Medical Sovereign

One thousand one hundred thirty-two changes

He saw that although the white brilliance was not destroyed under the sky, it became dim and fell to the ground. It was a rhombus-shaped white crystal, which looked quite strange.

I just don't know what it is, but it was not destroyed under the attack of the annihilation talisman. It is definitely a treasure of the same level as the immortal substance. Related to strong power.

And Kong Lei was obviously connected with that white brilliance, and suffered a backlash, and blood spewed out of her mouth, her face turned extremely pale, her footsteps were weak, and she was on the verge of falling.

Ding Ning felt a little distressed, but when he thought about how this girl was ignoring his own life and pretending to kill him, he put aside that distress, with a ruthless look in his eyes.

At the speaker's seat, Kong Mi suddenly stood up, staring greedily at Brother Ren Pi and Tian Mie. As one of the strongest members of the Peacock Clan, he certainly knew what a powerful treasure that white brilliance was, but Ding Ning's saber actually He was able to cut it down without hurting it, and Brother Human Pi even blocked two blows without damage. How could he not be tempted by such a treasure.

"Ahem, sit down, how decent!"

A terrible coercion came suddenly, and the voice of Yiren Patriarch sounded, Kong Mi was startled, quickly put away the greed in his eyes, and smiled embarrassingly: "I was too worried about Kong Lei, so I lost my composure."

The Yiren Patriarch gave him a meaningful look, and withdrew his coercion, as if nothing had happened, but Kong Mi was surprised that his back was drenched in cold sweat, knowing that the Yiren Patriarch had seen through him. His thoughts were warning him that he had to suppress his inner longing forcibly, and sat down expressionlessly, but he was secretly thinking about how to steal Ding Ning's treasure from the eyes of Yiren Patriarch.

"give me back!"

Seeing that Ding Ning jumped up like a swift cheetah and took the white crystal away, Kong Lei was shocked and shouted sharply.

"You said you would pay you back? This is my trophy."

Ding Ning's eyes were sharp, and he said without a trace of warmth, Kong Lei's unfeeling has made him realize the reality clearly, and pity is also dependent on others, if he is soft-hearted to her, he will be the one who is unlucky.

Seeing Ding Ning's determined gaze, Kong Lei knew that he had made up his mind and would no longer care about the old love, so she anxiously transmitted voice: "You idiot, I just want to defeat you, not kill you, otherwise I will directly use five colors Shen Guang, you have long been wiped out."

"That's enough. If I didn't have some protective treasures, I would have been killed by you at this moment. Now that you say you don't want to kill me, do you think I will believe it?"

Ding Ning said in a ruthless voice transmission.

"Hmph, if you can't even resist an attack of my level, it can only be said that you are not worthy to be my Kong Lei's man. If you die, you will die. If you can resist it, it means that you are qualified to be my man. This is a world where the strong are respected, my Kong Lei's man must be the strongest in the world, what's wrong with me?"

Kong Lei's face was frosty, and she spoke coldly.

The corner of Ding Ning's mouth grinned, revealing a hint of sarcasm: "Sorry, you think too highly of yourself. I'm not number one in the world, so I'll put you up too."

"I may not be my man if I get on, if I don't think you have potential, I won't give you any chance at all, and I will kill you as soon as I get on, now, return my golden spirit to me, what can I do?" Nothing happened, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Kong Lei frowned slightly and said coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense,

Use whatever skills you have, I want to see how powerful you are, a conceited bitch! "

Ding Ning said impatiently, he had secretly prepared himself, even if he had to fight to the death today, he had to make this woman realize her mistake.

"Since you don't know how to praise, don't blame me for killing you. If you kill you, the golden spirit will still be mine."

Since Kong Lei grew up, few people disobeyed her, she developed a conceited temperament, and she was patient enough to treat Ding Ning, but now, her patience has reached the limit, her face is livid, and she spews out two green and red sprays from her mouth. Dao Guanghua.

Ding Ning murmured to himself, the white one is the golden spirit, but the blue one is the wood spirit? The red one is Fire Spirit?

But at this moment, he didn't have time to think about it. When the two brilliance of green and red are superimposed, the power is not as simple as one plus one equals two. Putting on the human skin brother, Buddha Wugui activated instantly, his whole body glowed with golden light, one after another glazed diamond talismans were slapped on his body for free, and in a blink of an eye his whole body was densely covered with defensive talismans. Red brilliance.

But the lesson of the white brilliance is there, how could Kong Lei sit back and watch the red brilliance being hit by the sky, suddenly flickered in the flash, and disappeared without a trace as if melting into the void, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of Ding Ning, fiercely hit him


The green and red brilliance hit Ding Ning one after another, the glass talisman shattered, and the golden body of the Buddha without regrets also shattered. If there was no human Pi Ge protecting him, this blow would be enough to send him to see the King of Hades.

But even so, his body was cracked by the terrifying impact force, and his whole body flew into the air like a rag bag, and he began to vomit blood.

"Give me back the golden spirit, for the sake of past love, surrender to me, and I will spare your life."

Kong Lei looked down at Ding Ning like a proud peacock, her cold eyes were full of ruthlessness, and only the sound transmission echoed in Ding Ning.

Ding Ning struggled to get up, his flesh color recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, his mouth parted to reveal a mouthful of bloody teeth, and he smiled extremely ferociously, "Stinky bitch, let me surrender, let me live your big spring and autumn dream Come on, the young master is not dead yet, come on, continue."

"Stubbornly obsessed, since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being ruthless, go die!"

The cyan-red brilliance came straight to Ding Ning again like a shooting star. With terrifying coercion, Ding Ning's newly repaired skin began to crack again.

"The power of law!"

Ding Ning murmured in a low voice, he was sure that the bluish-red brilliance was wood spirits and fire spirits, but the level obviously surpassed the power of the rules, and definitely reached the level of the rules. To him, such things were also full of A gem of seduction.

Kong Lei was able to refine the spirit treasure that contained the power of law. In time, she could comprehend the law and achieve ecstasy. Not eye-catching.

Ding Ning knew that he couldn't resist this attack at all. The power of the shock alone could kill him. This was also because Kong Lei's cultivation level was not enough, and she couldn't completely control these spiritual creatures that contained the power of law. Taking advantage of its indestructible characteristics gave him a glimmer of life.


Ding Ning's eyes were round, and he was holding a knife in both hands. For the first time, he tried to invoke the knife intent drawn from Xiahou's body.

The berserk sword intent, with a domineering aura of supremacy, transformed into a bright sword light several feet long, and slashed towards the red brilliance.



Although Kong Lei sensed something was wrong and wanted to change Hong Guanghua's route in time, but this ray of saber intent was too strong, as if it made time stand still, causing Hong Guanghua to pause slightly, and the blade light successfully cut Red Guanghua It's just that the saber intent dissipated.

But the crisis was not resolved, and the cyan brilliance was still unstoppable, with an unstoppable terrifying aura, it rushed towards Ding Ning brazenly.

At this critical moment, it seemed as if the heavens and the earth had just opened, and it seemed that the light had descended into the world. A gorgeous, dreamlike, colorful light suddenly burst out from the sky, and with a light touch, the cyan color Guanghua was like a lowly courtier meeting a high-ranking emperor, trembling...falling, as if he was kneeling down to express his submission to the king.

The seven-color light flashed away and returned to the sky once again. Since Ding Ning did not activate the annihilation charm, the blue-red brilliance was still dazzling.

But no matter how Kong Lei summoned, Qinghong Guanghua trembled slightly as if frightened, and did not listen to her command at all.

Ding Ning's heart moved, he stretched out his hand to grab it without hesitation, and put it into the water space with lightning speed, fearing that they would make trouble in it, he also put away Tian Mie and let out a streamer.

Sure enough, as he expected, when the streamer appeared, Qinghong surrendered, and even the dim golden spirit seemed to kneel down to worship the king, his body trembled slightly, expressing his submission.

" return my wood spirit and fire spirit!"

Kong Lei was going crazy, she shouted hoarsely with red eyes.

Since she refined the spirits of the five elements, she has never lost control, but she never thought that she would lose the three spirits directly this time, how could she accept it.

"How old are you? If you say you want to pay it back, do you want to pay it back? What else can you do? Just use it."

Ding Ning finally gained confidence, leaning towards Kong Lei who was out of breath, and said coldly.

"I fight with you!"

A black brilliance and a yellow brilliance suddenly appeared, but unlike before, these two brilliance did not leave Kong Lei's body, but formed two lightsabers, one black and one yellow, in her hands, facing towards Ding Ning chopped off his head.

Ding Ning only felt the strong compression of the heaven and earth energy around his body, making his breathing suffocated, his chest felt so congested that he felt like vomiting, and even the blood in his body was rushing wildly, making his whole body's breath disordered, and he even moved I couldn't move, I could only watch the two lightsabers chopping down in horror!

No, I am unwilling, how can I die here like this? Still died at the hands of this woman.

Ding Ning roared hysterically and crazily in his heart, his eyes were red with intense unwillingness, he entered the second personality in an instant and at the same time he succeeded in becoming possessed, his eyes turned cold and scarlet, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

Kong Lei's heart trembled. This kind of look is really terrifying. What kind of man is this? How could there be such a terrible look in his eyes.

However, as the arrogance of the Peacock Clan, her will is extremely strong. No matter how terrifying Ding Ning's eyes are, it is impossible for her to change her mind. Ding Ning must die.

The lightsaber blatantly slashed down, but just when the ancestor Yiren was moved and was about to make a move, something happened suddenly.

A door covering the sky and the sun quietly emerged, the terrifying aura made the entire time and space stand still, and the noisy voices also disappeared.

Ding Ning watched in horror as the black and yellow swords were only half a foot away from his head but hovered there. Kong Lei still kept the movement of slashing and stood still there, with fear, fierceness, firmness, ruthlessness and a hint of fear in her eyes. The complex emotions of nostalgia are mixed together and clearly visible.

On the speaker's seat, Yiren Patriarch had already stood up half of his body, and was about to rescue him at any moment. Kong Mi and the others were also slightly bent, full of energy, and their eyes showed determination. They were also ready to stop them. Even if he knew he was invincible, he still had to stop Yiren Patriarch for a moment to buy time for Kong Lei to kill him.

It's just that at this moment, including the hundreds of thousands of spectators in the audience, they are all still there, as if time has stopped flowing and entered a static state.

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