone to describe the two women and Hells Angels. Although Lin Yan doesn't agree with the gang, it's also a miracle created by Zeus. If Li Yiran didn't have a good baby, she can only be regarded as a scum in front of Zeus' intelligence. What's her qualification to despise others and play with others' career "Yier".

Ignoring Li Yiran's censure, Lin Yan lowered his voice and asked the two women about the smuggling of oil tankers. They were really owned by Hells Angels. In addition to confirming the ownership of the oil tankers, the two women also provided a powerful information that the oil tankers did enter China. However, the person who received the goods was not an ordinary person, but a business giant who would not appear at seven o'clock on TV Break!

That man, Lin Yan, is also like a thunderbolt. Although he is a businessman, he has extraordinary social relations. His ocean shipping company's tentacles affect dozens of industries. It can be described as: "as long as he can make money, there is no ocean shipping company that doesn't do it."

Those old people once described the rich history of ocean boss, saying that he developed faster than robbing the bank. It can be imagined that this man's ability and relationship.

It's Lin Yan's turn to blow up his lungs. However, Haitang, who can't hear what they are talking about, is even more angry. She vowed that she would completely and overwhelmingly subdue Lin Yan once to save this kind of cowardice.

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