Medical Sovereign

One thousand one hundred and thirty nine God of War

Kong Lei's eyes were wide open, and she waved the flag without hesitation, conveying the flag language and Ding Ning's order.


The commanders of various races who have been training for more than half a month have been staring at the battle flag. Seeing that the battle flag issued an order, they immediately started to take action step by step.

There were 100,000 Hedgehog warriors, although they were uneasy, but under the stern voice of the commander, they quickly came out, and according to what they had learned during training, they lined up in a well-arranged battle formation, divided into two rows, front and back, and hid in the Behind the mad cow warrior who was carrying a shield at the front.

The 50,000 Hog Clan fighters also quickly took their positions, getting ready behind the Hedgehog Clan.


The ground was trembling violently, and the vanguard army of Wan Yao City marched forward indomitably, raising dust all over the sky, like ghosts and ghosts, making people feel palpitating, getting closer, getting closer.

The powerful oppressive force made the timid Hedgehog warriors tremble with fear, and some timid ones even trembled and wanted to escape. After dozens of people were beheaded by the supervising army, they managed to calm down.

Han Siji narrowed his eyes, looked at the winged human army in puzzlement, and asked strangely, "What are they doing?"

"Who knows, maybe he's too timid to fight?"

The adjutant next to him laughed loudly.

"Yeah, a bunch of useless people who dare to contend with our army of the Ten Thousand Monster City, this battle will surely be won!"

"The Winged Terran Alliance is a group of cowards, haha, they even tried to use mad bull fighters to withstand the impact of my forward army. Are they going to be cannon fodder?"

"The mob is vulnerable!"


The senior officers of Wan Yao City laughed unscrupulously, but Han Siji frowned tightly, feeling a faint sense of uneasiness, but he couldn't tell where the uneasiness was.

"Everyone on position, pre-ready, launch!"

Ding Ning's voice suddenly followed the waving of the battle flag, and it was clearly in everyone's ears. It seemed to have a reassuring magic power, which brought back the lost courage of the hedgehog warriors, and his expression became calm. There was nothing he could do about it. , the commanders of the hedgehog tribe were all frightened, their legs were trembling all the time, how could they bother to look at the battle flag!

Following Ding Ning's command, when the word "launch" came out, the mad cow warriors quickly spread out to both sides, revealing the highly concentrated Hedgehog warriors who were almost on the verge of collapse. As if relieved, he crazily displayed his innate supernatural powers, sharp spikes came out of his body one by one, turned into a rain of arrows, and crazily shot at the vanguard army of Wan Yao City, which was only 300 meters away.

It's a pity that too many hedgehog warriors were too nervous, causing countless spikes to deviate from the direction, not accurate, and the lethality was not maximized.

But even so, the vanguard army of Wan Yao City was full of screams and fell into a panic. The momentum of the rainbow was suddenly suffocated. slow down.

Han Siji's complexion changed drastically. Those officers who were talking nonsense and mocking the Wingman Alliance army seemed to be choking ducks, and their voices stopped abruptly. They watched this scene in disbelief. You know, the hedgehog clan is the lowest among the monster clan. Such small races have never been taken seriously by them.

But what do they see now, such a weak race has caused almost one-third of the losses to 100,000 forwards, how can they accept this?


Ready - launch! "

Ding Ning was a little depressed. The situation he was most worried about happened. The supernatural power of the hedgehog tribe is to shoot all the arrows, which can instantly shoot out all the spikes on the body. It is a pity that the hedgehog tribe is a small race, and they are naturally timid. Having experienced the baptism of war, their first wave of attacks fell far short of his expectations.

But this does not prevent him from unswervingly implementing his own strategy. The effectiveness of the first round of attack has obviously boosted the confidence of the hedgehog clan. After devouring the Qi and Blood Pill that Ding Ning had distributed in advance, sharp thorns slowly grew out of his bare body as the strong energy of Qi and Blood pervaded. Feeling the envious eyes of the allied forces looking at them, his face suddenly overflowed with blood. A look of pride.

The hedgehog warriors in the second row saw that their compatriots had achieved great results, and their hearts of fear were thrown out of the sky. Following Ding Ning's command, they fired their spikes without hesitation, turning into a rain of arrows .

This round of attack was much more precise than the first round. The 100,000 vanguard army of Wan Yao City was already terrified. When they saw the deadly rain of arrows coming, they immediately ran away with their heads in their hands, crowded and trampled. It was a mess in an instant, less than 30,000 horses were killed by this round of arrow rain, but more than 20,000 were trampled to death by themselves.

More than half of the 100,000 vanguard army was removed in an instant, and the remaining 40,000-odd army was terrified. There was no morale to speak of.

"Spear Thrower, Throw!"

Ding Ning snapped at the moment and ordered again.

Whoosh whoosh!

The weak hedgehogs have achieved such impressive results. How could the porcupines who are much stronger than them show weakness? Their respective targets frantically threw away.

It has to be said that the spears of the porcupine clan are much more accurate than the arrow rain of the hedgehog clan, and their strength is also countless times stronger. One by one, the enemy soldiers were nailed to the ground, making screams of ghosts and wolves. More than 40,000 remnants were instantly crushed. They were all wiped out, only thousands of soldiers escaped with their lives, and fled in haste like bereaved dogs.

"Invincible is invincible!"

Two rounds of arrow rain and one round of spear throwing nearly wiped out the 100,000 vanguard army of Wan Yao City. The entire winged human army cheered and waved their weapons, their morale was like a rainbow, and they shot straight into the sky.

Every soldier unconsciously looked at the golden armored figure riding on the red monster, his eyes full of fanatical admiration!

Although everyone knows that the vanguard army sent by Wan Yao City is just like cannon fodder, but the winged human camp did not lose a single soldier. It just used the same cannon fodder and almost wiped out the opponent's 100,000 army , this has to be said to be a miracle.

And the creator of this miracle is the Da Dutong who has always been calm and calm.

I don't know who was the first to shout: "God of War, God of War, God of War, God of War!"

Then came the second...the third...the countless ones. In the end, the name of the God of War echoed over the entire battlefield.

Feeling the fanatical gaze of the soldiers under his command, Ding Ning scratched his head in embarrassment, giggled twice, God of War? I like this name!

Kong Lei pursed her lips and smiled, her beautiful eyes sparkled. This guy is still shy, but he looks really cute when he is shy.

The commander of the Hedgehog Clan was so frightened that she forgot to read the semaphore, and her heart fell to the bottom, thinking that something big was going to happen this time.

But he never thought that Ding Ning could spread his voice thousands of miles away, making his voice clearly echo in everyone's ears, and finally turned the tide and achieved impressive results. This kind of ability is not something that can be achieved with a high level of cultivation. It must be mastered It can only be done with some kind of sonic combat skills, which makes someone's image even taller and more mysterious in the eyes of the tsundere girl.

Ding Ning didn't think too much about it. He didn't know the sonic combat technique, but he learned the ultrasonic echo technique from the communication with the Bat King, and it was very easy to send instructions to millions of fighters.

"Prepare the second battle plan!"

Ding Ning was not overjoyed by being called the god of war, and ordered calmly and calmly.


When Kong Lei heard this, she immediately turned serious, and waved her flag to issue orders.

It may be that seeing the impressive achievements of the fighting method that has always been questioned, or it may be that Ding Ning's reputation has risen. The proud fighters of all ethnic groups are convinced by Ding Ning at this moment, and carry out his orders without hesitation.

Ding Ning glanced at Kong Lei in surprise. Although this little girl's attitude towards him has warmed up because she took back the spirit of the five elements, she never showed the respect she should have for him, and would occasionally follow him. He has a bad temper, but at this moment, she said yes, which seemed to mean that she had treated him as a real boss.

Hehe, it seems that there is no need to sign a master-servant contract. Sooner or later, this tsundere little girl will fall under my brother's crotch and sing conquest. Hey, my brother is so charming.

Ding Ning thought happily, his eyes began to become unserious again, and he glanced back and forth on Kong Lei's towering chest.

In the past month, the little girl Peng Tianjie alone could not make him enjoy himself to his heart's content. He missed Kong Lei not once or twice, but when he thought of this girl's unyielding spirit, his heart became hot .

As for Bai Xun'er, it's not that he doesn't want to move, and it's not that she doesn't want to give it, but that she is refining petrified eyeballs and piercing eyeballs recently. During the refining period, it is strictly forbidden to have sex with men and women, so he can only look at the ocean and sigh, bitterly torment!

Kong Lei noticed his fiery eyes, flustered her long eyelashes, and her pretty face was flushed like a morning glow, she turned her head shyly, but she was secretly happy in her heart.

It was her first taste of men and women, why didn't she want to, every night, tossing and turning, sleepless alone, his figure would involuntarily appear in her mind.

It's just that she is Peng Tianao's fiancée after all. Although the engagement has been terminated peacefully, if she and Ding Ning are together in an open manner at this time, it will definitely be unacceptable to both the Yiren and Peacock tribes. I don't know what will happen. What an uproar.

Therefore, Kong Lei could only forcefully suppress the restlessness in her heart. She knew that she had him in her heart, and she believed that Ding Ning also had her in her heart, but this feeling could only be buried deep in her heart and must not be made public.

It's a big deal, wait until there is a chance to have a secret tryst with him, even if you can't marry him in a fair manner, it's still good to be his lover.

Kong Lei thought shyly, she never thought that the day would come when she, who was so proud and arrogant, would be reduced to be willing to be a lover.

She has always been a person who likes to be stimulated, the more sneaky she feels, the more exciting and exciting she feels.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Seeing that she hadn't spoken for a long time, Ding Ning couldn't help but ask strangely, her face was pink and she looked like a nympho.

"Uh, nothing..."

Kong Lei was ashamed, met Ding Ning's suspicious eyes, and changed the topic in a panic: "Will Yao City lose nearly 100,000 troops, will it withdraw?"


The corner of Ding Ning's mouth curled up with a confident arc, and he said with certainty: "Today is the first battle between the two armies. Han Siji tried his best to show off. The vanguard army was wiped out by us. If we don't get back this place, he It will never let it go.”

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