Medical Sovereign

One thousand one hundred and two jackal min

"I won't stay in the ninth collar. It's useless to ask for this. Arrange for me to go to the eighth collar as quickly as possible to continue the challenge!"

Ding Ning played with the token, threw it back, and said calmly.

Niu Jun looked up at him in astonishment, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "This...this is against the rules!"

"Why is it against the rules?"

Ding Ning narrowed his eyes and said impatiently.

"After you leave, the Ninth Territory will have no lord. According to the rules, only after you designate a successor lord can you continue to challenge the Eighth Territory."

Niu Jun said a little speechlessly.

"So that's how it is."

Ding Ning suddenly said, he thought that a lord must be challenged to be born, but it turns out that he can be appointed, and that's easy.

Immediately said indifferently: "Your name is Niu Jun, right?"

"Yes, my lord!"

Niu Jun bowed his head respectfully.

"Okay, from now on you will be the lord of the Ninth Lord, that's fine!"

Ding Ning said casually.


Niu Jun trembled all over, almost crying out of fright, he shook his head repeatedly and said, " way."

Ding Ning frowned, "Why not? Isn't it just the lord's appointment?"

"It's fine if you designate it, but the problem is, I haven't lived enough. As a lord, don't you want me to die?"

Niu Jun is quite self-aware. If he becomes a lord, he will be challenged and killed in a few minutes!

"It's not that troublesome, if someone challenges you, just admit defeat."

Ding Ning said impatiently.

"Ah, yes, why didn't I think of that."

Niu Jun suddenly turned from surprise to joy, and smirked excitedly: "Hey, even if it's only for three days, I, Niu Jun, have been a lord before. Those guys in the clan should not be envious."

"Okay, stop smirking, and arrange to send me to the eighth collar!"

Ding Ning knew that there was a single teleportation array between each collar,

Only the lord has the right to use it, and send those monster races who have successfully broken through to the eighth leader.

"Yes, my lord, you come with me. Before you leave, you need to register and go through a procedure. After all, you are the lord now!"

Niu Junxi smiled. Although he was the lord he picked up, he was also a lord, and he was enough to brag to the clan members for a lifetime.

Although the application to challenge the lord cannot be rejected according to the regulations, it is impossible for the lord to accept the challenge continuously. After each challenge is over, the lord has a three-day challenge healing period. During these three days, the challenge application can be rejected, so Niu Juncai said happily that he could be the lord for three days.

Of course, if you are lucky and no one comes to challenge you, you may be able to stay in the position of the lord for a while longer.

After Niu Jun completed the formalities for the transition of the lord, and signed an agreement to designate the lord, Ding Ning took his ID card and entered the teleportation array in the lord's mansion. After a space fluctuation, he appeared in the eighth collar!

The eighth collar is not much different from the ninth collar except that its aura is stronger. Ding Ning didn't want to waste time here, so he rushed to the lord's mansion to submit the challenge application without stopping.

The lord of the Eighth Territory is Diao Kui, a strong man of the Golden Eagle clan from the Yiren camp. After seeing Ding Ning's challenge application, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Are you from the Winged Human Race? Why haven't I seen you?"

Diao Kui looked at Ding Ning curiously and asked.

"Uh, I have never been in the Winged Human Race, I am from the Great Wilderness."

Ding Ning talked nonsense.

"Oh, that's it. No wonder you challenged me. It seems that you don't understand the current situation."

Diao Kui saw Ding Ning's identity from his identity certificate.

With his record, he was able to kill Han Tie in an instant. He reckoned that he was not an opponent either, so he could only see what Ding Ning meant. If he insisted on challenging, he could only fight.

"What situation?"

Ding Ning had just left the customs, his eyes were darkened, how could he know the current situation, and asked with a confused face.

Diao Kui narrated the current situation in detail, and Ding Ning suddenly realized that his feelings were half of his own, and he was embarrassed to insist on doing something.

This made him embarrassed, frowned and said: "I plan to use the fastest speed to go to Wan Yao City, is there any way?"

"Yes, there are two ways. One is to break through the level normally, which takes more time. The other is that I accept your challenge application, and then I admit defeat directly, and you designate me as the lord."

Diao Kui really didn't have the intention to do anything, after all, they were all in the same camp, so fighting back and forth was meaningless.

"Okay, then I will wrong you, I will choose the second option."

Ding Ning was overjoyed when he heard the words, it would be better if he didn't do anything.

Therefore, Diao Kui went through the lord formalities directly, and Ding Ning took his identity certificate and sent it directly to the seventh leader.

Before leaving, Diao Kui told him to be careful when he arrived at the seventh collar. The lord of the seventh collar, Jack Min, is a jackal strongman from the four major families. The owner's address, said that after defeating Jackal Min, you can designate this strong man from the winged human camp to be the lord.

Ding Ning felt his kindness, on the surface it should be, but in his heart he didn't think so. In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is scum and vulnerable, but there is a designated successor for the lord, and he can be missing a lot Trouble, I immediately agreed.

Jackals are similar in appearance to wolves, but smaller than wolves, and have a cruel and ruthless personality. Jackal Min has completely inherited the genes of the jackal clan, and a pair of dark eyes make people look like a man with a deep heart.

After seeing Ding Ning's personal information and identity certificate, Jack Min's pupils shrank imperceptibly. It is definitely not easy to kill Han Tie and defeat Diao Kui's opponent.

But unfortunately, it has been three days since he accepted the challenge last time, even if he was reluctant, he could not refuse.

After pondering for a moment, Jacky Min decided to save Ding Ning's life at all costs. If such a genius is allowed to grow, he will definitely pose a threat to the four major families.

Therefore, Jack Min did not immediately agree to the challenge application, but asked Ding Ning to enter the city lord's mansion for tea, and ambushed a group of strong men to attack him and kill him in the mansion. The Challenger plays a game.

"Come on, Brother Peng, please sit down and have a cup of tea first!"

Seeing Ding Ning's arrival, Jack Min invited him to a seat with a smile on his face, and even offered him tea, with an extremely enthusiastic look.

Since Ding Ning is now a false identity of the Wing Human Clan, he also reported a false name, named Peng Tianning, so Jack Min called him Brother Peng.

Ding Ning picked up the teacup, squinted his eyes, and showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. The weasel wished the chicken a New Year, uneasy and kind, if Diao Kui hadn't specially reminded him, he might have been fooled by his carelessness.

This bastard actually put poison in the tea, but it's a pity who Ding Ning was, he was already on guard, when he sniffed the tea carefully, he found that it had added ingredients.

Coupled with his strong spiritual sense, he had already seen that there were no less than fifty people ambushing here. Since this jackal min was so unruly, he didn't bother to pretend to be a snake with him.

He flashed in front of Jackal Min like a ghost, grabbed his neck, and said with a sneer, "You're too young to play tricks with me."

"You... what are you going to do? I kindly invite you to drink tea, how can you be like this..."

Jackal Min was shocked, he didn't expect Ding Ning's speed to be so terrifying, he fell into the opponent's hands before he could even react, he shouted sternly, he was actually calling for an ambush.

" kindly

, Hehe, then I thank you, you can enjoy it! "

Ding Ning pinched his mouth and poured the tea directly into his mouth.

"Presumptuous, stop!"

"Boldly, let go of the lord!"


Fifty ambush soldiers rushed in and shouted at Ding Ning.

"Cough cough cough!"

After being fed the poisoned tea, Jack Min's face changed drastically, and he desperately clasped his throat, trying to spit out the poisoned tea, but Ding Ning slapped him on the chin, sealed his mouth, and let him I can't even open my mouth.

Ding Ning turned his head to look at the fifty ambush soldiers, and seeing that they were all wearing uniform uniforms, they were obviously the private soldiers of the jackal clan, so he immediately stopped being polite, and shouted: "I will challenge the lord according to the rules, this despicable little jackal min People actually poisoned me and ambushed people to kill me, if that's the case, you all go to die!"

His voice was not loud, but his penetrating power was extremely strong, and the entire seventh leader could hear it clearly, attracting the attention of thousands of people, who rushed to the city lord's mansion one after another, and the guards of the seventh leader broke in, vigilant Look at the opposing sides.

"Don't talk nonsense, you were obviously the one who lost to the lord and wanted to kill the lord with poison, but now you're still calling out to catch the thief and beat him up."

The organic jackal warrior roared hoarsely, but although his cultivation base was not low, he couldn't pass it out of the lord's mansion because he didn't understand the power of sound waves and his spiritual consciousness was not high.

"Hehe, it's ridiculous. I came here to apply for a challenge, but Jack Min pretended to invite me in for tea, and even asked you to lie in ambush here, ready to kill me. The guards are so close, and they didn't hear anything. , How did you appear here, who is telling the truth and who is telling the truth, everyone knows at a glance."

Ding Ning looked at the other party with a sneer and said, he knew that Jack Min did such a despicable thing, and he would never tell those guards and leading guards. The monster clan respects the strong, and the guy who looks down on the most is the guy who plays insidious tricks. Deliberately making things big, ruining Jackal Min's reputation, and beheading them all.

"Nonsense, if the lord poisoned you, why is he poisoned now and not you? It's clear that you have evil intentions, but now you come here to spray people with blood."

Seeing the disdainful expressions of those guards, the jackal warriors panicked and argued forcefully.

"My intentions are wrong? Hahaha, it's ridiculous, you guys are worthy of my intentions?"

Ding Ning let out a long laugh, and said proudly: "You are a bunch of chickens and dogs in front of me. If I can kill you directly, do I need to use tricks?"

"Arrogance, since you want to die, don't blame us for being rude."

The jackal warriors were immediately overjoyed. They wished that Ding Ning would do it directly. As long as they killed him, they would not let them make up the truth of the matter.

"Go to hell, dare to poison and murder the lord."

A jackal warrior was the first to slash at Ding Ning viciously, not forgetting to accuse Ding Ning of his crimes.

"Native chicken tile dog, vulnerable!"

Ding Ning said calmly, appearing like a ghost in the encirclement of jackal warriors, and used the mass extermination technique he had just created for the first time.

A gigantic golden elephant suddenly appeared, Yang Tian let out a roar, and then stomped hard, a terrifying invisible shock wave centered on Ding Ning like a nuclear bomb exploded, rushing towards all directions with a destructive aura.

There were shrill screams one after another, and the fifty Jackal warriors plus Jackal Min were all vaporized in this terrifying air wave and turned into ashes.


The entire reception hall of the Lord's Mansion vibrated violently, as if it had been bombed and collapsed, and instantly became ruins. The hard green stone on the ground had dense cracks like spider webs, and a huge deep pit appeared.

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