Medical Sovereign

One thousand one hundred and ten is still in the set

Peng Tianjie stared blankly at his handsome profile, panicked for no reason.

The beautiful eyes flickered slightly, where did this guy get his confidence and confidence? Can he win the position of Dadu in the hands of a group of demon king peak powerhouses?

No, it's impossible, he was being blindly arrogant, and when he was ashamed, Peng Tianjie comforted herself, but the sense of uneasiness in her heart became stronger and stronger, which made her inexplicably flustered, and faintly felt a trace of regret.

She thought that what Ding Ning showed when he killed Ao Hong was his strongest strength. How could he know that from the beginning to the end, Ding Ning only regarded Ao Hong as a rival to hone his martial arts, and didn't use all his strength at all. If he really wanted to kill him, One move is enough!

He only showed the tip of the iceberg with the mass destruction technique, and this is where his real confidence lies.

Facts have proved that the mass killing technique has not really been perfected. At least the brutal collision lethality of individual combat is far lower than his expectations. On the contrary, the trampling of wars suitable for group attacks exceeded his expectations, showing terrible lethality force.

This made Ding Ning realize that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the barbaric collision, but he has not found the key to it. Therefore, the battle for the great unity is regarded by him as another whetstone, which is just used to hone and perfect his skills. combat skills.

If Peng Tianjie knew that he just regarded the struggle for the great capital as a challenge, he might even regret it.

"Since everyone thinks that way, let's take a rest tonight, and tomorrow morning, we will compete for the candidate for Dadu in the Martial Arts Field."

The ancestor of the Yiren has the highest cultivation level and is of royal blood. Although the various clans are only alliances, they are undoubtedly the core figures of the Yiren camp. Once a decision is made, no one will object.

That night, everyone went back to their residences to rest, recharge their batteries and wait for tomorrow's battle for the Dadu unification.

Peng Tianjie finally got rid of Ding Ning's clutches, gave Ding Ning a demonstrative look, and went back to her room.

On the contrary, Peng Tianao and Ding Ning were extremely angry. They not only invited him to drink and eat, but also explained to him in detail the recent form and what Dadutong is, reminding him that if he loses tomorrow, he will immediately admit defeat and don't try to be brave.

Swords and guns have no eyes, and the Yaozu has always been brutal and brutal. Even if they are of the same camp, they will die if they shoot real fire.

The so-called Dadutong is the leader and commander elected by the coalition forces of all ethnic groups. Comprehensive qualities such as strength, prestige, and leadership in combat are indispensable.

All the major races of the coalition have peak demon kings who sit here, but even the same peak demon kings have their strengths and weaknesses.

According to the agreement of the two camps, the top powerhouses like the Yiren Patriarch who reached the peak of the Demon King and took half a step towards the Demon King Realm cannot be easily attacked.

Peng Tianao is also the peak of the demon king, but he is just a strong man who has just entered the peak. However, because of his invincible combat power in the same realm, he is also listed as a top strong man in this war, and he cannot take part in the war at will.

There are still six such top powerhouses in the Wing Terran camp. A total of eight top powerhouses have established an alliance council as the highest decision-making level to lead the battle situation, and Da Dutong is the first person under the alliance council. All specific things below the council.

Peng Tianao was depressed, and lamented melancholy that the Yi-Human Race is now walking on thin ice. Regardless of the fact that the various tribes seem to obey the Yi-Human Race on the surface, in fact, they each have their own little calculations, and they all want to hold the military power in their hands. So it's been a year since the war started, and the candidate for Dadutong has never been determined.

The Alliance Council has discussed countless times,

But they all have their own selfish intentions, and want to let their clansmen get the position of the metropolis. Every time they hold a meeting, they will blush and have thick necks, and finally break up unhappy.


Since the human race has two speakers, there is no suitable candidate at the level of the peak of the demon king. In addition, all races participated in the war under the banner of helping the winged human race to defeat the four major families. Therefore, most of the candidates for the same position It's not easy for the Winged Human Race to express their preference.

But do the Winged Human Race want to take the position of Metropolitan Commander? The answer is yes.

Of the eight speaker seats, the Wing Human Race only got two seats. Although the Great Speaker of the Wing Human Race, the ancestor of the Wing Human Race, has a veto power, it is not easy to use this right. It can only be discussed with other speakers. Once there are more than four With the cooperation of several speakers, the Winged Human Race will not have absolute dominance in the resolution of major matters.

Under such circumstances, the position of the Dadutong is particularly important. Whichever family obtains the position of the Dadutong can increase the right of that clan to speak in the alliance parliament. After all, the Dadutong is also a member of the parliament and has the right to vote.

Therefore, the appearance of Ding Ning can be regarded as adding a glimmer of hope to the Wing Human Race to compete for the position of the Metropolitan Commander. If he can win the championship, then the Wing Human Race will have a greater voice and can completely dominate the direction of this war, because the Ghost Leopard and Medusa The whole family is unswervingly standing on the side of the winged people.

If the Winged Human Race can win the position of Dadutong, plus the two votes of these two races, the five votes will exceed half, even if the remaining four join forces, it will not be able to affect the overall situation.

Ding Ning shook his head secretly when he heard this, the confrontation between the two armies is either you or me, and they have created such a complicated parliament to fight for power and profit, and even their own internal opinions are not unified, so it is strange that they can win the battle.

Numerous wars in the history of the earth have shown that any war only needs an absolute voice to achieve strategic intentions. If people with some power come to point fingers and command indiscriminately, it will be chaotic, and it is absolutely impossible to win the final victory.

Peng Tianao seemed to see his disdain, and explained with a wry smile, it's not that the Winged Humans don't know the disadvantages, but given the current situation, it's pretty good for these groups to stand up and support the Winged Humans. To show their sense of existence, the Wing Human Race has to give it, otherwise, who is willing to support the Wing Human Race.

So this time Peng Tianjie pushed Ding Ning out, which seemed a bit unreliable and playful, but for the Yiren tribe, it was a hope to control the situation, so the ancestors of the Yiren would strongly support it.

Of course, the ancestors of the Yiren, including Peng Tianao, didn't place too much hope on Ding Ning, they just let him experience it.

Winning is of course a surprise, but losing is nothing. Instead, it can take the opportunity to display the prestige of the Winged Human Race, and let those races who are still waiting to see that the young generation of the Winged Human Race are all arrogant figures, young It is easy to compete with the peak powerhouse of the demon king, and once the final victory is won, no one in the winged human race will dare to humiliate.

Therefore, when Peng Tianao came to chat with Ding Ning, he was not trying to put pressure on him, but worried that he would be young and vigorous. He would die for the sake of face, and eventually lost his life. After all, he was a member of the young generation of the winged people. The most outstanding one, the Winged Human Race is absolutely unwilling to watch Ding Ning die in internal friction.

Even though Ding Ning didn't have any sense of belonging to the Winged Human Race, Peng Tianao's sincere concern still made him feel warm, much stronger than Peng Tianjie, a black-bellied girl who was always calculating.

He thought that signing the contract with Peng Tianjie this time was a big advantage for him, and he was still complacent, but now he realized that he had finally fallen into that ghost girl's trap.

That girl has a good plan. If Ding Ning fails to grab the position of the Metropolitan Commander, although she may not die, she will definitely lose face, and even be taught a lesson by those old guys, achieving her goal of revenge on Ding Ning ; If Ding Ning wins the first prize and wins the position of the Metropolitan Commander, not to mention adding a parliamentary seat to the Winged Human Race, what else?

Hold the military power firmly in your hands.

At that time, Ding Ning will become the mainstay of the Winged Human Race, even if Peng Tianjie marries him, she will not suffer any disadvantages, and exchanging her personal happiness for the living space of the entire Winged Human Race is a good deal.

After all, this war is different from the past, and it is related to the life and death of the entire Winged Human Race. It can be said that the Winged Human Race has no retreat and can only win but not lose.

If you win, don't mention anything, but if you lose, those races that participated in the war may not be wiped out, but the Wing Human Race will definitely be ruthlessly exterminated by the four major families, and they will never be given a chance to revive again. I believe that the four major families are now Already regretting that he didn't take a ruthless hand to wipe out the Winged Human Race, otherwise, how could the current situation be formed?

At the moment of defeat, Peng Tianjie, even a pure and pure saint, could not save the tragic fate of ethnic group extinction, so no matter how she looked at it this time, she was not losing money.

The only thing that Peng Tianjie didn't expect was that Ding Ning didn't plan to marry her at all, but asked her to sleep with her in an almost humiliating contract.

But even so, Peng Tianjie's business was a guaranteed profit this time, which shows how deep this ghost girl's scheming is.

Forget it, little girl, for the sake of helping you break through, I will help you Yiren this time.

Ding Ning murmured to himself, not to mention that he also has the blood of the Peng Clan in his body, just because the Yi Emperor is the reincarnation of the old donkey, he can't really watch the Yi Human Clan be wiped out.

In fact, with the old donkey, the former Yihuang lurking in the dark, Ding Ning never thought that the Yiren would lose. This war was doomed from the very beginning.

It's just that the old donkey is unpredictable, and Ding Ning is not sure what it is planning. However, he still feels that the Wan Yao collar is not as simple as he imagined.

At least at the moment when he summoned the sleeping Pikachu out to exude dragon power, who exuded those tyrannical consciousness from the depths of Wan Yao City? It's still a mystery to this day.

Because after his observation, even the Yiren Patriarch could not possess the terrifying consciousness that could travel thousands of miles away.

In the demon country, after all, it is the power of qi and blood that is cultivated, and it is definitely weak in the cultivation of spiritual consciousness. In this way, the origins of those tyrannical masters of spiritual consciousness seem a bit mysterious.

Ding Ning had some vague guesses, but what happened, he could only find the truth by entering the holy mountain.

Also, Daoguo.

Ding Ning didn't think that those ancient trees that even Qingguo'er handed over under his own threat dared to deceive himself, there should really be Daoguo in the depths of Wan Yao City.

But he tried his best to cover Peng Tianao's words and never got the news of Daoguo. If it wasn't that he really didn't know, or his acting skills were so good that even he could hide it from him.

However, Ding Ning is more inclined to be the former. Peng Tianao's bewildered expression does not seem to be fake, and he guesses that he has never heard of it.

On the contrary, Peng Tianjie may know something, because she has unexplainable doubts.

She actually belonged to the charm technique of the fox charm clan, and as far as he knew, the fox charm clan had become extinct countless years ago. The atavistic bloodline of the Fox Demon Clan, which has a very low chance of appearing, should also be awakened in the descendants of the Fox Clan, not the Kunpeng lineage.

Therefore, Ding Ning suspected that Peng Tianjie had eaten the Dao Fruit of the Humei Clan before he could possess the inherited charm of the Humei Clan. This was one of the reasons why he wanted to obtain Peng Tianjie's first time.


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