Medical Sovereign

One thousand one hundred and five angry Ao Hong

"What? Didn't you just want me to teach him a lesson for you?"

Ding Ning looked at her amusedly and asked.

"No, just in case, I mean just in case, if something happens to you, the ancestors will scold me to death."

Peng Tianyu's eyes flickered, and he said with a guilty conscience.

Ding Ning's head was full of black lines, thinking that this girl's conscience had found out, and her feelings were because she was afraid of being scolded by her family, so she said with a displeased face: "Are you so unconfident in me?"

"It's not that I don't have confidence. After all, Ao Hong is really powerful. He is a strong man in the late stage of the Demon King. In addition to his powerful combat power, he is absolutely invincible in the same realm. He also has the strength to leapfrog the battle. Before the Peacock Clan A peak demon king challenged him, and he beat him to death with a few punches, roasted and ate him on the spot."

Peng Tianjie thought of the Peacock Demon King Peak, and couldn't help sighing: "Although that Peacock Demon King Peak was severely injured in his early years and no longer had the strength of a real Demon King Peak, he is still a Demon King Peak after all. who."

Ding Ning frowned. Not only did he not have any fear, but his fighting spirit became more and more high. He sneered and said, "That's fine. I'll treat you to barbecue when I come back. I don't know if the impure Qingjiao blood tastes right or not."

Peng Tianjie blinked her big eyes and looked at him suspiciously: "You still said that you are not Ding Ning, the more you look at you, the more you look like you."

"Does it matter?"

Ding Ning said disapprovingly, he changed his name and surname just to be able to enter Wan Yao City quickly, and now that someone has already picked him up, he doesn't care if it will be exposed.

"Are you really Ding Ning?"

Peng Tianjie's eyes lit up, and she asked excitedly.

"You say yes!"

Ding Ning didn't bother to explain and said casually.

Peng Tianjie stared at him with sparkling eyes, and was about to say something excitedly, when the leader of the fifth collar finished the formalities and walked over, interrupting her question.

In the fourth collar, Peng Tianjie took advantage of the lord to go through the formalities, her beautiful eyes shone with admiration, and asked enthusiastically, "Where did you go this year? Why did you suddenly disappear? Also, they all said you were Ancestor Yihuang is resurrected? Is it true?"

"The Winged Emperor is resurrected?"

Ding Ning was dumbfounded, and said dumbfoundedly: "Who said this? How is it possible?"

"I don't think it's possible either.

But at that time, my eldest brother and I were not far from that valley. We saw the golden-winged roc manifest with our own eyes. It was a vision that only appeared when the blood concentration reached a certain level. My winged human race has only the blood of the ancestor of the winged emperor for so many years. Concentration can manifest Jinpeng's true body, so everyone thinks that you are the ancestor of the Wing Emperor who failed to resurrect. "


Ding Ning suddenly came to a sudden, and casually said: "I don't understand what happened, the inexplicable blood returned to my ancestors, and then I fell into a coma, and it has been a year since I woke up."

Peng Tianjie curled her lips, she didn't believe Ding Ning's words at all, but Ding Ning didn't tell her she couldn't help it, she could only play around, trying to trick him.

But who is Ding Ning, even the shrewd female policewoman Hua Xiaonuo can't get the words out of his mouth now, so how could she be tricked by this little girl like Peng Tianjie? Huhu, I don't know which of his sentences are true and which are false.

In front of the teleportation formation of the third lord's mansion, Peng Tianjie pouted angrily, not wanting to talk to the bad guy Ding Ning.

Ding Ning ignored her, and looked at the group of people walking towards him with a half-smile.

This group of people are all from the four major family camps, surrounded by the upstart Ao Hong of the Qingjiao clan, staring lewdly at Peng Tianjie and ignoring Ding Ning.

They will not blatantly violate the rules, but they have made up their minds to humiliate Peng Tianjie. If she can be motivated to take the initiative, it will be more perfect.

"Ao Hong, what are you doing?"

Although Peng Tianjie knew that Ao Hong didn't dare to violate the rules, but seeing their squinting eyes, she panicked for a while, subconsciously hid behind Ding Ning, and shouted sternly.

"What can I do? The little princess of the Winged Human Race passed by my third leader, and I, Ao Hong, naturally want to show my friendship as a landlord!"

On the outside, Ao Hong looks like a young man in his twenties, and his appearance can be regarded as correct, but he has a pair of peach blossom eyes full of evil spirits, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"You don't need to be hypocritical, hurry up and get out of the way, we still have something to do, don't waste our time!"

Peng Tianjie glanced at him in disgust, and shouted without pretense.

"Holy Fairy, are you not giving our King Hong face?"

A dog leg next to Ao Hong said in a strange way.

"It's ridiculous. In front of our King Hong, all the three men and four beauties are bullshit. Obediently accompany us to have a drink with King Hong, and we will naturally let him go."

"King Hong is willing to let you drink with him because he thinks highly of you. In the eyes of outsiders, you are the little princess of the Winged Human Clan. In the eyes of our King Hong, you are just a beauty."

"Serve our King Hong obediently, and when your Yiren clan is wiped out, maybe King Hong will save your life based on this kindness."

"Don't be ignorant of what's good and what's wrong, and be happy with us, King Hong. King Hong will never treat you badly."


While humiliating Peng Tianjie unscrupulously, a group of scoundrels did not forget to flatter and flatter Ao Hong. Everyone knew that Ao Hong was about to rise. With his strength, even the next patriarch of the Qingjiao Clan would not be invincible. Don't wait until now to get closer.

Ao Hong grew up in the eyes of cynicism and sarcasm, with extremely low self-esteem, but once he rose to the top, he especially liked to listen to the flattery of others. The look of pride and pride betrayed his mood.

"You... a bunch of bastards, get out of the way!"

Peng Tianjie had never heard such foul language before, her face flushed with anger, tears were about to come down, and she cursed angrily.

"What? Don't give me face, but I sincerely buy you a drink."

Ao Hong's face darkened, his eyes gleamed with lust, his greedy eyes fell on Peng Tianjie's chest that was heaving sharply due to anger, and he spat out the disgusting scarlet snake letter.

"I heard that the lord of the third collar is a bastard born from the intercourse between that old man, King Qingjiao, and a monster snake. Who is King Hong? Could it be that bastard snake?"

Ding Ning looked calm, but stepped forward to block Peng Tianjie behind him, and said slowly.

The scene immediately fell into deathly silence, everyone opened their mouths wide, and looked at this lifeless young man in disbelief, with a look of pity in their eyes, as if they had seen him being torn into pieces by the furious Ao Hong. Fragmented scene.

Who doesn't know that although Ao Hong is proud of himself now, his family background has always been the biggest thorn in his heart. No one dares to mention this biggest taboo in front of him, but now, this young man has said it openly. In front of Ao Hong, this is not seeking death.


Ao Hong's breathing was extremely heavy, his eyes were already bloodshot, his eyes staring at Ding Ning were full of undisguised murderous intent, the terrifying coercion was overwhelming, and the frightened group of dog legs backed away again and again, fearing that they would encounter Chiyu disaster.

Once Ao Hong gets angry, his relatives will not recognize him. If he can't let him vent his anger by killing this outspoken young man, then someone will be in trouble.

"What are you looking at? Just say you, bastard, are you very angry? Come, come and kill me?"

Ding Ning hooked his fingers at Ao Hong provocatively without fear. If he challenges him according to the rules, he can only

Killed Ao Hong, but if Ao Hong took the initiative, it would be different. He wiped out the third leader, and no one could say anything.

"Okay, very good, you have successfully angered me, since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Ao Hong is not a fool either, so he didn't know that Ding Ning was deliberately provoking him, but so what?

If he dared to provoke him, he would have to bear his thunderous anger. At worst, he would not be the lord of the third lord, since he had no ambitions to do so anyway.

Seizing the third leader is just a platform for him to show his strength to gain the approval of his clansmen. Now that he has got what he wants, even if he breaks the rules and is not a lord, no one dares to underestimate him.

Therefore, Ao Hong made a move without hesitation. Although Ding Ning dared to provoke him, he must have two brushes, but he has absolute confidence. One punch is enough to blast this ignorant boy into scum.

"That kid is finished, he really doesn't know how to live or die."

"Looking at his frightened look, I really don't understand where he got the courage to challenge King Hong."

"Hey! Poor, at such a young age, he is about to become a stepping stone for King Hong's rise."

"Hehe, this is probably ignorance and fearlessness. King Hong is a peerless arrogance, who dares to compete with him!"

"Hitting a pebble against a rock, I bet this kid can't even catch Hong Wang's punch!"

"Nonsense, it goes without saying that even if King Hong didn't use all his strength, that kid wouldn't be able to catch it."


Seeing Ding Ning standing there dumbfounded as if frightened, a group of dogs couldn't help but started to flirt, but the next moment, everyone was like an old female duck being strangled, and the voice of discussion was abrupt. Stopped, the eyeballs almost didn't fall off, and I felt my face was burning hot.


Just when Ao Hong's fist was about to hit Ding Ning's face, Ding Ning casually punched Ding Ning to meet him. The terrifying air surged, and Ao Hong was shocked to take three steps back, leaving behind a line on the solid Qinggang rock. Footprints half an inch deep.

"What kind of bullshit Hong Wang, really vulnerable, is it just this little strength? Come on, use all your milking energy!"

Ding Ning stood still on the spot, frowned, and shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect me to miss it. It's interesting. It can block 30% of my strength. It's worth fighting for me."

Ao Hong was dazzled by anger before, but now he found that Ding Ning was stronger than him, so he calmed down immediately, and smiled angrily.

"Thirty percent strength? I only used 10 percent. Hey, I thought it was a strong opponent. I didn't expect it to be so good. It really disappoints me!"

Ding Ning shook his head with disappointment and sighed, how irritating that pretentious look is.

vegetable? If Ao Hong is a dish, there will be no one in the entire Ten Thousand Monsters who is not a dish.

The dog legs are all dumbfounded, this master is really, dare to say anything big!

"Okay, okay, I wanted to punch you to death, but with your broken mouth, I decided to kill you slowly. If I don't kill you for three days and three nights, I won't be called Ao Hong!"

Ao Hong said with gloomy eyes full of viciousness.

People with low self-esteem are very sensitive. Since his debut, he has always been unfavorable, so that those who used to sneer at him have changed their attitudes, and they are flattering him respectfully.

He really likes the feeling of the stars holding the moon, which makes him appear to be the protagonist of this era, but he didn't expect that Ding Ning blocked the first punch, and made him take three steps back and fell into a disadvantage.

This greatly stimulated his sensitive and fragile heart. He felt that those people behind him were pointing fingers at him, which made him angry. If he did not torture Ding Ning to death bit by bit, he would not be able to relieve the hatred in his heart. .

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